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MEDEXIS MEDical EXposure Information System

MEDEXIS MEDical EXposure Information System. CEFIC Responsible Care Award 2010 – Solvay Enclosures : a presentation of the project. Plan. The MEDEXIS project Industrial hygiene The occupational physician MEDEXIS: Secure combination of individual data Setting up Medexis

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MEDEXIS MEDical EXposure Information System

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  1. MEDEXISMEDical EXposure Information System CEFIC Responsible Care Award 2010 – Solvay Enclosures : a presentation of the project

  2. Plan • The MEDEXIS project • Industrial hygiene • The occupational physician • MEDEXIS: Secure combination of individual data • Setting up Medexis • Personnel health: Solvay strategy • Questions

  3. The MEDEXIS project A uniformly high level of personnel health protection everywhere

  4. MEDEXIS = MEDical EXposure Information System Harmonisation on all Solvay sites: Prevention of health risks High level medical monitoring Information management tool: “occupational medicine” and “exposure” type data Medexis deployment in 2 parts: Hygiene part Medical part What is the Medexis project?

  5. Health protection: 2 complementary approaches • 2 complementary approaches to health protection: • Controlling working conditions →Industrial hygienist • Medical surveillance →Occupational physician

  6. Group Project → All Solvay sites Access by hygienists and occupational physicians to complete and reliable data Good documentation on levels of exposure to dangers Medical monitoring adapted to each person and risk Information collected and retained throughout professional life: personnel computer file: the occupational health file Medexis Objectives

  7. Lists of dangers: substances, noise, vibration, … and the toxicological and regulatory characteristics of each substance Risk exposure levels and protection for chemical, physical, biological and ergonomic hazards at work stations Individual medical monitoring related to potential risks, going beyond regulatory requirements Access to Medexis data Access by hygienists and occupational physicians to objective, standardised, complete and reliable data, for prevention purposes:

  8. Risk prevention Validated information on substances and their risks → better risk prevention Global view of risk factors → if corrective measures necessary → faster and more effective decision Medexis contribution to health protection • Employment health file • Computerised and unique Monitoring throughout career →traceability for professional exposures and health data recording • Always up to date clear and complete Exposure to risk factors → special attention • Monitoring • Individual monitoring based on high quality data • Up to date “Group” recommendations and methods →same monitoring quality everywhere in the world

  9. Human Ressources Product safety Manage agents Describe working environments Manage persons Define standard health surveillance protocols Apply health surveillance protocols on regard of risks & exposures Assess risk & exposure Organize samplings campaigns Perform actions for reductions risk Perform medical visits Industrial Hygiene Conduct epidemiology studies Manage key figures Recor medical results Occupational Health Business Intelligence Medexis: A standardising and integrating tool • Standardising • Access by Hygiene and Health experts to the best methods and tools • (e.g. EA-tool, medical protocols) → harmonisation • Integrating • Bringing medical and hygiene data + administrative data related to work roles and positions occupied into relation

  10. The industrial hygienistprevents risks due to exposure at the work station

  11. Aim of industrial hygiene: Prevent exposures at the work station, from the design of installations and for each worker concerned. What is industrial hygiene? Design, prevention of emissions, leaks… Personal protective equipment and personnel monitoring Work environment control and inspection (ventilation, noise…) Regulatory requirements and work station analyses

  12. Inventory of chemical products and non chemical agents, their physico-chemical and toxicological properties Solvay methods and tools for the evaluation of work station risks Exposure risks at each work station: chemical, physical, biological or ergonomic risks Local and international standards or standards defined or adopted by Solvay (TLV, SAEL, …) in the absence of regulations What industrial hygiene data will Medexis contain?

  13. How does the industrial hygienist evaluate risks? Standardised tool: “Exposure Assesment-tool” Evaluation of all work station risks Validated method, conforming to international best practice Includes exposure data for each work station Applied to all Solvay sites Evaluation of health risks

  14. Industrial hygiene data →Medexis database Information collected and available Risk knowledge at individual and collective level “Good practice” sharing Definition of best risk prevention strategies Quality procedure Industrial hygiene in Medexis Who uses the industrial hygiene data in Medexis ? The hygienists, occupational physicians, management and “Health, safety and environment” managers of the Solvay Group

  15. The occupational physicianprotects and monitors personnel health

  16. Examination and preventive advice based above all on the person: state of health, medical history, age and type of work are the key factors. Use of exposure data → adaptation of medical monitoring to each situation and choice of specific or complementary examinations. What is occupational medicine? Aim of occupational medicine: Protect and monitor personnel health Individualised medical monitoring: examinations, biomonitoring Regulatory requirements, scientific references…

  17. Industrial hygiene data →specific exposure risks at each work station Individual “exposure risks profile” accessible to the occupational physician + knowledge of dangers from agents → determination of appropriate medical examinations and suitable medical monitoring Medical monitoring also taking into account: hours, stress, physical and mental load, individual susceptibilities, pregnancy…. Use of industrial hygiene data by the occupational physician

  18. Use of Medexis by the occupational physician Updating occupational medicine data Medical examination and preventive advice based on: state of health, medical history, age, type of work... Use of exposure data →suitable medical monitoring→specific or complementary examinations Medexis: Best quality for examination contentand medical monitoring Electronic occupational health file = personal file, accessible to the occupational physician for my site, who is held to professional secrecy. Medexis and the occupational physician

  19. Medexis: Computerised medical file → monitoring in different professional appointments → traceability of exposures, good information transmission and good conservation of all information. What will change for me? Exposure report At the end of working for Solvay: personal report on exposures and the results of medical examinations supplied to the person concerned who can send them to his treating doctor • Occupational health file • 1st consultation: medical and professional questionnaire : • Confidential • Information needed for good medical monitoring, personnel history and professional risk factors encountered throughout my career

  20. Access Access to the occupational health file: only the occupational physician for my site Access to collective and anonymous health data: limited to the medical professions Who has access to the medical data in Medexis? Confidentiality Computerised occupational health file: no change from the professional ethics viewpoint: confidentiality and continuity maintained

  21. MEDEXISSecure combination of individual data

  22. Individual data → combined, collective data Combination of anonymous health and hygiene data for a large number of persons and sites →strengthened knowledge of risks and medical monitoring Combining Medexis data Combined data → health monitoring and epidemiological studies • “Inter-site” health monitoring: combination of observations of groups of persons on different sites→better detection of any risks • Combined data →epidemiological studies: attempt to establish a cause and effectrelation between a risk factor and a health effect

  23. Computer security Combined data = anonymous: coded link to personal data only known by the responsible occupational physician Personal data secured by a set of computer provisions against unauthorised access, loss, alteration and theft. Data combination and access to personal data Consent from personnel Agreement for anonymous and coded use of my health data Right to information Information on the results of studies

  24. Occupational health file protected by: Laws relating to the protection of private life Medical ethics: Occupational physician held to professional secrecy Protection of private life Deployment of Medexis in each country: Declaration of deployment of the Medexis project to the Privacy Protection Commission or a similar organisation and approval by it

  25. Introduction of Medexis

  26. +/- 90 sites for industrial hygiene +/-75 sites for occupational medicine +/- 20 countries At least 10 languages +/- 300 users Doctors/nurses Hygienists Introduction of Medexis (1) Medexis = worldwide project → all sectors and sites where Solvay assumes responsibility for personnel health protection and prevention

  27. 2 parts: Introduction of the hygiene part Introduction of the medical part Introduction of Medexis (2) Medexis is part of the 25 priority Solvay Group sustainable development objectives for the period 2008-2012

  28. “Comply with legislation and Solvay guide values for chemical, physical, biological and ergonomic risks” “Prevent risks at source” “Evaluate the risks at each work station using a reliable, standardised method that allows comparison between work stations and sites” “Guarantee the same level of health protection everywhere by harmonised medical monitoring throughout the Group” “Provide personalised medical monitoring adapted to the risk profile of each work station and the individual characteristics of each worker” cf. Report “Pour un Développement Durable 2008-2012” (~For Sustainable Development 2008-2012) Personnel health: Solvay strategy

  29. Questions?

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