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Who wants to be a Millionaire?

Who wants to be a Millionaire?. Hosted by Nikola, Will, and Logan. Confident?. The Prizes. 8 - $16,000 9 - $32,000 10 - $64,000 11 - $125,000 12 - $250,000 13 - $500,000 14 - $1,000,000. 1 - $100 2 - $200 3 - $500 4 - $1,000 5 - $2,000 6 - $4,000 7 - $8,000.

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Who wants to be a Millionaire?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Who wants to be a Millionaire? Hosted by Nikola, Will, and Logan

  2. Confident?

  3. The Prizes • 8 - $16,000 • 9 - $32,000 • 10 - $64,000 • 11 - $125,000 • 12 - $250,000 • 13 - $500,000 • 14 - $1,000,000 1 - $100 2 - $200 3 - $500 4 - $1,000 5 - $2,000 6 - $4,000 7 - $8,000

  4. Lifelines • “Phone a friend” • Ask the audience

  5. $10,000 Which of these sequences shows the correct progression of the prenatal period in humans? • A – Fetal, Embryonic, Germinal B – Germinal, Embryonic, Fetal • B -Germinal, Embryonic, Fetal • C – Embryonic, Fetal, Germinal • D – Little Baby, Big Baby

  6. $20,000 Which of these specifies the correct direction of motor development according to the cephalocaudal trend? • A – Ear-to-foot B – Foot-to-head • C – Head-to-stomach • D – Head-to-foot • D - Head-to-foot

  7. $30,000 Which of these investigational designs consists of a study of a single group of participants repeatedly over a period of time? • A – Longitudal design • A -Longitudal design B – Latitudal design • C – Cross over design • D – Vertical design

  8. $40,000 What are the three patterns of attachment seen between infants and mothers? • A – Anxious, Secure, Avoidant B – Avoidant, Secure, Anxious • C – Secure, Anxious, Avoidant • C - Secure, Anxious, Avoidant • D – Care Free

  9. $50,000 Whose theory of development involves a different psychosocial crisis during each period of development? • A – Erik Erikson A - Erik Erikson B – Sigmund Freud • C – B. F. Skinner • D – James Watson

  10. $60,000 Which developmental psychologist devised a theory regarding childhood development that primarily dealt with cognitive maturation? • A – Sigmund Freud B – Tom Hanks • C – Jean Piaget C - Jean Piaget • D – Bruce Willis

  11. $70,000 Lawrence Kohlberg’s theory of development, which consists of a preconventional level, a conventional levl, and a postconventionl level, deals with which specific aspect of development? • A – Social Development B – Moral Development B - Moral Development • C – Cognitive Development • D – Personal Development

  12. $80,000 Correlations are formed by analyzing closely related clusters of variable. This is known as… • A – Similarity B – Association • C – Factor Analysis C - Factor Analysis • D – Material Analysis

  13. $90,000 What is the term used to describe an individuals unique assortment of consistent behavioral traits? • A – Attitude B – Feelings • C – Emotions • D – Personality • D - Personality

  14. $100,000 Name the five factors of the five-factor model of personality. • A – Loud, Happy, Sad, Mad, Sleep B – Open-minded, Conscientious, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism B - Open-minded, Conscientious, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism • C – Equal, Depressed, Annoyed, ill, Anxious • D – Angered, Happy, Grumpy, Hungry, Tired

  15. $110,000 According to Freud, what are the three components of the unconscious mind? • A – Me, Myself, I B – You, Inner You, Outer You • C – Id, Ego, Superego • C - Id, Ego, Superego • D – Conscious, Unconscious

  16. $120,000 According to psychoanalytic theory, the ego is governed by… • A – The reality principle A – The reality principle B – The social principal • C – Unconscious desires • D – Wants and needs

  17. $130,000 Who claimed that the unconscious could be divided into a personal unconscious and a collective unconscious? • A – Carl Jung • A – Carl Jung B – Sigmund Freud • C – B. F. Skinner • D – Chuck Norris

  18. $140,000 What is the term for the idea that internal mental events, external environmental events, and overt behavior all influence each other? • A - Determinism B – Double determinism • C – Reciprocal determinism • C – Reciprocal determinism • D – Judgement determinism

  19. $150,000 Name the theorist and theory which state that an organisms responding is influenced by the observation of others who are called models? • A – Albert Bandura, Classical Conditioning B – Albert Bandura, Observational Learning B – Albert Bandura, Observational Learning • C – Sigmund Freud, Observational Learning • D – Skinner, Classical Conditioning

  20. $160,000 What is characterized by circumstances that threaten one’s well-being and thereby tax one’s abilities to cope? • A – Stress • A – Stress B – Anger • C – Depression • D – Loss

  21. $170,000 What are the four major types of stress? • A – School, work, ap tests, bills B – The Police • C – Frustration, conflict, change, pressure • C – Frustration, conflict, change, pressure • D – Anger, sports, gambling, work

  22. $180,000 What do experts often refer to a physiological reaction to threat in which the autonomic nervous system mobilizes the organism for fighting or running away? • A – Fight or flight • A – Fight or flight B – Stay or run • C – Hide or play dead • D – Wimper

  23. $190,000 Who devised the idea of the general adaptation syndrome? • A – Hans Seyle • A – Hans Seyle B – James Watson • C – Baby Albert • D – The pigeon in Skinners Box

  24. $200,000 What term refers to the apparent causation and developmental history of an illness? • A – Ethiopia B – Biology • C – Etiology • C – Etiology • D – Soanology

  25. $210,000 Which disorder can be characterized by a chronic, high level of anxiety that is not tied to a specific threat? • A – Cancer B – Schizophrenia • C – Depression • D – Generalized anxiety disorder • D – Generalized anxiety disorder

  26. $220,000 Hypochondriasis can be characterized as a preoccupation with what? • A – Eating habits B – Social happenings • C – Health concerns • C – Health concerns • D - Stuff

  27. $230,000 Psychoanalysis, client-centered therapy, cognitive therapy, and group therapy are all examples of… • A – Group therapy B – Cognitive therapy • C – Insight therapy • C – Insight therapy • D – Behaviour therapy

  28. $240,000 What therapy is often used to combat phobia through deconditioning and how many steps does it have? • A – Conditioning, 10 B – Conforming to stimulus, 5 • C – Chuck Norris, just 1 kick • D – Systematic desensitization, 3 • D – Systematic desensitization, 3

  29. $250,000 What are the three major groups of drugs used to treat psychological disorders? • A – Anxiety, antipsychotic, antidepressant • A – Anxiety, antipsychotic, antidepressant B – Weak, medium, strong • C – Capsule, Syrup, Shock • D – Chewy candies

  30. $260,000 Which psychological disorder is lithium often used to treat? • A – Schizophrenia B – Cognitive dissonance • C – Bipolar disorder • C – Bipolar disorder • D – Anxiety disorder

  31. $270,000 What is the process of forming impressions of others? • A – Association B – Conformity • C – Judgement • D – Person perception • D – Person perception

  32. $280,000 What has occurred when an observer’s bias is in favor of internal attributions when explaining others behavior? • A – Fundamental Attribution Error • A – Fundamental Attribution Error B – A Misunderstanding • C – Stereotyping • D – Racism

  33. $290,000 What concept involves liking people who show that they like you? • A – Emotions B – Passionate love • C – Reciprocity • C – Reciprocity • D – Knowing like

  34. $300,000 What exists when related cognitions contradict each other? • A – Social dissonance B – Conflict • C – Contrast • D – Cognitive dissonance • D – Cognitive dissonance

  35. $310,000 The notion that the task of psychology is to analyze consciousness into its basic elements and investigate how these elements are related is what? • A – Humanism B – Behaviourism • C – Structuralism • C – Structuralism • D – Babble

  36. $320,000 Who is the German psychologist known as the founder of psychology? • A – B. F. Skinner B – Wilhelm Wundt B – Wilhelm Wundt • C – Albert Einstein • D – Sigmund Freud

  37. $330,000 What method do structuralists use to study the contents of consciousness? • A - Hypnosis B - Therapy • C - Surgery • D - Introspection • D - Introspection

  38. $340,000 John B. Watson studied what? • A - Behaviourism • A - Behaviourism B - Socialism • C - Humanism • D – Cognition

  39. $350,000 Psychoanalytic theory attempts to explain personality and mental disorders by focusing on unconscious determinants of.. • A – Thought B – Cognition • C – Behaviour • C – Behaviour • D – Emotion

  40. $360,000 What is the theoretical orientation that emphasizes the unique qualities of humans, especially their freedom and potential for growth? • A – Behaviourism B – Cognitive approach • C – Humanism • C – Humanism • D – Social psychology

  41. $370,000 What type of psychology refers to mental processes? • A - Behaviourism B - Humanism • C – Social psychology • D - Cognitive • D - Cognitive

  42. $380,000 A branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of psychological problems and disorders.. • A – Psychology B – Psychiatry B – Psychiatry • C – Pharmacist • D – Doctor

  43. $390,000 A research method in which the investigator manipulates a variable under carefully controlled conditions and observe whether any changes occur in a second variable as a result is a(n)- • A – Experiment • A – Experiment B – Study • C – Project • D – Observational study

  44. $400,000 Group in an experiment who don't get treatment is the.. • A – Experimental group B – Plain group • C – Placebo • D – Control group • D – Control group

  45. $410,000 A condition or event that an experiment varies in order to see its impact on another variable is.. • A – Dependant variable B – Independent variable B – Independent variable • C – Control variable • D – Experimental variable

  46. $420,000 Variable that is affected by manipulation of the independant variable is.. • A – Dependant variable • A – Dependant variable B – Independent variable • C – Control variable • D – Experimental variable

  47. $430,000 Group in an experiment that receives some treatment in regard to the independant variable is the.. • A – Control group B – Primary group • C – Experimental group • C – Experimental group • D – Special group

  48. $440,000 Hormones are to endocrine system as _______ are to the nervous system. • A – Senses B – Neurotransmitters B – Neurotransmitters • C – Brain • D – Frontal lobe

  49. $450,000 Alterations in activity at dopamine synapses have been implicated in the development of.. • A – Anxiety disorder B – Personality disorder • C – Schizophrenia • C – Schizophrenia • D – Depression

  50. $460,000 The lobe of the brain used for hearing is.. • A – Frontal lobe B – Left lobe • C – Right lobe • D – Temporal lobe • D – Temporal lobe

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