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Voix active / voix passive During the Renaissance, musicianscouldbe traveling artists –minstrels. Theyplayed music duringfeasts and festivals or couldplay for members of the aristocracywhohiredthem on a weekly basis. As theyhad no fixedabode, theywouldplay portable instruments thatcouldbeeasilycarriedalong. Theywereused to adaptingtheir tunes to the occasion. Some of themwere able to juggle to entertaintheir audiences. Music couldbeplayed by either traveling musicians, or entertainers, or by professionalmusicians. Religioushymns and masses werecomposed by musiciansfrom the Chapel Royal or by the clergy. Popular music wasplayed on many occasions, whetheritbeweddings, feasts or agricultural festival. Music couldalsobeplayed in the streets, by the Waits.
Musicianscouldenjoyvariousstatuses: Most members of the upper classes couldplay an instrument. Musical educationwaswidespread and a social distinction. Musicianscouldbe travelling musicianswouldlive from hand to mouth and had to find patrons whoneeded the service of a musician. Theycouldbehired as Waits and play music on the streets. Theycouldbe clergymen and serve the church as organists. Theycomposed music (hymns, masses, liturgicalpieces) and be part of a choir. Theycouldbe in the service of a wealthy patron and compose bothreligious and secular music to entertain the monarch and his / her courtiers. Theycouldplay music for the stage and be part of a theatre group. The music accompanies the drama and the plot. It emphasizesemotions.
Whileduring the medievalperiod, minstrelsplayed music standing among the guests, Tudor musicianswouldoftenplay in the minstrelgallery, placedabove the reception hall sothattheywereseparatedfrom the guests. Gothic architecture and the changingheight of religious building providedbetteraccoustics and encouraged the development of polyphonic music. The more elaboratedecoration of Gothiccathedral (the flamboyant style) matched the increasingcomplexity of music.