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Timber Supply Review and Species Management. By: Paul Barolet, R.P.F., Stewardship Officer. GREAT CSC THEME ! * Speciesism = prejudice or discrimination based on species, and does it matter to the AAC?. Let’s examine some situations in less than 1 minute per slide.
Timber Supply Review and Species Management By: Paul Barolet, R.P.F., Stewardship Officer
GREAT CSC THEME !*Speciesism = prejudice or discriminationbased on species, and does it matter to the AAC? • Let’s examine some situations in less than 1 minute per slide. • Is speciesism already a reality in current TSR ‘s?
This 2006 report cited a number concerns and made recommendations related to monitoring practices for timber supply
Under-story Prejudice in the KINGCOME TSA Forest Cover Inventory is now Hw7Cw2BA1
Over-story Tree Species Discrimination RESULTS Spatial Data Submitted Google Image Field Photo
Author Gordon Baskerville, PhD “Why Forecast Fail”
Inventory Discrimination in the Mid-Coast TSA
Forest Cover Data Integrity and Timber Supply • Regarding forest cover attributes applied in TSR forecasts, please remember that; DATA in = AAC Forecast out or GARBAGE IN = GARBAGE OUT • Think about Baskerville’s comments and that TSR forecasts should mimic the on ground reality in the forest both in terms of yield curves and harvest flows.
Forest Cover Reporting • Coast Regional Implementation Team Consensus • FPPR section 86 • RESULTS RISS Manual • RESULTS Treed Retention Manual • Silviculture Survey Procedures Manual • Forest Management Leadership Team • ALL FIVE DOCUMENTS HAVE ONE ELEMENT IN COMMON, SURVEY AND REPORT BASAL AREA WHEN >5 M2/HA IS RETAINED
Previously Harvested StandsMid-Coast TSR 3 or Speciesisms? • a net area of 7120 hectares. Most of these stands were apparently excluded because of low net value and inventory attributes....About 87 percent of the stands were hemlock or balsam leading,.... • I estimate that about 50 percent of previously harvested stands that were excluded as inoperable will contribute to future timber supply in the TSA. • This resulted in a loss of 3560 ha or 2.2% of THLB.
Speciesisms does it matter to the AAC? • Timber supply requires unbiased forest cover reporting regardless of the source. • Timber supply areas increasingly reveal both economic and logistical challenges associated with less diverse/low net value stands and high logging costs which is considered in timber supply. • When weighing your economic decision to rely on natural ingress outcomes consider how this affects the THLB based on previous TSR’s. • THLB reductions could be offset with inventory attributes of residual basal area to contribute to future timber supply.
Speciesisms does it matter to the AAC? • Timber supply analysts should revisit yield curve assumptions (base case) for EBM areas relative to growing conditions and,….. • Has the scale of resolution for analysis units become they too generalized? • Silviculture surveyors as professionals are responsible for; • surveying and accurately reporting forest cover of stand conditions when >5m2/ha is retained • meeting all legal policies and professional expectations • Yes, speciesisms matters to the AAC!