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Introducing the national organisations’ platform: The missing link in EU engagement!

NGO development in Europe? Activating European Citizenship!. Introducing the national organisations’ platform: The missing link in EU engagement!. The project. National platforms: Missing Link in EU engagement Increasing importance for national platforms and generic networks

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Introducing the national organisations’ platform: The missing link in EU engagement!

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  1. NGO development in Europe? Activating European Citizenship! Introducing the national organisations’ platform: The missing link in EU engagement!

  2. The project National platforms: Missing Link in EU engagement • Increasing importance for national platforms and generic networks • Providing access and reference points to marginalised target groups through member organisations • Providing a national voice for various interest groups • Reflecting broadly the needs of civil society • Lobbying for better conditions in fundraising and non-profit marketing • Bridging „the gap“ between Citizens and EU institutions

  3. The aim of the project Aiming for a new system to develop better dialogue between European institutions and the Citizens • Define the terminology to use • Identify national platforms and networks of generic view, explore potential for joining the European network of national umbrella bodies • Identify European way(s) of civil dialogue

  4. The content of the project How to activate (European) Citizenship? A ‘road map of action’ to involve national umbrellas in promoting active European citizenship and strengthening the future dialogue in the EU with citizens Mapping Discussion of challenges faced by NGO umbrella bodies of general interest today in activating citizenship in Europe Analysing A virtual guide: ‘Making the citizen’s voice better heard!’ establishing principles and a framework for national platforms and networks in the EU of 25+ to promote and strengthen EAC Supporting

  5. Setting the scene Who and what are national platforms? Platforms, fora and meeting places of civil society organisations: informal networking, supplying CSOs opportunities (“laissez-faire”) – listening to the CS voices Gathering CSO: organising, structuring the networking, co-ordinating CSOs and giving CSO a voice Contact points: Taking up and expressingthe needs and unspoken wishes from CSOs, acting as a voice of CS, networking with the different stakeholders

  6. National platforms Focus: differencies or communalities? • Structure of umbrella bodies • Forms and activities • Financing, staff and other resources • Geographical aspects ...

  7. How to activate citizens? • Learning from each other’s strategies! • Highlighting common approaches, using questionnaires and a voting tool • Every country has own history – don’t forget it!

  8. Bridges to civil society • National Members of EU Parliament • ECOSOC • European Economic and Social Committee • Networks of national NGOs • Gathering in the Missing Link project

  9. Starting point • How to find NGOs in other countries? Whom to ask, where to start? • Missing Link identifies national points of reference for cross-sectoral issues • Get an overview and a better understanding of similarities and differences: www.cedag-eu.org www.ngo.at/missinglink

  10. Getting over the EU jargon ... BUT HOW? • New mechanisms to engage with the 454 million citizens • High efforts to listen to citizens • New language is needed to “communicate Europe to the citizens” Commissioner Margot Wallström: Listen to the citizens of the EU!

  11. A new role for NGO networks • Citizens know little about the “EU“ - yet they expect a lot from it • 70% of national legislation is effected by EU-directives and laws • How can NGOs influence EU? • Improve the “dialogue between the EU and citizens” – and get your own individual and networking European Dimension! Euro-Barometer surveys: http://ec.europa.eu/public_opinion

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