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Social Sciences Research Report HHS 4M0 & HHG 4M0. Adapted from Alison Harrington-McCabe, Humberview S.S. What is a S.S&H research report?. Reports are used extensively in the Social Sciences as a means of presenting research information.
Social Sciences Research ReportHHS 4M0 & HHG 4M0 Adapted from Alison Harrington-McCabe, Humberview S.S.
What is a S.S&H research report? Reports are used extensively in the Social Sciences as a means of presenting research information. In reports, there is greater emphasis on research and factual information and less emphasis on style than in an essay. Essays explore a topic in a manner that allows somewhat more freedom to the write and a greater opportunity for discussion.
What a research report is not! • not your opinion! • not creative writing! • does not present every little bit of information you can find on a topic! • does not use 1st person! (I, you, me, we..) • not argumentative! • not a patchwork of paraphrases!
What a research report is!! • it emphasizes content, factual information & statistics • has thorough research on a specific topic • emphasis on organization & has a rigid outline • shows strong comparisons and contrasts • has a formal style of writing • uses APA embedded citations & works cited • applies sociological/child development theorist/theory • your objective is to demonstrate your ability to use previous work on the subject, assimilate and present it • an organized and unique report which demonstrates your own understanding of the subject matter.
Meeting Timelines as RequiredDon’t procrastinate….just do it! • Timelines allow for constructive & ongoing feedback to help you enhance your skills • Timelines force you to keep up with your researching progress • Meeting timelines allows an evaluator to fairly and accurately assess your progress and return work in a timely manner. This works to YOUR benefit and helps you achieve your highest grade • Procrastination does not allow you to complete a task to the best of your ability
Academic HonestyDid I do that? or Who me? Academic honesty is a concept that is somewhat difficult to describe, but at the bottom line are integrity and personal character. Plagarising (see your ISU package) is one type of academic dishonesty, but using another’s material is not the only way of being dishonest. Submitting your own work to be evaluated and counted for credit by two different teachers or submitting to one course twice (in the case of upgrading) is also academic dishonesty. Your teacher holds your work in high regard and you must do the same. Be academically honest at all times, produce the best work that you can, and if you’re unsure, ask.
Where do I begin?Help I need somebody…HELP! • Read the ISU package thoroughly & several times. It’s your best reference tool and it keeps the teacher from repeating themselves unnecessarily. • Choose a topic that interests you and will maintain your interest as you’ll be doing a lot of reading! • Brainstorm with anybody who’ll listen to you. • Begin developing your ideas web.
Forming a Research QuestionKnock, knock. Who’s there? The research question creates the structure of your paper. All research should relate back to this question. The research question says what the report is all about. It is the guiding light of your report. It should be no longer than one or two sentences. An example would be: What are the long term effects on a society, an individual and the child when one becomes a parent during the teen years?
Writing a Thesis StatementA what???? • Focuses your research and limits the scope • Gives the researcher a clear direction • Shows cause and effect Thesis formula: The issue is due to _______, _______, and _______. Teen parenting limits future decisions for the individual, creates various strains on society, and directly impacts the environment in which the child grows up.
Phase 1: Research ProposalLet’s play ball!! • Choose a topic! Make sure it interests you! • Create an ideas web • Develop 2 GOOD quality research questions • Formulate 2 EXCELLENT thesis statements • State the parameters/limitations of your research e.g. teen parenting effects are often case specific • Cite 3 sources of valid information
Phase 2:Research Progress CheckWe’ve got this parrrrty started! • Extensive notes on a minimum of7 valid and Canadian sources of information. • A well thought out and formally written introduction that includes your research question and thesis statement. • An application of a theorist paragraph • An appendix listing of related terminology.
Phase 3: Preliminary Literature Review (what the *&$^#@ is that?!) This is the pivotal section of your report and is to be presented in sections and subsections based on the aims of your report. • is 3-4 pages in length (writing one section only) • includes key findings from all sources • integrates research as it directly relates to thesis • shows connections between research • includes A MILLION embedded citations! • Phase 3 is only 1 section and it’s subsections of the Lit. Review; an updated Introduction and updated Works Cited List
A Literature Review:Just the facts m’am, just the facts! • does not offer your opinion or personal comment • does not mean to “cut & paste” sections of other people’s work - that’s PLAGARISM • is not point form notes - must be in paragraph form! • does not include a list of information - goes in Appendix • does not contain the words I, me, you, we! (use words and phrases such as ‘one, society, the majority of…, etc.’ • does not talk about the validity of the sources used • does not include every single source or tidbit of information you have looked at - no matter how great it is!
Phase 4: Final Research ReportThe Final Frontier! What you need to submit: • updated version of the Introduction • Complete Literature Review (3 sections and all subsections) • 2-3 page Discussion section (more on that later) • Summary & Conclusion • Appendix/Appendices • Final version of Works Cited List
The Discussion SectionWhat’s THAT about? This section is the second most important section of your report. Your job is to point out the discrepancies between various sources and suggest reasons as to why this may have occurred. This means that you need to analyze and evaluateyour research. This is where you convince the reader of your intellectual abilities! No new info. please. This is also where you would apply one of the theories or theoretical perspectives taught in class.
Final Check! Section Pages Word Count Title Page 1 Table of Contents 1 Introduction 1-2 250-500 Review of Literature 5-7 1500-2000 Discussion 2-3 500-750 Summary& Conclusion 1-2 250-500 Appendix 1-? Works Cited 1-2
Submission Requirements All students are required to submit their work to www.turnitin.com Students must submit 2 (two) printed copies of their report to their teacher - one of which will NOT be returned. Late reports will not be accepted for evaluation – due dates are absolute.