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Reproductive System. P&A. I. Intro. A. Structures 1. testes, ovaries, and external organs A. many accessory organs involved as well: Uterus, fallopian tubes, vas deferens, epididymus B. Function 1. produce sex cells 2. transport sex cells
I. Intro • A. Structures • 1. testes, ovaries, and external organs • A. many accessory organs involved as well: • Uterus, fallopian tubes, vas deferens, epididymus • B. Function • 1. produce sex cells • 2. transport sex cells • 3. produce & secrete hormones which develop and maintain male and female sex characteristics
II. Male Reproductive Organs • A. Main function: to produce sperm • B. Testes • 1. 2 ovoid/oval structures found within cavities called SCROTUM • 2. Each teste is separated into 250 lobules • A. each lobule contains SEMINIFEROUS TUBULES • B. ST contain SPERMATOGENIC CELLS • Def: cells that give rise to sperm
C. spermatogenic cells remain inactive until adolescence when they undergo MEIOSIS • Def: process of cell division that results in ½ the amount of chromosomes than the parent cell • Parent cell = 46 • Sperm cell = 23 to later combine with egg’s 23
C. Male Internal Accessory Organs • 1. Epididymus • S: tightly coiled 6 m. long tube that connects to vas deferens • F: passageway for sperm • 2. Vas Deferens • S: muscular tube 45 cm. long • Passes along testes, through abdominal cavity, end behind urinary bladder • F: passageway for sperm to urethra
3. Seminal Vesicle • S: Saclike structure attached to vas deferens below urinary bladder • F: secrete fluid that allows for correct pH for sperm to live and sugary substance to energize sperm • 4. prostate gland • S: chestnut shaped structure surrounding anterior urethra • F: secrete fluid to help neutralize sperm-cell fluid
5. Semen • S: fluid conveyed through male urethra to the outside of the body via the urethra • 1) made of: • Sperm cells from testes • Fluids from seminal vesicle • Fluids from prostate gland • 2) 2-6 ml are released at one time • 120 million/ml sperm are released
D. Male External Reproductive Organs • 1. scrotum • A. pouch of skin that holds testes • B. Why? • So testes are outside of the body to maintain the correct temperature for sperm to live and grow • Too hot inside the body • 2. penis • A. cylindrical organ that houses urethra • B. conveys urine & semen to outside of body
III. Hormonal Control of male reproductive system • A. follicle stimulating hormone – FSH • 1. FSH – secreted by anterior pituitary gland • 2. stimulate spermatogenic cells to produce sperm • B. Testosterone • 1. secreted by testes • 2. also stimulates spermatogenic cells to produce sperm • 3. secretion is very low until age 13-15
4. Effects: • Increased body hair on chest, arm pits, face, pubic region • Enlargement of larynx • Thicker vocal cords = lower voice • Thicker skin • Increase muscular growth • Broaden shoulders • Narrow waist • Thicker bones • Sperm cells divide and become active
IV. Female reproductive Organs • A. Main Function: to produce eggs • B. Ovaries • 1. 2 ovoid structures located in shallow depression of pelvic wall • 2. s: two regions: • Outer cortex • Inner medulla
3. before birth ovaries form several million PRIMORDIAL FOLLICLES • A. def: cells that develop into eggs by undergoing meiosis • B. only 1 million remain at birth • 400,000 remain at puberty • Fewer than 1,000 are released during female’s lifetime
4. primordial follicles develop and the OOCYTE (egg cell) inside eventually ruptures out and travels to fallopian/uterine tube • Process is call OVULATION • If oocyte isn’t fertilized by sperm it degenerates
V. Female accessory orgrans • A. Uterine/fallopian tubes • S: 10 cm long tubes from ovary to uterus • Wall is full of ciliated simple columnar epithelium • to move egg • F: secrete mucous and move cilia to pass egg along tube
B. uterus • 1. S: inverted pear shaped • Hollow • Muscular • Lower 1/3 called cervix • 3 layered wall • Endometrium: inner layer • Myometrium: middle muscular layer • Perimetrium: outer covering • F: to hold growing fetus
C. Vagina • 1.S: 9 cm long tube from uterus to outside • F: • Conveys uterine secretions to outside • Receives penis during sexual intercouse • Transports child during birth
D. labia major • 1. S: flaps of tissue seperated longitudinally by a cleft • 2. F: to enclose and protect other female reproductive organs
VI. Hormonal control of female reproductive system • * release at about 8 yrs old • A. F: • Develop and maintain female sexual characteristics • Maturation of egg cells • Regulate monthly menstrual cycle
B. FSH & Leutinizing Hormone (LH) • 1. secreted by APG • 2. control production of sex hormones and egg cells maturation
C. Estrogen & progesterone • 1. estrogen • A. produced by ovaries • B. controls: • Enlargement of accessory organs • Development of breasts and mammary glands • Increase adipose tissue breasts, thighs, and buttocks • Increase vessels to skin
2. progesterone • A. produced by ovaries • B. controls uterus changes during menstrual cycle • D. Androgens (male hormones) • 1. cause female at puberty to grow hair in arm pits and pubic region • 2. the low concentrations cause females to have narrow shoulders and broad hips
VII. FEMALE MENSTRUAL CYCLE • A. DEF: • 1. approximate 28 -32 day cycle in which regular changes happen to the uterine wall • Usually begins at approx age 13 • Culminates in external bleeding • B. hormone involvement • 1. FSH & LH cause maturation of egg cells • 2. egg cells produce estrogen and progesterone • F: responsible to continuing and maintaining female reproductive system
C. week 1 • 1. increased estrogen causes endometrium to thicken • D. day 11-14 • 1. LH causes follicular wall to rupture and egg released = ovulation • * time when woman is most likely to get pregnant • 2. follicle without the egg becomes the CORPUS LUTEUM • 3. if the egg is not fertilized the CL has no function
E. day 24 • If CL has no function, the uterine blood vessels constrict, decreases O2 to uterus • Therefore, uterine lining disintegrates as blood capillaries release blood • F. Day 28-32 • 1. blood flows out of vaniga • 2. lasts approx 3-5 days • 3. CL and egg are flushed out
viii. Mammary Glands • A. located in subcutaneous tissue of breasts • B. f: secrete milk following pregnancy • C. S: composed of 15-20 lobes with ALVEOLAR DUCTS that lead to the outside