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Lesson 3: Removing objects

Lesson 3: Removing objects. Starter: Open the powerpoint from O: Drive. Double click “My Computer” on the desktop Double click “O:” Double click “Subjects” Double click “ICT” Double click “Y8” Double click “Faking It” Double click “Lesson 3”

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Lesson 3: Removing objects

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lesson 3:Removing objects

  2. Starter: Open the powerpoint from O:\ Drive • Double click “My Computer” on the desktop • Double click “O:\” • Double click “Subjects” • Double click “ICT” • Double click “Y8” • Double click “Faking It” • Double click “Lesson 3” • Double click on the “Lesson 3, Removing objects” powerpoint • Go to Slide 3

  3. Starter Open the Lesson 3 powerpoint and “save as” into your ICT folder. Last lesson you used the Marquee, Magic wand and Lasso tools. Label the image on the next slide with which tool you used in different sections of the image and why. Be ready to share!

  4. Selection Tools Starter Drag the icon to the place you used it then edit the callout to explain what it is good for The marquee tool is good for The lasso tool is good for The magic wand tool is good for

  5. http://www.getpaint.net/ LO: Be able to use the clone tool to remove an object from an image using Paint.Net Know: That images can be edited and combined to produce new images Understand: That you need to think carefully about how an image is edited to make it look realistic Be able to: Use selection tools, the clone tool and filters to remove objects from an image.

  6. Your Task: Remove the statue of Liberty! Edit the image in the lesson 3 folder to remove the statue of liberty

  7. What is the Clone Stamp Tool? The Clone Stamp tool lets you ‘Paint’ one part of an image onto another part of an image. Before you can start using it, we need to tell it where to paint from. To do this hold down CTRL and click on the part of the image you want to copy from.

  8. New Software! Paint.NET Up until now you have used Fireworks. It is a good piece of software, however it is not free. Almost all of the tools from Fireworks can be found in Paint.NET, which is free. The help system is excellent, Press F1 and use the search box to find the answer http://www.getpaint.net/

  9. Lasso Tool New tools! Last lesson we used the Marquee tool, Magic wand and Lasso tool to remove a background. This lesson you are going to use the lasso tool, clone tool and the blur and motion blur filters to remove the statue of liberty. Clone Tool

  10. 1. Getting Started Follow the directions to open the photo in Paint.NET

  11. Step 1: Open the image and the powerpoint from O:\ Drive • Double click “My Computer” on the desktop • Double click “O:\” • Double click “Subjects” • Double click “ICT” • Double click “Y8” • Double click “Faking It” • Double click “Lesson 3” • Double click on “Statue of Liberty • Double click on the “Lesson 3, Removing objects” powerpoint • Resize the windows so that they fit next to each other on your screen

  12. 2. Clone Stamp Tool Click on the Clone Stamp Tool. Set the brush width to 150 to start with. You might decide to try other sizes

  13. 3. Clone Stamp Tool Follow the instructions below to start with. You may need to use different parts of the sky for the top of the statue Don’t worry if it looks a bit messy! Paint here CTRL + click here

  14. 4. Lasso Tool Next we are going to use the Lasso tool to select the cloned are and then blur it using filters to make it look more realistic. Click and draw around the cloned area.

  15. 5. Applying a Gaussian Blur This will help to get rid of some of the hard edges from the clone tool Find the Gaussian blur tool. Set the slider to about 20 Press OK

  16. 6. Applying a Motion Blur This will make white areas look like the clouds. Find the Motion blur tool. Copy the settings in the picture Press OK Click on the page to clear the selection

  17. 7. Add a new layer for your name You need to add a new layer for your name, otherwise in Paint.NET it will fix it onto your photo.

  18. 8. Add your name and save it Use the text tool to add your name. (Choose your own font style, size and colour) Save your work in your “ICT\Faking It” folder with Lesson 3 as part of the filename e.g. Lesson 3 – Removing an object

  19. Extension: Make something disappear from another picture! Choose an image from the extensions folder and edit it. HINT: Use File > open from Paint.NET Or right click and Open with

  20. Get your work on Screen Get your work on screen to show the class! Be Prepared to Share

  21. Plenary (5 mins) What was hard / easy this lesson? List 2 things you found easy, 1 thing you found difficult. (Write in sentences!) Easy Difficult Be Prepared to Share

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