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a valanche : a great mass of ice, earth, or snow mixed with rocks sliding down a mountain When Jose was skiing, the rocks began to slide down and an avalanche occurred . avalanche : a great amount of something Andrea had an avalanche of food to eat, including pizza and ice cream.
avalanche: a great mass of ice, earth, or snow mixed with rocks sliding down a mountain When Jose was skiing, the rocks began to slide down and anavalanche occurred.
avalanche: a great amount of something Andrea had an avalanche of food to eat, including pizza and ice cream.
blizzard: a heavy snowstorm with strong winds The airport had to close due to the heavy rain and wind that the blizzard caused.
challenge: to invite others to take part in a contest Tom invited Jerry to challenge him in an arm wrestling match.
challenge: to question or to argue against, especially when something is unfair or unjust. Danny wanted to challenge his mother’s decision to let his brother have dessert and not let him.
conquer: to get the better of, to defeat I will conquer my fear of spiders by letting one crawl on my arm.
crevice: a deep, narrow opening caused by a split or crack The earthquake caused several crevices in the ground.
foolhardy: unwisely bold or daring It would be foolhardy to play soccer during a thunderstorm because you could slip and get hurt.
lure: to tempt or attract with the promise of something good Maria lured the puppies to go into the house by letting them sniff dog treats.
lure: artificial bait used for fishing Michael attached the lure so he could trick the fish and catch it.
makeshift: a temporary and usually less strong replacement Monica used a sleeping bag as a makeshift while her grandmother slept in her bed for the weekend.
optimist: one who looks at things in the most positive way Bobby was an optimist because he always had a cheerful personality.
previous: happening before Previousto going to sleep, Brittany brushed her teeth .
route: the path that must be followed to get to a place When Ricardo had a family emergency, he took the shortest route to get home.
summit: the highest part, the top Susan wanted to reach the summit of the mountain so she could win the first place prize.
summit: a conference or meeting of the top leaders of government The summit that was held on Monday had several important people there.
terse: short and to the point The story that Mary wrote was terse because she didn’t have a lot of time to do her writing.
thwart: to block or defeat the plans or efforts of The heavy rain thwarted the swimming at the birthday party.
vertical: running straight up and down, upright The vertical lines on the painting were red, white, and blue stripes.