Figure 1. Highest priority risk factor research. (a) Advanced imaging for early pressure ulcer (PU) detection, (b) biomarkers for PU development, (c) biomar-kers for PU healing, (d) chronic systemic inflammatory states, (e) deep-tissue load/internal tissue strains, (f) genetic predisposition, (g) effect of comorbidities on PU risk in spinal cord injury (SCI), (h) microenvironment, (i) nutritional status and management, (j) physiology of PU, (k) psy-chosocial risk factors, (l) risk assessment tools for SCI, (m) risk factors for recurrent PU, (n) factors associated with aging with SCI, and (o) weighted risk factor models. Research topics d, h, j, k, and n had 0% response rate. Henzel MK, Bogie KM, Guihan M, Ho CH. Pressure ulcer management and research priorities for patients with spinal cord injury: Consensus opinion from SCI QUERI Expert Panel on Pressure Ulcer Research Implementation.J Rehabil Res Dev. 2011; 48(3):xi-xxxii.DOI:10.1682/JRRD.2011.01.0011