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Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect. Executive Order 54. OFFICES of HEALTH & SAFETY and HUMAN RESOURCES Inspiring Innovation. Learn more at: www.uwstout.edu/hs/index.cfm & www.uwstout.edu/hr/index.cfm. Executive Order #54.
Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect Executive Order 54 OFFICES of HEALTH & SAFETY and HUMAN RESOURCESInspiring Innovation. Learn more at: www.uwstout.edu/hs/index.cfm &www.uwstout.edu/hr/index.cfm
Executive Order #54 Executive Order 54 states that UWS employees must make a report of child abuse or neglect if, in the course of employment, a UWS employee observes an incident or threat of child abuse or neglect, or learns of an incident of child abuse or neglect, and the employee has reasonable cause to believe that child abuse or neglect has occurred or will occur. A report must be made personally or by telephone to the county department of social services or the county department of human services, or to law enforcement. OFFICES of HEALTH & SAFETY and HUMAN RESOURCESInspiring Innovation. Learn more at: www.uwstout.edu/hs/index.cfm andwww.uwstout.edu/hr/index.cfm
Executive Order #54 (cont.) Requires UWS employees who are mandatory reporters under Wis. Stat. § 48.981(2)(a) to comply with requirements of state mandatory reporter law. What professions are mandatory reporters under state law? Answer: At UW-Stout, the following staff were already mandatory reporters before Exec. Order 54 was issued: • Police • Medical providers at Student Health • Teachers at the Child & Family Study Center, or in daycare, pre-K or K-12 environments • Counselors/Psychologists • OFFICES of HEALTH & SAFETY and HUMAN RESOURCESInspiring Innovation. Learn more at: www.uwstout.edu/hs/index.cfm andwww.uwstout.edu/hr/index.cfm
Definitions • “Child” is a person who is less than 18 years of age. • “Abuse” of a child includes the following categories: • Physical abuse • Sexual abuse • Emotional abuse • Manufacture of Methamphetamine • “Employee” is any UW-Stout employee, including Faculty, Academic Staff, Classified Staff, Limited Term Employees (LTE), Classified Project Staff, Graduate Assistants (GA), student employees (state payroll and work-study). OFFICES of HEALTH & SAFETY and HUMAN RESOURCESInspiring Innovation. Learn more at: www.uwstout.edu/hs/index.cfm andwww.uwstout.edu/hr/index.cfm
Definitions (cont.) • “Contractor” means any individual who is under contract with the university or who is paid through a Payment to Individual (PIR) Report Form. • “Neglect” is failure, refusal or inability on the part of a caregiver, for reasons other than poverty, to provide necessary care, food, clothing, medical or dental care or shelter so as to seriously endanger the physical health of the child. OFFICES of HEALTH & SAFETY and HUMAN RESOURCESInspiring Innovation. Learn more at: www.uwstout.edu/hs/index.cfm andwww.uwstout.edu/hr/index.cfm
How Do I Know When to File a Report? • Obtain only enough information to decide whether a report is needed. • Suspicion is enough. • Child Protective Services or law enforcement will investigate. OFFICES of HEALTH & SAFETY and HUMAN RESOURCESInspiring Innovation. Learn more at: www.uwstout.edu/hs/index.cfm andwww.uwstout.edu/hr/index.cfm
Reporting: Who & When • Who makes the actual report? • Answer: the person who observed the behavior or who learned of the abuse first-hand. • How soon after I receive the information should I make the report? • Answer: immediately. • How do I inform the child and/or parents that I will be filing a report? • Answer: If the abuse involves parents, you do not inform them. If the abuse does not involve parents, consult with UW-StoutHuman Resources, Police, or Dean of Students Office as appropriate, to help with parental notification. OFFICES of HEALTH & SAFETY and HUMAN RESOURCESInspiring Innovation. Learn more at: www.uwstout.edu/hs/index.cfm andwww.uwstout.edu/hr/index.cfm
Who Do I Call? • UW-StoutPolice Department • Contact them by calling 715-232-2222 • Officers are on duty 24x7x365 • Tell the dispatcher that you need to talk to an officer about a juvenile safety concern. The officer on duty may contact you initially in-person – or – by phone. • Dunn County Human Services • 715-232-1116, or if after normal business hours, 715-232-1348 Do NOT report by email ! If the child is in imminent danger, call 9 1 1 Note: If the abuse involves UW-Stout (people or facilities) you must also report the abuse to your supervisor and UW-Stout Police. OFFICES of HEALTH & SAFETY and HUMAN RESOURCESInspiring Innovation. Learn more at: www.uwstout.edu/hs/index.cfm andwww.uwstout.edu/hr/index.cfm
Filing a Report When you file a report, Police will want to know the following: • Information about the child, parents, suspected abuser (names, address, phone number, date of birth) • Specifics of the reported, or observed, abuse or neglect • Any information received from the child Confidentiality: The report information is kept confidential, including identifying information about the University employee doing the reporting OFFICES of HEALTH & SAFETY and HUMAN RESOURCESInspiring Innovation. Learn more at: www.uwstout.edu/hs/index.cfm andwww.uwstout.edu/hr/index.cfm
UW-Stout Resources on Preventing Child Abuse • Health & Safety (includes University Police) (715) 232-1793 or (715) 232-2222 [Police 24 hour #] www.uwstout.edu/hs/index.cfm • Dean of Students (for assistance with Stout students who may be minors, and for parental notification assistance… if applicable)(715) 232-1181 www.uwstout.edu/services/dean/index.cfm OFFICES of HEALTH & SAFETY and HUMAN RESOURCESInspiring Innovation. Learn more at: www.uwstout.edu/hs/index.cfm andwww.uwstout.edu/hr/index.cfm
UW-Stout Resources on Preventing Child Abuse (cont.) • Human Resources (for employment rights and responsibilities, background checks, and training) (715) 232-2149 www.uwstout.edu/hr/index.cfm • Child & Family Study Center (for information on child development and for training assistance on warning signs of abuse) (715) 232-1478 www.uwstout.edu/soe/cfsc/index.cfm OFFICES of HEALTH & SAFETY and HUMAN RESOURCESInspiring Innovation. Learn more at: www.uwstout.edu/hs/index.cfm andwww.uwstout.edu/hr/index.cfm