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Lessons Learned from FQPM & AIC

Lessons Learned from FQPM & AIC. P. Baudoz, A. Boccaletti, D. Rouan, D. Mawet & Coronagraphy team @ Observatoire de Paris-Meudon. Happy Anniversary AIC. D. =34. r 0 (vis). OCA-STScI-ONERA 1997. OCA-STScI-ONERA 1997. OCA-STScI-ONERA 1997. Achromatic Interfero Coronagraph.

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Lessons Learned from FQPM & AIC

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  1. Lessons Learned from FQPM & AIC P. Baudoz, A. Boccaletti, D. Rouan, D. Mawet & Coronagraphy team @ Observatoire de Paris-Meudon

  2. Happy Anniversary AIC D =34 r0(vis) OCA-STScI-ONERA 1997 OCA-STScI-ONERA 1997 OCA-STScI-ONERA 1997 Achromatic Interfero Coronagraph - 1996 : 10 years Separation = 1/3 of /D, K = 3.5 Gay & Rabbia 1996,CRAS ; Baudoz et al., 2000a, A&A ; Baudoz et al., 2000b, A&A

  3. CIA @ CFHT Adapting coronagraph to a existing design here CFHT telescope: highly not optimized (secondary mirror > 30%) Baudoz et al., 2000, CFHT Bulletin

  4. + pupil Four Quadrant Phase Mask manufactured and characterized for : • Visible (laboratory R&D) • Near IR (implemented on NACO/VLT) • For mid IR (JWST/MIRI project) • Near IR achromatic version (VLT/SPHERE project) Rouan et al., 2000, PASP ; Riaud et al., 2001, PASP ; Riaud et al. 2003, PASP

  5. FQPM Visible Lab tests Limited by an ocean of speckle at the 10-6 level 10-6 @ 3/D Riaud et al. 2003, PASP

  6. FQPM @ VLT HIP 1306 r = 0.128’’ – 1.075’’ Dm = 1 .6 – 3.5mag seeing = 0.9’’ raw image • Contrast of 10-4 @ 0.5 ’’ • A new device coupled with differential imaging will be implemented centrosymmetrical subtraction Boccaletti et al. ,2004, PASP ; Boccaletti et al. ,2007, in preparation

  7. FQPM @ VLT Information up to 13 AU (instead of 23 AU with Lyot coronagraph) Boccaletti et al. ,2007, in preparation

  8. Active Galactic Nuclei : NGC1068 NACO + 4QPM in Ks Ks+4QPM, fov= 11.7‘’ Ks+4QPM, fov=3.5‘’ aligned knots micro spieal arms (d=15pc) south tail M fov=3.5‘’ Large scale arclects structures (d=160pc) New structures revealed at both large and close separations (contrast of known strcutures is improved with respect to previous non-coronagraphic observations) (Gratadour et al. 2003)

  9. Diamond RIE 5mm 4QPM 1 mm GE RIE 15mm 4QPM l/D = 300mm ZnSe deposition 15mm 4QPM Phase mask manufacturing (JWST-MIRI) • possible manufacturing process : • ZnSe deposition (lift off) • Ge attack (reactive ion etching) • ZnSe attack (reactive ion etching) • Diamond attack (reactive ion etching)

  10. 10-5 FQPM Mid-Infrared Test @ 5m for MIRI/JWST Precise information on optical materials unknown at very low temperature for these bandwidths Baudoz et al., 2005b, PASP

  11. FQPM Achromatization - Halfwave plate Development in the context of SPHERE (VLT Planet finder) Mawet et al, 2006

  12. Prototypte IR Halfwave FQPM for SPHERE/VLT 50 µm MgF2 FQPM - Visible Halfwave plate lab tests Technique limited to 10-6 to 10-7 for large bandwidth • Contrast 10-5 @ 4 /D for large bandwidth • Expected contrast 10 to 100 times better with optimized half wave plate and R=5 to 20 Mawet et al, 2006

  13. Lessons Learned with AIC & FQPM Development • AR Coatings • image ghosts • pupil ghosts • Optical quality of substrate • Fabrication specs • transition • thickness of quadrant (chromaticity) • reproductibility of the specs • Low temperature behaviour (optical index) • Telescope Specs (JWST, ground, etc…) • Moving specs (not in the right direction in general…) Up to now : Adapt coronagraph to telescope TPF-C : MUST NOT DO the opposite but Design telescope and coronagraph together

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