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Transition Readiness. Kiley Whitaker, Scott U’Sellis and Damien Sweeney Office of Career and Technical Education and Student Transition (OCTEST) Chris Williams Office of Standards, Assessment and Accountability (OSAA). Transition Readiness.
Transition Readiness Kiley Whitaker, Scott U’Sellis and Damien Sweeney Office of Career and Technical Education and Student Transition (OCTEST) Chris Williams Office of Standards, Assessment and Accountability (OSAA)
Transition Readiness • Transition Readiness is the attainment of the necessary knowledge, skills, and dispositions for a student to successfully transition to the next level of his or her educational career. • Transition Readiness will be reported at the high school. • All students with a G-Code in Infinite Campus (IC) are included in Transition Readiness and are accountable based on the 100 day rule. KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
High School To be considered transition ready a student must: • Meet one type of readiness (Academic or Career). • In addition, students who have received English Language services during high school must meet criteria for English Language Proficiency. KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
Transition Readiness Chart KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
Academic Readiness Transition Readiness KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
Academic Readiness Benchmarks, determined by Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE) on a college admissions exam or college placement examination; OR A grade of C or higher in each course on 6 hours of KDE-approved dual credit OR A score of 3+ on exams in 2 Advanced Placement (AP) courses; OR A score of 5+ on 2 exams for International Baccalaureate (IB) courses; OR Benchmarks on 2 or more Cambridge Advanced International (CAM) examinations; OR Completing a combination of academic readiness indicators listed above. Demonstration of academic readiness shall include one quantitative reasoning or natural sciences, and one written or oral communication, or visual and performing arts; or humanities or social and behavioral sciences learning outcomes. KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
Academic Readiness (Buckets) 1 Quantitative Reasoning or Natural Sciences 1 Written or Oral Communications, Visual Arts and Performing Arts, or Social and Behavioral Sciences And Within each bucket, students may choose to demonstrate readiness through • Benchmark(s) on a college admissions exam or college placement approved by CPE • or*, Approved dual credit coursework and scoring a C or higher • or*, AP Exam Score of 3+ • or*, IB Exam Score of 5+ • or*, benchmark of e on a CAI exam *Students are permitted to complete a combination of academic readiness indicators. KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
Some Scenarios for Meeting Academic Transition Readiness KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
College Readiness Indicators – (2018-2019)Resource KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
Transition Readiness in the 5-Star Rating Transitions Readiness will be included in the index used to identify schools for Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI), Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI), Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI) and the 5-Star Rating for State Accountability KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
Accountability- 5-Star Rating KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
2018 Accountability Summary Data spreadsheet in Open House KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
Example Calculation-Transition Readiness Rate Without Bonus Based on the students who graduate: Number of transition ready students + Number of EL students who reached EL proficiency in HS Total number of graduates + Number of students who have received EL services in HS 129 (Column O- Readiness Count) + 0 (Column N- English Learners (EL) Attainment) = 129 197 (Column H- Graduates plus EL Count) = 197 129/197= 65.5 (Column P- Transition Readiness Rate Without Bonus) KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
Calculation- Transition Readiness Indicator 129 (Column O- Readiness Count) + 0 (Column N- English Learners (EL) Attainment) = 129 197 (Column H- Graduates plus EL Count) = 197 129/197= 65.5 (Column P- Transition Readiness Rate Without Bonus) 11 (Column Q- Bonus Count) 4 (= 2.75) 2.75 + 129 = 131.75(O+N) 131.75/197 (H) = 66.9 (Column G-Transition Readiness Indicator-rounded to one decimal place in the calculation) KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
Moving into 2019-2020Considerations and Resources Transition Readiness KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
College Readiness Indicators – (2019-2020)Resource KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
Academic Readiness Resources The ACT KYOTE Accountability at a Glance Transition Readiness Website Accelerating Learning Dual Credit AP IB CAI KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
Screenshot of the Transition Readiness Website KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
Dual Credit-Questions to Consider When Getting Started • What is the trajectory of your students and how does the dual credit class fit with their Individual Learning Plan and postsecondary plan(s)? • KY Stats • What career pathways do you offer? • Are my career pathways aligned to the industry needs in my community and/or region? • What dual credit classes can be embedded in your Career and Technical Education (CTE) curricula? • What general education classes will help your students succeed? KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
Dual Credit-Questions to Consider When Getting Started (Continued) • Have you considered admissions requirements? • What systems do you need to put in place? • What are your school’s dual credit goals? • How will I know if our program is successful? • What do we have the capacity to offer in-house? • Which teachers can we get credentialed to teach dual credit? • What partnerships/relationships are necessary? • Do you have a dual credit coordinator? • What is ideal logistically? KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
Dual Credit Approved dual credit coursework has been outlined in Transition Readiness--Academic Readiness: KDE Approved Dual Credit Guidance Document. KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
AP, CAI, DC and IB Transition Readiness Courses-Academic/Career Readiness KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
Contacts For Academic Readiness • The ACT • dacinfo@education.ky.govor (502) 564-4394 • KYOTE • Paul Eakin or (859) 257-6798 • Steve Newman or (859) 572-5332 • Dual Credit, AP, IB and CAI • Scott U’Sellisor (502) 564-4286 KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
Career Readiness Transition Readiness KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
Career Readiness • Benchmarks on Industry Certifications (Approved by the Kentucky Workforce Innovation Board (KWIB) on an annual basis); OR • Scoring at or above the benchmark on the Career and Technical Education (CTE) End-of-Program Assessment for articulated credit; OR • A grade of Cor higher in each course on 6 or more hours of KDE-approved Career and Technical Education (CTE) dual credit OR • Completing a KDE/Labor Cabinet-approved apprenticeship; OR • Completing a KDE-approved alternate process to verify exceptional work experience. KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
Screenshot of CTE and Student Transition Website KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
Career Readiness (Industry Certifications) Industry Certifications – Kentucky has a clearly defined process to ensure industry-recognized credentials are practical, relevant and that they align with career pathways. The valid industry certification list is based on information provided by local workforce investment boards (WIBs), reviewed by multiple business and industry groups, presented to the Kentucky Workforce Innovation Board (KWIB) Business and Education Alignment Committee and approved by the KWIB. KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
Industry Certifications • Must be entered in TEDS the year taken • The year it is entered in TEDS determines which list is used for validity • Some are stacks of certifications • Perkins funding can only be used for concentrators • “No Pathway-99.9999.00” can be used in rare cases when the student is not in a pathway • Industry Certifications marked High Demand award a bonus 0.25 points in Transition Readiness KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
Career Readiness (CTE End-of Program Assessment-CTE EOP) Career and Technical Education End-of-Program Assessment for Articulated Credit (formerly known as KOSSA) – In order to ensure that career and technical education students have acquired the skills necessary for successful transition from high school to postsecondary studies or the workforce, Kentucky has initiated a Skill Standards, Assessment, and Certification System. This system is based upon clear and concise standards identified by employers across the state which culminates in a performance based training and assessment system. KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
CTE EOP • Must have a statewide articulation agreement (local agreements are not used) • 16-17, 17-18, and 18-19 are all slightly different • The 19-20 list is the same as 18-19 KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
Career Readiness (Apprenticeship) KDE/Labor Cabinet-Approved Apprenticeship (TRACK - Tech Ready Apprentices for Careers in Kentucky) – Students enrolled in a TRACK Pre-Apprenticeship or Youth Apprenticeship who receive the TRACK certificate will be identified as career ready. KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
Apprenticeship • KDE enters all TRACK certificates • Paperwork and requirements must be met in order to earn the certificate • Certificates are earned when names are submitted to the Labor Cabinet for Registered Apprenticeship KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
Career Readiness (Dual Credit) Dual Credit – Students who score a grade of Cor higher in two KDE-approved CTE dual credit courses will be identified as career ready. Approved dual credit for CTE must be taken within a single KDE-approved secondary CTE program area in which the student is enrolled and must align to the CTE course standards. KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
Career Readiness Dual Credit Continued • 2 High School Credits in a single program area (i.e. Agriculture) • Course codes must be valid in an approved pathway • Pathway modifications can be requested for additional dual credit courses • Data is pulled from the Infinite Campus official student transcript KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
Career Readiness (Exceptional Work Experience-EWE) KDE-approved Exceptional Work Experience – Exceptional Work Experience is approved when a secondary student proves extraordinary recognition, achievements, growth and essential skills through a work experience beyond traditional work-based learning by demonstrating superior knowledge, exposure, and/or skills that are aligned with a valid industry-recognized certification or CTE End-of-Program Assessment (formerly known as KOSSA) in the same area as the work experience. KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
EWE a. Document completion of 500 hours of experience within a single career field. Hours must be completed between the time of entering the 9th grade and graduating high school and may include hours worked in the summer. b. Demonstrate growth over the course of the experience by assuming additional responsibilities on the job. c. Provide evidence of an individualized professional achievement or recognition. d. Provide a minimum of two professional references. This should include one letter from the employer and one from another person (e.g., principal, counselor, or customer). e. Provide credible evidence of ability to collaborate, adapt to change, communicate, think critically, and demonstration of foundational academic skills (Essential Workplace Ethics). f. Provide documentation of alignment of work experience to the standards contained in the relevant industry-recognized certification (as defined by the KWIB) or CTE End-of-Program Assessment. Note: ARC’s may determine alternative requirements for the Exceptional Work Experience for students with IEPs. Alternative requirements are intended for students whose disability prevents them from meeting the requirements specified above. ARCs have the responsibility of making individual determinations for students that would require a differentiated approach to exceptional work experience. The differentiated path shall be prescribed in the student’s IEP. ARCs shall make individual student determinations and may implement exceptions or modifications to any or all of sections a, b, c, e, or f. KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
EWE Form KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
Career Readiness Resources • Industry Certifications • Career and Technical Education End-of-Program Assessment for Articulated Credit (KOSSA) • Career and Technical Dual Credit • KDE/Labor Cabinet-Approved Apprenticeship (TRACK) • KDE-Approved Alternate Process to Verify Exceptional Work Experience KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
Career Readiness Contacts • Industry Certifications, Career and Technical Education Dual CreditScott U’Sellis (502) 564-4286 • CTE End-of-Program Assessment for Articulation Credit CTE EOP Assessment)Sherri Craig (502) 564-4286 • KDE/Labor Cabinet Approved Apprenticeship (Tech Ready Apprentices for Careers in Kentucky-TRACK) Mary Taylor(502) 564-4286 • KDE-Approved Alternate Process to Verify Exceptional Work Experience Kiley Whitaker (502) 564-4286 • Technical Education Database System (TEDS) Claude Christian (502) 564-4286 KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
English Learner Readiness Transition Readiness KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
English Language Readiness • Students who received English language services during their high school career are included. • Must meet criteria for English language proficiency • Current benchmark is an overall composite of 4.5 on ACCESS for ELLs in Tier B/C. • 2016 and prior the overall composite of 5.0 and 4.0 or higher in literacy could still apply • EL students are included in the academic and career readiness in addition to meeting the English Language Readiness KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19
Contact Information • Kiley Whitaker, Scott U’Sellis, Damien Sweeney– Career Readiness Office of Career and Technical Education and Student Transition (502) 564-4286 • Chris Williams – Academic and EL Readiness Office of Standards, Assessment and Accountability (502) 564-4394 KDE:OSAA::cw:OCTEST:kw,ds,su 6/14/19