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10th ITPA TG Meeting on Diagnostics 10-14 April 06, Moscow Radiation Effects WG Eric Hodgson (presented by Benoit Brichard) Input from JA: T.Nishitani, T.Shikama. RF: A. Krasilnikov, K.Vukolov. US: L.Snead.
10th ITPA TG Meeting on Diagnostics10-14 April 06, MoscowRadiation Effects WGEric Hodgson (presented by Benoit Brichard)Input from JA: T.Nishitani, T.Shikama. RF: A. Krasilnikov, K.Vukolov. US: L.Snead • Last meeting of Radiation Experts at 15th IEA Workshop held during ICFRM-12 (Dec 05) in Santa Barbara. 18 people attended the 4 1/2 h meeting. • Updates on activities from EU, JA, RF, and US. • 6-7 April EFDA Ceramics Irradiation meeting • Now have ITER, but still waiting new structure for common tasks.
EU update 1 EU laboratories involved in TW4/6-IRRCER programmes AEUL Riga Ferroelectric bolometers CEA Cadarache NBI insulation CIEMAT Madrid H/D/T effects, windows, bolometers, T/RIEMF , RIC/RIED IPP.CR Prague Hall probes FZK Karlsruhe H/D/T effects, ECRH windows MEdC Bucharest Windows, fibres, optoelectronic components ÖAW Vienna Ferroelectric bolometers SCK/CEN Mol Bolometers, fibres, T/RIEMF, RIED
Combined effect of inhomogenieties, transmutation/dpa and temperature gradient Need more data and experimental test To fully understand further the combined RIEMF/TIEMF effect EU update 2 • MI cables (CIEMAT, SCK/CEN) RIEMF - serious problem - difficult to separate Rad. and T effects TIEMF (centre conductor) detailed study (CIEMAT, SCK/CEN) EMF (V) T. No annealing of the effect observed up to 550 C Not due to geometry
Damage to MI cable Cu core No TIEMF effect observed in “normal” copper wire Impurity analysis underway “Normal” copper wire Severe damage in Cu core extracted from MI cable Cause of TIEMF ? copper core in MI cable !
Vab Vb 10 kΩ 10 kΩ In-core irradiation in BR2 Cu Transmutation ? Change of seebeeck coefficient Va Core to Core induced voltage AISI304L Is it radiation damage related (Dpa) ?
EU update 3 • Bolometers (AEUL, CIEMAT, IPP, ÖAW, SCK/CEN) JET resistance type: Pt on Alumina and AlN n irradiated - SCK/CEN ---> 0.01 dpa, 400 C PIE: Pt and substrates OK Problem: electrical contacts Ferroelectric type: PbZrO3 being prepared
Pt on Al2O3 and AlN • Double Pt meanders • Absorber, reverse side • First check T and ionization effects Good linearity of sensor No change in resistance at 350°C up to 10-3 dpa Move to neutron irradiation (BR2) Pt/AlN T°C Pt/Al2O3 Problem with electrical contact that not withdstand high temperature
RIED in Al2O3 • Irradiation facility fully operational • Active vaccuum, 10-2 mbar • Active Heating up to 400°C • 4.3 10-3 dpa=> small differences (a few pA) are observed. = > start of microstructural analysis
Pt on Si3N4 Also Pt on Si3N4 (IPP) • IPP bolometer - “SiN” for mica • First check T and ionization effects ---> No adverse effects
EU update 4 • Hall probes (IPP.CR, Ukraine) InSb Hall devices (MSL, Lviv, Ukraine) showed acceptable performance up to 10-3 dpa (70% of original sensitivity) But upper temperature for operation is low (< 100C) 7 new sensors based on solid solutions of InSb and InAs and similar materials with potential high T survival ( > 200°C ) 1st in-reactor tests completed --> But none survived beyond 10-3 dpa at 160-190 C. Problems: electrical connections, solder joints, thin wire insulation ....
EU update 5 • Optical properties (CIEMAT, MEdC, SCK/CEN) Enhanced surface degradation (optical and electrical) from low energy H and He implantation. General problem ? Mirrors: Coatings for extended UV reflectivity No suitable UV fibres, and UV absorption extends to visible H loading has limitations Windows: High energy proton irradiations => for low dose ≈ n
A.U XPS analysis shows extreme O loss Results => Si and SiO rich surface zone General problem for insulator surfaces ? Window materials Surface degradation Optical Absorption (cm-1) Electrical current (µA) Low energy He ion bombardment of KS-4V Produces enhanced absorption and surface electrical conductivity
Coated mirrors Work on mirror coatings for general protection and LOCA SiO2(SiO) and alumina MgF (HfO2) for extended UV No change when irradiated in N2 atmosphere but …
No protection against LOCA • Radiation + humidity • Degradation attacks the Al coating even when protected • Enhanced diffusion and reactions (Al(OH)3) • Swelling SiO -> SiO2 Usually, SiO2better resistance against corrosion
EU update 6 • T diffusion / effects (CIEMAT, FZK) Windows the primary barrier to confine tritium Modelling on effects of H isotopes (T) in diamond indicates strong trapping. In-situ radiation enhanced diffusion in different materials is now being measured. Work starting on effects of H isotopes on physical properties
Radiation enhanced diffusion electrons Disc for analysis • Disc samples electron irradiated on vacuum side • H/D on other side • High sensitivity leak detector for diffusion • Pressure sensors for absorption H/D chamber
EU update 7 • EFDA Ceramics Irradiation Meeting 6-7 April 06 2 day meeting with presentations of all on-going EU TW5/6 tasks Information / presentations shortly available New data base task / specifications discussed
JA updateJAEA, NIFS, Tohoku IMF (Data from T.Shikama and T Nishitani ) RIC - stable insulators for blanket applications. Data for gamma, and fission and fusion neutrons Fast ion conductor behaviour during reactor irradiation 450 nm radioluminescence in silicas - band suppression with OH content (full agreement with earlier data) Radiation and temperature measurements using luminescence
▲ Y2O3 ◆ CaZrO3 ● Er2O3 Fission reactor CaZrO3 (8.8 Gy/s, Bias: +250V) Y2O3 (5.1 Gy/s, Bias: +250V) Under irradiation Under irradiation RIC RIC Without irradiation Without irradiation Gamma ray DT neutron Teruya Tanaka (NIFS) on RIC of MHD insulators for blanket application
Bun Tsuchiya JMTR irradiation: H-inplanted in ceramic material Conclusion: RIC enhancement in H-inplanted material
1000 + 19 2 1.5 MeV H 1 x 10 H/m 800 0 ppm OH 200 ppm OH 600 800 ppm OH 400 200 0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Photon energy (eV) Shinji Nagata on radioluminescence of silica At very low fluences 3.1 eV: Intrinsic B2βbands in low-OH silica Normalized luminescence intensity (arbitrary units) Under successive ion irradiation 2.7 eV: B2αbands in low-OH silica 1.9 eV: NBOHC in high-OH silica Luminescence decrease with OH content
RF updateFORC, Kurchatov, TRINITI (Data from Anatoli Krasilnikov) • Fibres – RL and RIA Irradiations at IR-8 (Kurchatov) At 3x1013 n/cm2/s, 400 Gy/s to 1018 n/cm2, 16 MGy Fibres from FORC, Heraeus, Mitsubishi, and Fijukura H loaded fibres give best results (lowest RL) RL reactor power (=> nuclear radiation monitor)
H2 Loaded
Radiation induced luminescence spectra. Figures denote fibre numbers according to Table 1. Fast neutron fluence - 4.71017 n/см2, gamma-dose –7.2 МGy(Si), fast neutron fluxe -2.81013 n/см2 s, gamma-dose rate –400 Gy/s. IR-8 reactor irradiation Luminescence spectrum Time evolution Luminescence spectra corrected for re-absorption H2-loaded fibres A.V. Bodarenko & al., instru. and exp. tech., 2006, Vol. 49, No2, pp 190-198
US updateORNL (Data from L. Snead, D. Swain, D. Rasmussen, K. Leonard) “Long ago” US was active during ITER CDA, on RIC in MI cables, RIED, windows Now beginning activity once again: ICRH insulators, thermal conductivity degradation, multilayer mirrors
Ion Cyclotron Insulators Radiation Effects • Five ceramics (alumina in polycrystal and single crystal form) • Al2O3 (Wesgo Al995, Deranox 999*); Al2O3 (Kyocera single crystal), • BeO (Thermalox), • AlN (Tokuyama SH-15), • Si3N4 (Kyocera SN-235P), • single crystal MgAl2O4 (Princeton Scientific Corp.) • HFIR fission reactor irradiation at 80-100oC: 0.001, 0.01, 0.1 dpa (1018-1020 n/cm2, E>0.1 MeV) • Pre- and post-irradiation testing of dielectric properties (dielectric constant, loss tangent at ~100 MHz) and thermal conductivity *Only one Deranox 999 specimen irradiated, at 0.1 dpa (material supplied by Eric Hodgson)
Thermal Conductivity of Ceramics for Diagnostic Application Theory is being developed to better understand defects • Thermal conductivity in ceramic materials can be described as a summation of various scattering centers for phonons as : Thermal defect resistance radiation defects boundaries Umklapp (phonon Scattering) intrinsic defects • The appropriateness of addition of thermal resistances is suggested by the addition of inverse relaxation times to obtain the combined relaxation time. • Above 1/3 of the Debye temperature defect scattering is temperature independent.
60°C Neutron Irradiated Alumina More complex defects formed during higher dose irradiation are more thermally stable.
Performance of Diaelectric Mirrors Under Irradiation • Work just starting. • Purpose : Development of multilayer dielectric and performance of these materials under neutron and gamma irradiation. • Approach: Fabrication of mirror structures without use of silica containing layers. - substrate materials, sapphire and silicon carbide - layer materials: Alumina Magnesium aluminate spinel Hafnium Oxide Magnesium Oxide • Intermediate dose irradiation to be carried out in June 06. (0.01 to ~ 1 dpa)