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Applications of DMRG to Conjugated Polymers S. Ramasesha Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit Indian Institute of Science Bangalore 560 012, India. Collaborators: H.R. Krishnamurthy Swapan Pati Anusooya Pati Kunj Tandon C. Raghu
Applications of DMRG to Conjugated Polymers S. Ramasesha Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit Indian Institute of Science Bangalore 560 012, India Collaborators: H.R. Krishnamurthy Swapan Pati Anusooya Pati Kunj Tandon C. Raghu Z. Shuai J.L. Brédas Funding: DST, India CSIR, India BRNS, India ramasesh@sscu.iisc.ernet.in
Plan of the Talk • Introduction to conjugated polymers • Models for electronic structure • Modifications of DMRG method • Computation of nonlinear optic coefficients • Exciton binding energies • Ordering of low-lying states • Geometry of excited states • Application to phenyl based polymers • Future issues
n Introduction to Conjugated Polymers Contain extended network of unsaturated (sp2 hybridized) Carbon atoms Eg: Poly acetylene (CH)x, poly para phenylene (PPP) poly acene and poly para phenylene vinylene (PPV)
Early Interest • High chemical reactivity • Long wavelength uv absorption • Anisotropic diamagnetism Current Interest • Experimental realization of quasi 1-D system • Organic semiconductors • Fluorescent polymers • Large NLO responses
o = S tij (aiaj+ H.c.) + S ai ni † i <ij> Theoretical Models for -Conjugated Systems Hückel Model: Assumes one orbital at every Carbon site involved in conjugation. Assumes transfer integral only between bonded Carbon sites. tij is resonance / transfer integral between bonded sites and ai, the site energy at site ‘i’.
Hückel model Single band for tight – binding molecules model in Solids Drawbacks of Hückel model: • Gives incorrect ordering of energy levels. • Predicts wrong spin densities and spin-spin correlations. • Fails to reproduce qualitative differences between closely related systems. • Mainly of pedagogical value. Ignores explicit electron-electron interactions.
HFull = Ho + ½ Σ [ij|kl] (EijEkl – djkEil) ijkl Eij = S a†i,saj,s s Interacting p-Electron Models • Explicit electron – electron interactions essential for realistic modeling [ij|kl] = i*(1) j(1) (e2/r12) k*(2) l(2) d3r1d3r2 This model requires further simplification to enable routine solvability.
Zero Differential Overlap (ZDO) Approximation [ij|kl] = i*(1) j(1) (e2/r12) k*(2) l(2) d3r1d3r2 [ij|kl] = [ij|kl]ij kl
Hubbard Model HHub = Ho + Σ Ui ni (ni - 1)/2 i • Hückel model + on-site repulsions [ii|jj] = [ii|jj] ij = Ui • Introduced in 1964. • Good for metals where screening lengths are short. • Half-filled one-band Hubbard model yields • antiferromagnetic spin ½ Heisenberg model • as U / t .
Pariser-Parr-Pople (PPP) Model [ii|jj]parametrized byV( rij ) HPPP = HHub + Σ V(rij) (ni - zi) (nj - zj) i>j • ziare local chemical potentials. • V(rij) parametrized either using • Ohno parametrization: • V(rij) = { [ 2 / ( Ui + Uj ) ]2 + rij2 }-1/2 • Or using Mataga-Nishimoto parametrization: • V(rij) = { [ 2 / ( Ui + Uj ) ] + rij }-1 • PPP model is also a one-parameter (U / t) model.
HPPP = Σ tij (aiσajσ+ H.c.) + Σ(Ui /2)ni(ni-1) + Σ V(rij) (ni - 1) (nj - 1) † <ij>σ i i>j Model Hamiltonian PPP Hamiltonian (1953)
Status of the PPP Model • PPP model widely applied to study excited electronic states in conjugated molecules and polymers. • U for C, N and t variety of C-C and C-N bonds are well established and transferable. • Techniques for exact solution of PPP models with Hilbert spaces of ~106 to 107 states well developed. • Exact solutions are used to provide a check on approximate techniques.
ai † = bi ; ‘i’ on sublattice A ai † = - bi ; ‘i’ on sublattice B Symmetries in the PPP and Hubbard Models Electron-hole symmetry: • When all sites are equivalent, for a bipartite lattice, we have electron-hole or charge conjugation or alternancy symmetry, at half-filling. • Hamiltonian is invariant for the transformation • Polymers also have end-to-end interchange symmetry or inversion symmetry.
Eint. = 0, U, 2U,··· Even e-h space Includes covalent states Ne = N Eint. = 0, U, 2U,··· Dipole operator Eint. = U, 2U,··· Odd e-h space Excludes covalent states E-h symmetry divides the N = Ne space into two spaces, one containing both ‘covalent’ and ‘ionic’ bases, the other containing only ionic bases. Dipole operator connects the two spaces.
Spin symmetries: • Hamiltonian conserves total spin and z – component of total spin. • [H,S2] = 0 ; [H,Sz] = 0 • Exploiting invariance of the total Sz is trivial, but of the total S2 is hard. • When MStot. = 0, H is invariant when all the spins are rotated about the y-axis by p. This operation corresponds to flipping all the spins in the basis – called parity.
Stot. = 0,2,4, ··· Even parity space MS = 0 Stot. = 0,1,2, ··· Stot. =1,3,5, ··· Odd parity space Parity divides the total spin space into spaces of even total spin and odd total spin.
Why do we need symmetrization • Important states in conjugated polymers: Ground state (11A+g); Lowest dipole excited state (11B-u); Lowest triplet state (13B+u); Lowest two-photon state (21A+g) etc. • In unsymmetrized methods, the serial index of desired eigenstate depends upon system size. • In large correlated systems, where only a few low-lying states can be targeted, we could miss important states altogether.
• The site e-h operator, Ji, has the property: • Ji|1> = |4> ; Ji|2> = h|2> ; Ji|3> =h |3> & Ji |4> = - |1> • h = +1 for ‘A’sublattice and –1 for ‘B’ sublattice • The site parity operator, Pi, has the property: • Pi |1> = |1> ; Pi |2> = |3> ; Pi |3> = |2> ; Pi |4> = - |4> Matrix Representation of Site e-h and Site Parity Operators • Fock space of single site: • |1> = |0>; |2> = |>; |3> = |>; & |4> = |>
Matrix representation of system J and P • J of the system is given by • J = J1 J2 J3 ····· JN • P of the system is, similarly, given by • P = P1 P2 P3 ····· PN • The C2operation does not have a site representation The overall electron-hole symmetry and parity matrices can be obtained as direct products of the individual site matrices.
Symmetrized DMRG Procedure • At every iteration, J and P matrices of sub-blocks are renormalized to obtain JL, JR, PL and PR. • From renormalized JL, JR, PL and PR, thesuper block matrices, J and P are constructed. • Given DMRG basis states |m, s, s’, m’> (|m> & |m’> are eigenvectors of right & left block density matrices, rL & rR and |s> & |s’> are Fock states of the two single sites in the super-block), super- block matrix J is given by Jm,s,s’,m’ ; n,t,t’,n’ = <m, s, s’, m’|J|n,t,t’,n’> = < m|JL|n> <s|J1|t> <s’|J1|t’> < m’|JR|n’>, similarly, the matrix P.
Operation by the end-to-end interchange on the DMRG basis yields, and from this, we can construct the matrix for C2. Since J, P and C2 all commute, they form an Abelian group with irreducible representations, eA+, eA-, oA+, oA-, eB+, eB-, oB+, oB-; where ‘e’ and ‘o’ imply even and odd under parity; ‘+’ and ‘-’ Imply even and odd under e-h symmetry. Ground state lies in eA+, dipole allowed optical excitation in eB-, and the lowest triplet in oB+. C2| m,s,s’,m’> = (-1)g | m’,s’,s,m>; g = (ns’ + nm’)(ns + nm)
1/h PG = S cG (R) R D G = 1/h S cG (R) cred. (R) R R Projection operator for a chosen irreducible representation G, PG , is The dimensionality of the space G is given by, Eliminating linear dependencies in the matrix P G yields the symmetrization matrix S with D Grows and M columns, where M is the dimensionality of the unsymmetrized DMRG space.
The symmetry operators JL, JR, PL, and PR for the augmented sub-blocks can be constructed and renormalized just as the other operators. To compute properties, one could unsymmetrize the eigenstates and proceed as usual. To implement finite DMRG scheme, C2 symmetry is used only at the end of each finite iteration. The symmetrized DMRG Hamiltonian matrix, HS , is obtained from the unsymmetrized DMRG Hamiltonian, H , HS = S H S†
DMRG Eg,N= 1.278, U/t =4 Eg,N= 2.895, U/t =4 DMRG Checks on SDMRG • Optical gap (Eg) in Hubbard model known analytically. In the limit of infinite chain length, for U/t = 4.0, Egexact= 1.2867 t ; U/t = 6.0 Egexact = 2. 8926 t PRB, 54, 7598 (1996).
The spin gap in the limit U/t should vanish for Hubbard model. PRB, 54, 7598 (1996).
Dynamic Response Functions from DMRG Commonly used technique in physics is Lanczos technique
In chemistry, sum-over-states (SOS) technique is widely used • The Lanczos technique has inherent truncation • in the size of the small matrix chosen. • SOS technique limits number of excited states. • Correction vector technique avoids truncation • over and above the Hilbert space truncation • introduced in setting up the Hamiltonian matrix. J. Chem. Phys., 90, 1067 (1989).
Correction Vector Technique Correction vector f(1)(w) is defined as We can solve for f(1)(w) in a chosen basis by solving a set of inhomogeneous linear algebraic Equations, using a small matrix algorithm. J. Comput. Chem., 11, 545 (1990).
mi {eA+} {eB-} Need for Symmetrization In systems with symmetry, dipole operator maps Therefore, fi(1)(w) lies in eB- subspace. The unsymmetrized matrix (H-E0I) is singular while in the eB- subspace it is nonsingular; allowing solving for fi(1)(0) from Similarly, fi(1)(w) , lies in the singlet or odd parity subspace. Using parity eliminates singularity of the matrix (H - E0 -ħw) for ħw = ET.
Computation of NLO Coefficients To solve for dynamic nonlinear optic coefficients, we solve a hierarchy of correction vectors: and the linear and NLO response coefficients are given by Where, P permutes the frequencies and the subscripts in pairs and ws= -w1-w2-w3 .
To test the technique, we compare the rotationally averaged linear polarizability and THG coefficient Computed at w = 0.1t exactlyfor a Hubbard chain of 12 sites at U/t=4 with DMRG computation with m=200 The dominant a (axx) is 14.83 (exact) and 14.81 (DMRG) and g (gxxxx) 2873 (exact) and 2872 (DMRG). a in 10-24 esu and g in 10-36 esu in all cases
THG coefficient in Hubbard models as a function of chain length, L and dimerization d: Superlinear behavior diminishes both with increase in U/t and increase in d.
gav.vs Chain Length and d in U-V Model For U > 2V, (SDW regime)gav. shows similar dependence on L as the Hubbard model, independent of d. U=2V (SDW/CDW crossover point) Hubbard chains have larger gav. than the U-V chains PRB, 59, 14827 (1999).
Exciton Binding Energy in Hubbard and U-V Models • We focus on lowest 11Bu exciton. • The conduction band edge Egis assumed to be corresponding to two long neutral chains giving well separated, freely moving positive and negative polarons • Exciton binding energy Eb is given by,
Nonzero V is required for nonzero Eb • V < U/2, Eb is nearly zero • V > U/2, Ebstrongly depends upon d • Charge gap Egnot independent of V in the SDW limit. PRB, 55, 15368 (1997)
Ordering of Low-lying Excitations • Two important low-lying excitations in conjugated • Polymers are the lowest one-photon state (11Bu) and • the lowest two-photon state (21Ag). • Kasha rule in organic photochemistry – fluorescent light emission always occurs from lowest excited state. • Implications for level ordering E (11Bu) < E (21Ag) …. Polymer is fluorescent E (21Ag) < E (11Bu) …. Polymer nonfluorescent • Level ordering controlled by polymer topology, correlation strength and conjugation length PRL, 71, 1609 (1993).
For small U/t, (11Bu) is below (21Ag). As U/t increases, weight of covalent states in 21Ag increases. 11Bu has no covalent contribution and hence its energy increases with U/t. PRB 56, 9298 (1997)
Crossover of the 11Bu and 21Ag states can also be seen • to occur as a function of d. As U/t increases, crossover • occurs at a higher value of d. • The 21Ag state can be described as two triplet excitons • only at large U/t values and small dimerization.
Crossover of 2A and 1B also occurs for intermediate correlation strengths. • For small U/t, 2A is always above 1B. For large U/t, 1B is always above 2A. 2A state is more localized than 1B state. As system size increases 1B descends below 2A. PRB 56, 9298 (1997)
Lattice Relaxations of Excited States x x Noninteracting theories - soliton mid-gap state. Soliton treated as an elementary electronic excitation. Eg: Triplet – a soliton and anti-soliton pair 2A – two soliton and anti-soliton pairs x Poly acetylene (CH)x can support different topological excitations made up of solitons: Equilibrium geometry of even carbon polyene is Equilibrium geometry of odd carbon polyene is solitonic Adv. Q. Chem., 38,123 (2000).
Use the PPP model • Assume each bond has a distortion di. • Include a strain energy term (1/pl)Si di2 ; l = 2a2/pkt0, k is force constant, a is e-p coupling strength defined by di=axi/t0, xi is equilibrium bond length. • Constrain total chain length. • Obtain self-consistent dis for each state. • l = 0.1 long p coherence length. We need to compute excited state geometries of long chains. Electron correlations remove the association between soliton topology and energy of the state. Do electron correlations also remove the association of excited state molecular geometry with solitons? Obtaining equilibrium geometries of excited states:
Bond order profile of a neutral and charged odd polyene chain of 61 sites. Bond order profile for,11Ag+, 11Bu- , 21Ag+ ,13Bu+states in a 40 site polyene chain. 13Bu+ is a pair of soliton and anti-solitons. 21Ag+ is two pairs of solitons And anti solitons.
Polymers with Nonlinear Topologies Many interesting phenyl, thiophene and other ring based polymers: • Poly para phenylene, (PPP) • Poly para phenylene vinylene, (PPV) • Poly acenes, (PAc) • Poly thiophenes (PT) • Poly pyrroles • Poly furan • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • All these are one-dimensional polymers but contain ring systems. Incorporating long range Coulomb interactions important.
Uniform Cis Trans Some Interesting Questions Is there a Peierls’ instability in polyacene? Is the ground state geometry Band structure of polyacenes corresponding to the three cases. Matrix element of symmetric perturbation between A and S band edges is zero. Conditional Peierls Instability.
cis d =0.01 trans d =0.01 cis d =0.1 trans d =0.1 Role of Long-range Electron Correlations Used Pariser-Parr-Pople model within DMRG scheme Polyacene is built by adding two sites at a time.
DEA(N,d) = E(N,0) – E(N,d) ; A = cis / trans DEA(,d) = Lim. N {DEA(N,d) / N} For both cis and trans distortions, DEA(,d) d2 Peierls’ instability is conditional in polyacenes
d = 0 d = 0 Bond order – bond order correlations bi,i+1 = Ss (a†i,sai,s+ H.c.)
Bond order – bond order correlations and the bond structure factors show that polyacene is not distorted in the ground state. Spectral gaps in polyacenes. Interesting to study one and two photon gaps as well as spin gaps in polyacenes Comparison of DMRG and exact optical gap in Hückel model for polyacenes with up to 9 rings.
Crossover in the two-photn and optical gap at pentacene, experimnetally seen. • One photon state more localized than two photon state. • Unusually small triplet or spin gap.
Ground state - legs Ground state - rung Bond Orders in Different States