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Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management: Accomplishments, priorities and regional perspectives SAICM secretariat briefing via teleconference, CEC SMOC meeting, San Antonio, 1 April 2009. Contents. Introduction to SAICM SAICM Activities and accomplishments
Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management: Accomplishments, priorities and regional perspectives SAICM secretariat briefing via teleconference, CEC SMOC meeting, San Antonio, 1 April 2009
Contents • Introduction to SAICM • SAICM Activities and accomplishments • ICCM2: Key issues and key events • SAICM and the North American region
Introduction to SAICM • A non-binding policy framework adopted by the international community in 2006. • Notable for: • very broad scope; • ambitious goal (the Johannesburg 2020 target); • endorsement at the highest political levels; • emphasis on the sound management of chemicals as a sustainable development issue; • new resource mobilization; • formal endorsement or recognition by IGO governing bodies; • multi-stakeholder and multi-sectoral character.
Activities and accomplishments:The Quick Start Programme • The most specific of the various SAICM financial arrangements. • QSP aims to support initial enabling activities in developing countries, least developed countries, small island developing States and countries with economies in transition. • QSP consists of a trust fund, as well as bilateral, multilateral and other forms of cooperation. • Open to contributions until 2011 and can make disbursement until 2013: Already over $19 million from 21 donors. • Non-trust fund contributions declared by Canada, Japan, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, FAO, ICCA, OECD, UNDP, UNEP, UNIDO, UNITAR, WHO. Valued at over $23 million plus in-kind contributions. • Since May 2006, 6 application rounds have been held and 186 applications received; approval of 74 projects in 73 countries for a total of $14 million.
Activities and accomplishments:Regional meetings • Regional meetings: • Two African meetings (Cairo, 11–14 September 2006; Dar es Salaam, 16 and 17 July 2008) • Three meetings of European Union and JUSSCANNZ countries (Barcelona, 20–22 November 2006; Paris, 12 June 2007; Paris, 12 February 2008) • Two Central and Eastern European meetings (Riga, 4–6 December 2006; Bucharest, 8 and 9 September 2008) • One Asian and Pacific meeting (Bangkok, 21–23 May 2007) • One Latin American and Caribbean meeting (Panama City, 14–16 February 2008) • Additional meetings, including by Arab countries, Pacific island countries, and Caribbean countries 2007 – 2009.
Activities and accomplishments:Preparatory work for ICCM2 • ICCM is the governing body for SAICM and undertakes periodic reviews of implementation. ICCM2 will be held on 11-15 May in Geneva. Future sessions of ICCM will be held in 2012, 2015 and 2020. • Preparatory work for ICCM2: • Open-ended Legal and Technical Working Group (OELTWG) drafted ICCM rules of procedure, Rome, 21-24 October 2008; • Informal discussions on other ICCM2 issues, Rome 23-24 October 2008; • Submissions on emerging issues and financial performance, August 2008; • Further development of papers on emerging issues, January-March 2009.
ICCM2: Key issues • First review of implementation progress. • Completion of SAICM institutional arrangements (ICCM rules of procedure, bureau, subsidiary bodies, reporting). • Addressing emerging issues (nanotechnology, chemicals in articles, lead in paint and electronic waste) and “forging consensus on priorities for cooperative action”. • Considering long-term financing of SAICM. • Future reporting arrangements. • Exchanging scientific and technical information. • Deciding budget and activities for the next inter-sessional period.
ICCM2: Key events • Technical briefings on emerging issues, Sunday 10 May • Plenary sessions to decide ICCM2 outcomes, Monday 11-Friday 15 May • High-level segment on Thursday 14 and Friday 15 May, including formal statements and round tables • Finance: a high-level round table on “Financing sound chemicals management: the way ahead for SAICM implementation”, (Thursday 14 May 2009). • Health: a high-level round table on “Public health, the environment and chemicals management” (Friday 15 May 2009). • Over 25 side events, including ICCA CEOs, CropLife and ICMM, CEC, US Government, European Commission • Exhibition
SAICM and the North American region • Possible development of a SAICM regional implementation plan or adaptation of existing regional planning documents. • Designation of a SAICM focal point. • Sharingregional expertise and tools with other regions. • Using SAICM to promote North American models for use in other regions where appropriate.
Conclusion • SAICM is nearing the end of its initial start-up phase. • The upcoming ICCM2 will provide an opportunity to take stock, adjust, reaffirm and set new directions. Please visit the SAICM web site at: www.saicm.org *** Book your Geneva hotel asap ***