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Organizational Disabilities Awareness Panel: Creating and Sustaining Workplaces that Support and Embrace the Contributio

Organizational Disabilities Awareness Panel: Creating and Sustaining Workplaces that Support and Embrace the Contributions of people with Disabilities. Our Panelists Education Barbara Bookman – CUNY Government Nicole Suto – NYS Office of Mental Retardation & Developmental Services Corporate

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Organizational Disabilities Awareness Panel: Creating and Sustaining Workplaces that Support and Embrace the Contributio

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  1. Organizational Disabilities Awareness Panel: Creating and Sustaining Workplaces that Support and Embrace the Contributions of people with Disabilities

  2. Our Panelists Education Barbara Bookman – CUNY Government Nicole Suto – NYS Office of Mental Retardation & Developmental Services Corporate Sandra Bushby – Pfizer Armed Services Peter Kim – Veterans Across America

  3. Education Barbara Bookman Director, Program Relations & Training CUNY LEAD PROJECT

  4. Organizational Disability Awareness Creating and sustaining workplaces that support and embrace the contributions of people with disabilities C.A.A.I.D. New York City May 21, 2010

  5. The City University of New York Comprised of Twenty Three Institutions 11 Senior Colleges 6 Community Colleges William E. McCauley Honors College CUNY Graduate School CUNY Graduate School of Journalism CUNY School of Law CUNY School of Professional Studies

  6. CUNY Students are Remarkably Diverse 205 countries of ancestry are represented 25% African-American 25% Hispanic 25% White 15% Asian 243,000 degree/credit students 273,000 continuing & professional education students 3000 Veterans/Reservists and Growing 9000 Students with Disabilities

  7. CUNY: As Employer & Educator Employees All employee disability related issues and accommodations are managed through campus HR offices. Students All student disability related issues and accommodations are managed through campus disability services offices. CUNY developed a unique program for students with disabilities preparing for employment

  8. What is CUNY LEADS? CUNY LEADS is a unique partnership between the City University of New York (CUNY) and Vocational Services for Individuals with Disabilities (VESID), created to provide students with disabilities the skills to make realistic choices that will result in successful career outcomes.

  9. CUNY LEADS is Growing

  10. LEADS Students: Academic Goals

  11. LEADS Students: Career Goals

  12. LEADS Students: Employment Outcomes

  13. CUNY LEADS Success Stories Yaron: Employed in sales Joanne: Presently teaching & pursuing masters degree Suresh: Employed asaccountant Alex: Presently employed attorney

  14. For additional Information: Roberta Adelman Director: Personnel & Administration Roberta.Adelman@mail.cuny.edu 917 751 2615 Barbara Bookman Director, Program Relations & Training Barbara.Bookman@mail.cuny.edu 646 530 2110

  15. Government Nicole Suto Senior Employment Specialist New York State Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities

  16. Improving Engagement, Support and Development of Individuals with Disabilities

  17. Who is OMRDD? The second largest State Agency in NYS 7.5 billion dollar enterprise Enterprise-wide we employee over 100,000 people Provide customized services to over 125,000 customers

  18. Our Mission “We help people with developmental disabilities live richer lives”

  19. How Many People Have Disabilities?

  20. Our Relatives, Our Friends, Our Neighbors • Fastest growing segment of the population: • Between 1990 and 2000, the number of Americans with disabilities increased 25 percent, outpacing any other subgroup of the U.S. population. • About 1 in 5 persons has a disability -- 50 million people with disabilities in the United States • Of the nearly 70 million families in the United States, more than 20 million families have at least one member with a disability. • Largest single minority group in our country

  21. Our Relatives, Our Friends, Our Neighbors • Disability is more prevalent among certain racial and ethnic groups • 24.3% of African Americans have a disability • 24.3% of Native Americans and Alaskan Natives have a disability • 20.9% of Latinos have a disability • 18.3% of Whites have a disability • 16.6% of Asians have a disability Source: U.S. Census Bureau

  22. Participation in our Economy • More than $220 billion in collective spending power – a largely untapped market • Compare to the teen market, with $140 billion in purchasing power • Families, friends, communities, employers, and service providers of people with disabilities further expand the potential market

  23. Participation in the Workforce People with disabilities want to work and be productive members of their communities People with disabilities as a group have a 70% unemployment rate People with disabilities have valuable attributes that they bring to the workplace

  24. Towards better Understanding and Engagement “In the United States, one of the greatest challenges experienced by individuals with disabilities is employment. Research indicates that employer attitudes contribute to this pervasive problem. Specifically, some employers have misperceptions about the abilities of individuals with disabilities and the costs associated with the provision of accommodations. Understandably, employers are concerned with the bottom line." Source:DePaul University Study

  25. The Talent War “There is a war for talent and anyone who intends to win it better realize two things: First, that it is a global war and, second, that if you restrict your search for talent in any way… you will be giving your competitors the edge they need to put you out of business.”William G. Parrett, PresidentDeloitte & Touche

  26. Employing People with Disabilities Among companies in the United States, 471,562 companies (19.1 percent) report employing people with disabilities. Among small companies (employing 5 to 14 people), 10.7 percent report employing people with disabilities, while 22.6 percent of medium-sized companies (employing 15 to 249 employees) and 53.1 percent of large companies (employing 250 or more employees) report employing people with disabilities. Source: United States Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy, 2008

  27. What do People with Disabilities Experience • 27% said they were refused a job interview because of their disability • 31% said they were refused a job because of their disability • 17% said they were given less responsibility than their co-workers • 21% said they were denied a workplace accommodation • 12% said they were paid less than other workers in similar jobs with similar skills • 4% said they were denied health insurance Source: NOD/Harris 2004 Gaps Survey

  28. Qualified Workers with Disabilities Industry reports consistently rate workers with disabilities above average in performance, attendance, and safety Employers say the work ethic of employees with disabilities has a positive effect on the moral and productivity of their colleagues

  29. What Can You Do to Engage and Support? Values and Commitment: Let everyone in the company know of your organization's commitment to a Workforce Strategy that includes employing, advancing, and retaining people with disabilities. Repeat this message often. Remember, workforce diversity includes people with disabilities.

  30. What Can You Do to Engage and Support? Recruitment Process: Let it be known that you are aggressively seeking job candidates with disabilities. Send your vacancy announcements to disability-related organizations and agencies. State on the job announcement your interest in receiving applications from people with disabilities.

  31. What can You Do to Engage and Support? Interview Process: Train your interviewers to screen-in qualified applicants with disabilities. Look at essential functions, qualifications of the individual, and ways to make reasonable accommodations. Don't let the disability become a distraction as qualifications are evaluated. Train your employees on disability myths and misconceptions.

  32. What Can You Do to Engage and Support? Awareness/Sensitivity: Explain to all workers the principle of reasonable accommodations. Train your employees on disability myths and misconceptions.

  33. What Can You Do to Engage and Support? Placement Process: Be sure to test accommodations and adaptations once the person is on the job. Rework them, if needed. Ask the employee with a disability to help guide you in the process.

  34. What Can You Do to Engage and Support? Training : Be sure all training programs--including those leading to upward mobility and career advancement--are accessible to employees with disabilities.

  35. Thank You! For questions or comments contact: The Center for Employment Excellence centerforemploymentexcellence@omr.state.ny.us

  36. Corporate Sandra Bushby Director, Global Women’s Initiative and Employee Network Groups Worldwide Diversity and Inclusion Pfizer Inc

  37. Pfizer CRG Leadership CRG Impact Model: Unleashing Power and Increasing Influence

  38. CRG Impact Model: Increasing Relevance to All Shifting the perceived intention of CRGs helps others see that these groups provide: Services relevant to the organization as a whole–evolving, inclusive, enlightened Just-in-time solutions from groups that are agile and highly responsive 40

  39. Positioning your CRG Our CRG is a business network group supporting all colleagues Our CRG is dedicated to increasing the contribution of all those we represent by eliminating barriers to success Our CRG serves both internal and external constituencies Internal – Advocacy, Support, and Connectivity External – Influence, Alliance, and Collaboration CRG participation is an opportunity for individuals to build Stage III leadership competencies Our CRG benefits the individual, the organization, and the community 41

  40. Unleashing the Power of Colleague Resource Groups (CRGs)Four Steps to Creating Business Impact 42

  41. Outcome Get senior-level buy-in for your plans and initiatives Demonstrate ROI and increase buy-in Engage Pfizer colleagues at all career points/stages in order to meet and exceed expected contributions 43

  42. Achieving Impact: Our Approach Brand ourselves as a strategic partner Ensure our work aligns with the organization’s business needs Increase involvement in CRG initiatives at all career stages—leaders, managers, individual contributors, new-hires Achieve the specific goals of each group 44

  43. Four Stages® CRG Impact Model How to gain support for your initiatives by providing opportunities based on four stages of contribution LEADERSHIPContributing Strategically GUIDANCE Contributing Through Others CONTRIBUTIONContributing Independently NAVIGATIONContributing Dependently Used by permission of Novations Group, Inc. Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 45 Content Provided by Novations Group, Inc. Pfizer Confidential - Not for Distribution

  44. Four Stages® CRG Impact Model Provides a clear language with which to discuss individual and organizational needs and responsibilities Describes what differentiates highly valued vs. less valued programming and initiatives over the course of a CRGs development Provides a paradigm of how a CRG can impact business objectives and whole office engagement 46

  45. Affirm Organizational Goals & CRG Mission Confirm organizational goals Workplace, marketplace, and workforce Be clear about short and long-term, high and low priority goals and objectives Work with sponsors to understand business rationale, SWOT analysis, expected roles of CRGs in supporting the organization 47

  46. Affirm Organizational Goals & CRG Mission • Affirm CRG Mission—link to organizational goals • Connect to workplace, marketplace, and workforce goals • Consider three perspectives: • The Outside Looking In: Step outside the group; what is the brand of the CRG? How do those outside the group see you? • The Inside Looking Out: What is the CRG focusing on? Recruiting members (internally focused) or supporting the recruitment of talent for the organization (more externally focused)? • The Inside Looking In: What value are you providing CRG stakeholders who are currently? Can the group expand its influence and engage other stakeholders? 48

  47. From the Outside Looking In Is your audience clear about your messages and intentions? How relevant will they find your initiative(s)? How will this audience measure your CRGs effectiveness? How willing are your champions? How clear are they about their role? 49

  48. From the Inside Looking Out Do you clearly define who would benefit from your efforts? How can you broaden the audience for your initiatives? Are your efforts designed to reach your audience? What are the metrics that you will use to measure the results of your efforts? Who do you need as champion(s)? 50

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