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Dr Stephan Bandelow. BSc Psychology : School of Sports, Exercise & Health. Admissions Tutor: Dr Stephan Bandelow. At LU since 2006 Senior Lecturer in Psychology Teach Psychology Practicals (year 1) Human Memory and Cognition (year 2) Brain and Behaviour (year 2) Research
Dr Stephan Bandelow BSc Psychology: School of Sports, Exercise & Health
Admissions Tutor: Dr Stephan Bandelow At LU since 2006 Senior Lecturer in Psychology Teach Psychology Practicals (year 1) Human Memory and Cognition (year 2) Brain and Behaviour (year 2) Research Cognitive function, dementia, stress and performance
What happens today This presentation until ~ 2pm Campus tour 2:15 – 3pm Demonstrations for students 3-3:30pm (James France, just outside) Q&A for parents 3-3:30pm (CC0.12, same room) DPS presentations 3:30-4pm Closing words and finish ~4pm
Psychology @ Loughborough 13 Academic staff 4 Professors 4 senior academics 5 academics 3 & 4 year programme 80 - 120 students per year ~1/2 on the 4-year programme
Our USP Multidisciplinaryteaching team of AppliedPsychologists: Clinical Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Occupational Social Health The course emphasises cognitive & biological perspectives applied to topics such as clinical & health
BSc Psychology Study Skills for Psychology • Each student allocated Personal Tutor • Small group sizes of 6-7 students per Tutor • Academic & Pastoral care throughout programme • Academic skills, CV development, social development Psychology Professions • Speakers from various psychology professions • CV development • Personal goals and self-awareness
Modules We Teach.... Detailed information for each module can be found on our webpage: http://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/ssehs/undergraduate/programmes/psychology.html
Year 2: Semester 1 Timetable Extra Curricular Activity
Psychology: Teaching Contact Hours 10 credit module - 20-25 hours 15 credit module - 25-35 hours 20 credit module - 35-45 hours 30 credit module - 45-65 hours
Psychology: Teaching Seminars Lectures Tutorials Practical Sessions Virtual Sessions Project supervisionDemonstrationsWorkshopsFieldworkWork based learning
Psychology: Assessments Mixed assessments: Essays, Exams, Class Tests, Presentations, Reports, Reflective Logs, Posters Built-in support: tutorial/drop-in sessions, skills development, group discussions, Q&A sessions
Psychology Teaching Dedicated Multi-functional Psychology Lab (L0.27) Psychology Testing Cubicles Student Common Room Psychology Test Library: IQ tests, Personality Scales, Clinical Measures, Developmental Tests for students to use
Final Year Project Students undertake a substantial research project with expert supervision Worth 60% credits of Final Year Past Projects: Role changes of males caring for partners diagnosed with cancer Children’s abilities to recognise emotion from body postures Effect of food consumption on driver sleepiness OCD traits and compulsive exercise in recreational exercisers Cognitive factors in kick boxing performance
Staff Research Applied approach to research Research translates into teaching
Staff Research Research that matters: Feeding disorders in young children Mealtime practices in eating disorder units Disordered eating in athletes
Staff Research Research that matters: Effects of cancer treatment on cognitive function Hormones, exercise and nutrition for dementia Essential hypertension and sensory-motor function Applied Cognitive Research Unit
Staff Research Research that matters: Psychological management of insomnia Insomnia management services in NHS primary care Sleep related vehicle accidents Queens Anniversary Prize
Staff Research Research that matters: Developing effective leadership for good health outcomes at work Promoting physical activity for active age management among workers Helping people return to work after ill-health
Selected published final year projects Dovey TM, Aldridge VK, Dignan W,Staples P, Leigh Gibson L, & Halford J (2012). Developmental differences in sensory decision making involved in deciding to try a novel fruit. British Journal of Health Psychology, 17, 258-272. Munir, F., Burrows, J., Yarker, J., Kalawsky K., & Bains M. (2010). Women’s perceptions of chemotherapy-induced cognitive side affects on work ability: A focus group study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19, 1362-1370.
Selected published final year projects Cromby, J. & Phillips, A. (in press). Feeling Bodies and Western Thanatology. In N. Carpentier& L. Van Brussel (eds. ) The Social Construction of Death. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ReynerLA., WellsSJ., MortlockV., Horne JA. (2012). 'Post-lunch' sleepiness during prolonged, monotonous driving - effects of meal size. Physiology & Behavior, 28, 105:1088-91.
Four Year Programme Year One Year One Year Two Year Two Year Three Placement Year Four
Why choose four year programme Better career prospects (practical work experience and reference from employer) Additional qualification Diploma in Professional Studies Better degree result achievable (majority obtain a 2:1 or better)
Why choose four year programme Invaluable work experience & personal skills Find out if it is the right career for you 36 students on placement 2012-2013
Placements (2012) Forensic: HMP Erlestoke, NHS: CAMHS Brighton, St Andrews Healthcare Companies: Warner Brothers, L’-oreal London, Renault
Placements Schools: Grosvenor Primary School Research: Norwich Medical School, King’s College Abroad: Otago University NZ, YSC North America
Engaging our Students…… Student competitions Staff – student social events Staff – student quiz nights
Buddying Programme Run by Dr Emma Haycraft and by ourstudents! New students mentored by Year 2 students Relationship can continue into following year http://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/ssehs/ex/ug/psych-buddy-scheme.html
Psychology Society Run by our students! Organise speakers, promoting academic activity Run social events (e.g. balls)
Employability Skills Employability Award run by University Develops skills and personal attributes that make graduates more likely to gain employment Points based scheme awarded on commitment, level of responsibility and skills for each activity. All Students’ Union activities, external volunteering, paid vacation work etc. count towards the Award
Volunteering with the Students Union Largestindependent Students Union in the country Run various activities for students to get involved in Highly beneficial to Psychology students!
Volunteering with the Students Union Action projects: special needs, community, international – Ghana, Mexico, Nepal, Cambodia all for 2013 A-Team projects: one-off projects such as painting a Community Centre RAG: Fundraising events – most successful in country
Student Support University Library: Open 24/7 during exam periods; Study skills workshops; 700,000 books, 800 study spaces Learning Resource Centre: networked PCs, DVD drives and headsets, printer, books, videos and audio resources Disability Assessment Centre Mental Health Support Team Student Voice (SU)
Employment 2010/11 • Majority who took DPS year more likely to be in psychology-related or graduate-level jobs. Psychology Related Psychology Assistant Rehabilitative Assistant Teaching Assistant Support worker HR & Recruitment Therapeutic Services Intern
Employers Meridian Business Support Glenn Group Action for Children Beat Bullying Other Charities Various NHS Trusts Social Services National Skills Academy for Social Care Schools & Colleges
Employers Syntax consultancy Haymarket Media Group Centrica Barclays Capital BlackRock Investment Next Tesco Sky sports
Further studies Forensic Psychology Sport Psychology Applied Child Psychotherapy Cultural Sociology Information Management Cricket Qualification PGCE - Primary
Laura Jane Evans 2009 Job Title: Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner Employer: NHS – IAPT Programme • I have always wanted to work within a therapeutic setting • Loughborough stood out because of the placement year • DPS placement at Sex Offenders Unit • Volunteering as much as I could through Action • As soon as my degree results came through I applied to jobs on the NHS website and in August I got an interview for the job I have now
Alice Bramston 2011 Job Title: Graduate Management Scheme Employer: Harrods • I chose Psychology as it combined my love for mathematics as well as studying human behaviour • I particularly enjoyed the final year and was lucky to do a project on driver sleepiness using the car simulator in the sleep laboratory • I am presently on the Harrods Graduate Management Scheme for 16 months. • I aim to become a retail manager within Harrods by becoming a business manager and hopefully head of retail.
Student Life The Students’ Union Clubs and societies Media Centre - recording studio, editing suite, TV station, radio station Arts Bands, Orchestra, Choir, Drama, Art Class Sport Best University sports facilitiesin the UK
Sports Facilities 50m Swimming Pool Fitness Centre & Dance Studio Martial Arts Centre Athletics Stadium Indoor Athletics Training Centre Tennis Academy Gyms Rugby, Football and Hockey Pitches National Cricket Academy and England Cricket Board Tennis, Badminton, Basketball and Netball Courts
Accommodation 15 undergraduate halls with over 5,600 students living on campus Guaranteed accommodation in halls of residence for first choice applicants
Finally……………………. Questions? Emma Jacques Email: ug-ssehs@lboro.ac.ukPhone: +44 (0)1509 226310http://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/ssehs/undergraduate/psychology.html