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1. O come, all ye faith-ful, joy - ful and tri-um-phant,O come ye, O. come ye to Beth - le - hem ! Come and behold Him , born the King of. an - gels! O come, let us a-dore Him, O come, let us a - dore Him,.
1. O come,all ye faith-ful, joy-fulandtri-um-phant,O come ye, O comeye to Beth-le-hem!ComeandbeholdHim, borntheKingof
an - gels! O come, let us a-dore Him, O come, let us a-dore Him, O come, letus a - dore Him, Christ the Lord!
2. Singchoirsofan-gels, sing in ex-ul - ta - tion,O sing, all ye bright hostsofheav’n a - bove!Glo-ry to God, all glo-ryinthe
high - est!O come, let us a-dore Him, O come, let us a-dore Him, O come, letus a - dore Him, Christ the Lord!
3. Yea, Lord, we greetThee, bornthishappymorning, Je - sus, to Thee beall glo - ry giv’n; Word of the Fa-ther, nowinfleshap-
pear - ing!O come, let us a-dore Him, O come, let us a-dore Him, O come, letus a - dore Him, Christ the Lord!