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Ten Questions Three Tasks per Question Get the Data Analyze the Data Interpret the Data

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Ten Questions Three Tasks per Question Get the Data Analyze the Data Interpret the Data

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Presentation Transcript

  1. New Hampshire POE ProjectUnduplicated Consumers Served?How many Working?How many Arrested?How many Incarcerated?How many in Private Inpatient?How many Succeeding in School?How many in Residential Treatment Centers?How many served by Substance Abuse Systems?How many are Homeless?How many Die? Ten Questions Three Tasks per Question Get the DataAnalyze the DataInterpret the Data

  2. New Hampshire POE ProjectUnduplicated Consumers Served?How many Working?How many Arrested?How many Incarcerated?How many in Private Inpatient?How many Succeeding in School?How many in Residential Treatment Centers?How many served by Substance Abuse Systems?How many are Homeless?How many Die?

  3. New Hampshire POE ProjectUnduplicated Consumers Served?How many Working?How many Arrested?How many Incarcerated?How many in Private Inpatient?How many Succeeding in School?How many in Residential Treatment Centers?How many served by Substance Abuse Systems?How many are Homeless?How many Die?

  4. New Hampshire POE ProjectUnduplicated Consumers Served?How many Working?How many Arrested?How many Incarcerated?How many in Private Inpatient?How many Succeeding in School?How many in Residential Treatment Centers?How many served by Substance Abuse Systems?How many are Homeless?How many Die? Get the Data Analyze the Data Interpret the Data

  5. Community Mental Health Programs Number of Records vs. Number of People '07 Records People Fiscal Year '06 '05 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000

  6. How did they do that?

  7. URS Table 3

  8. New Hampshire POE ProjectUnduplicated Consumers Served?How many Working?How many Arrested?How many Incarcerated?How many in Private Inpatient?How many Succeeding in School?How many in Residential Treatment Centers?How many served by Substance Abuse Systems?How many are Homeless?How many Die?

  9. New Hampshire POE ProjectUnduplicated Consumers Served?How many Working?How many Arrested?How many Incarcerated?How many in Private Inpatient?How many Succeeding in School?How many in Residential Treatment Centers?How many served by Substance Abuse Systems?How many are Homeless?How many Die?

  10. New Hampshire POE ProjectUnduplicated Consumers Served?How many Working?How many Arrested?How many Incarcerated?How many in Private Inpatient?How many Succeeding in School?How many in Residential Treatment Centers?How many served by Substance Abuse Systems?How many are Homeless?How many Die?

  11. Community Mental Health Youth with Juvenile Justice Involvement 50% % of CMH % of JJ 40% 30% Percent 20% 10% 0% I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Region

  12. URS Table 19A

  13. New Hampshire POE ProjectUnduplicated Consumers Served?How many Working?How many Arrested?How many Incarcerated?How many in Private Inpatient?How many Succeeding in School?How many in Residential Treatment Centers?How many served by Substance Abuse Systems?How many are Homeless?How many Die?

  14. Community Mental Health State and General Hospitalization Rates 15% State Hospital 12% General Hospital 9% Percent of CMH Clients 6% 3% 0% I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Region

  15. State Hospital Patients 30 Day Readmissions to... 20% 15% 10% Percent of Discharges 5% 0% Hospital Hospital Combined State General State and General

  16. URS Table 21

  17. New Hampshire POE ProjectUnduplicated Consumers Served?How many Working?How many Arrested?How many Incarcerated?How many in Private Inpatient?How many Succeeding in School?How many in Residential Treatment Centers?How many served by Substance Abuse Systems?How many are Homeless?How many Die?

  18. New Hampshire POE ProjectUnduplicated Consumers Served?How many Working?How many Arrested?How many Incarcerated?How many in Private Inpatient?How many Succeeding in School?How many in Residential Treatment Centers?How many served by Substance Abuse Systems?How many are Homeless?How many Die?

  19. New Hampshire POE ProjectUnduplicated Consumers Served?How many Working?How many Arrested?How many Incarcerated?How many in Private Inpatient?How many Succeeding in School?How many in Residential Treatment Centers?How many served by Substance Abuse Systems?How many are Homeless?How many Die?

  20. Adults in Substance Abuse Services With Community Mental Health Services 50% 40% 30% Percent of Substance Abuse 20% 10% 0% Total Male Female 18-34 35-49 50+

  21. New Hampshire POE ProjectUnduplicated Consumers Served?How many Working?How many Arrested?How many Incarcerated?How many in Private Inpatient?How many Succeeding in School?How many in Residential Treatment Centers?How many served by Substance Abuse Systems?How many are Homeless?How many Die?

  22. Homeless Adults With Community Mental Health Services 50% 40% 30% Percent of Homeless 20% 10% 0% I IV VI VII VIII Region

  23. URS Table 15 Homeless: A person should be counted in the ""Homeless"" category if he/she was reported homeless at their most recent (last) assessment during the reporting period (or at discharge for patients discharged during the year). The “last” Assessment could occur at Admission, Discharge, or at some point during treatment. A person is considered homeless if he/she lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence and/or his/her primary nighttime residency is: A)        A supervised publicly or privately operated shelter designed to provide temporary living accommodations, B)        An institution that provides a temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutionalized, or C)        A public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings (e.g., on the street).

  24. New Hampshire POE ProjectUnduplicated Consumers Served?How many Working?How many Arrested?How many Incarcerated?How many in Private Inpatient?How many Succeeding in School?How many in Residential Treatment Centers?How many served by Substance Abuse Systems?How many are Homeless?How many Die?

  25. For More Information Contact Heidi M. Johnson NH DHHS, Bureau of Behavioral Health HJohnson@dhhs.state.nh.us (603) 271-5031 John A. Pandiani, Ph.D. The Bristol Observatory bristob@together.net (802)453-7070 www.thebristolobservatory.com

  26. Special Thanks to: Karen Danyow Data Analysis and Data Presentation Slide Show Preparation Brennan  Martin, MPH Data Analysis

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