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Andrej Bogdanov Chinese University of Hong Kong. CRYPTOGRAPHY AND NP-HARDNESS. Bertinoro Summer School | July 2014. easy. f ( p , q ) = p ∙ q. hard?. P ≠ NP. One-way functions and NP. One-way functions are necessary for crypto:. “Invert a one-way function” is an NP problem.
Andrej Bogdanov Chinese University of Hong Kong CRYPTOGRAPHY AND NP-HARDNESS Bertinoro Summer School | July 2014
easy f(p, q) = p∙q hard? P ≠ NP
One-way functions and NP One-way functions are necessary for crypto: “Invert a one-way function” is an NP problem So if P = NP, there is no crypto If P ≠ NP is there crypto? (Can crypto be based on NP-hardness?)
As hard as possible… “Theorem” One-way functions are NP-hard to invert. “Proof:” f(f, a) = (f, f(a)) If algorithm I inverts f, then I(f, true) solves SAT
Worst-case versus average-case Solve SAT: For everysatisfiablef, A(f) outputs a satisfying assignment x Invert a one-way function: f(x) For a (noticeable) fraction of inputs x, I(f(x)) is a preimage for f(x)
One-way permutations Fake Theorem One-way functions are NP-hard to invert. Real Theorem One-way permutations are not NP-hard to invert, unless NP = coNP.
NP and coNP (x1∨x2) ∧ (x1∨x3) ∧ (x1∨x2∨x3) ∧ (x1∨x3) has a satisfying assignment. T, T, F Verifier Prover OK! NP: Honest prover can certify true instances. No cheating prover can certify false instances.
NP and coNP (x1∨x2) ∧ (x1∨x3) ∧ (x1∨x2∨x3) ∧ (x1∨x3) has no satisfying assignment. T, T, F Verifier Refuter OK! coNP: Honest refuter can refute false instances. No cheating one can refute true instances.
NP and coNP Is NP = coNP? “f is satisfiable” has efficient proofs, but no reason to believe it has efficient refutations. SAT ∈ NP, but most likely SAT ∉coNP ... and so NP ≠ coNP
What does it mean? One-way permutations are not NP-hard to invert, unless NP = coNP. Suppose some permutation fis NP-hard to invert. What does this mean? reduction L SAT I x f invert f at 762193 168321 invert f at 111111 111111 x f ∈/∉L
Simulating reduction by a proof system Prover Verifier reduction L I x invert f at y1 x1 . . . Verifier: On input f, simulate reduction. Prover: Provide query/answer pairs y1, x1, ..., yt, xt Verifier: If f(x1) = y1and ... andf(xt) = yt, and consistent • output answer of reduction, • otherwise declare “prover is cheating!”
From a proof system to a proof invert f at y1 Prover Verifier x1 . . . invert f at yt xt x∈/∉L • y1, x1, ..., yt, xt This is an NP proof system for L and also an NP proof system for L so L is both in NP and in coNP.
Conclusion If one-way permutations are “L-hard” to invert, then L is both in NP and in coNP. In particular, if L is SAT, we conclude SAT is in coNP, so NP = coNP. Next: Variations of this theme, but always Verifier emulates reductionProver emulates inversion oracle
A trick question Where did we use that f is a permutation? The “right” question to ask: How realistic is our model of the reduction? reduction L I x invert fat y1 x1 . . . The reduction may be randomized
An example Fix a cyclic group with generator g and look at f(x) = gx Worst-case to average-case reduction: If y = f(x) can be inverted for 1% of x, then it can be inverted for all x Proof: On input y, ^ ^ Choose random r and compute xs.t.x + r = I(y∙gr) ^ Repeat until y = f(x).
Emulating randomized reductions Prover Verifier (inverter I) (reduction R?) x∈/∉L Who should provide the randomness r? Answer: The verifier • y1, x1, ..., yt, xt Correctness of randomized reductions: Given an inversion oracle I for f For mostr, RI(x; r) = L(x)
Emulating randomized reductions Prover Verifier randomness r (inverter I) (reduction R?) x∈/∉L Verifier is randomized, proof system is interactive • y1, x1, ..., yt, xt If one-way permutations are L-hard to invert wrtrandomized reductions, then L∈AM ∩ coAM.
Permutations vs. functions Where did we use that f is a permutation? Correctness of randomized reductions: Given an inversion oracle I for f For mostr, RI(x; r) = L(x) Verifier and prover should agree on inversion oracle beforer is chosen When f is a permutation, I is unique
Two-to-one functions f:{0, 1}n → {0, 1}n-1 is 2-to-1 if for every y, |f-1(y)| = 2 Such an f has 22 possible inversion oracles n-1 choice of I r Prover Verifier • y1, x1, ..., yt, xt If for every i, f(yi) = xi choice of r • output answer of reduction, • RI(x; r) = L(x) • otherwise “prover is cheating!”
Proof system for 2-1 functions Prover and verifier agree to emulate inversion oracle that answers with lexicographically smaller inverse r Prover Verifier choice of I If for every i, • y1, x1, x1’ ..., yt, xt,xt’ • f(xi) = f(xi’) = yiand xi < xi’ choice of r • output answer of reduction • RI(x; r) = L(x) with transcript y1, x1, ..., yt, xt • otherwise “prover is cheating!”
K-to-one functions Say f is K-to-1 if for every y, |f-1(y)| = K Complexity of proof system grows linearly in K When say K = 2n/2this is exponential in n Can we do better?
Graph isomorphism Claim: is isomorphic to Proof:
Graph non-isomorphism Claim: is not isomorphic to G1 G0 Interactive proof: Verifier: Choose random bit b, permutation p Send graph G = p(Gb) Prover: Answer with b’ Verifier: If b’ = b, declare “probably not isomorphic”
Graph non-isomorphism Analysis: If G0, G1 not isomorphic, then prover knows for sure that G came from Gb, so he can answer b If G0, G1isomorphic, then G is equally likely to have come from G0 /G1, so he can guess b with prob1/2 Is there a classical proof system for graph non-isomorphism?
Interactive proofs Given a promise problemL = (LYES, LNO) Verifier x∈LYES∪LNO Prover q1 unbounded randomizedefficient a2 . . . qR-1 aR YES/NO Completeness: If x∈ LYES, Pr[VP(x) = YES] ≥ 0.6 Soundness: If x∈ LNO, Pr[VP*(x) = YES] < 0.4 for every P*
Normal form for interactive proofs The class AM consists of those decision problems that have constant round interactive proofs Such proofs have a normal form • public randomness r Prover Verifier • a(x, r) There is a compiler for converting protocols into this form; we’ll do an example instead.
The set size lower bound protocol Input: A set C ⊆ {0, 1}n(specified by a circuit) A size estimate 0 < S <2n LYES: |C| ≥ S LNO: |C| < S/8 Interactive proof: Verifier: Send a random 2-universal hash functionh: {0, 1}n → {0, 1}r where 2S ≤ 2r < 4S Prover: Send x (and a proof that x∈C) Verifier: Accept if x ∈C and h(x) = 0.
The set size lower bound protocol Input: A set C ⊆ {0, 1}n A size estimate 0 < S <2n An error parametere > 0 LYES: |C| ≥ S LNO: |C| < (1 – e)S Running time of verifier is linear in |C|/e Proof: Run original protocol on (Ck, Sk), k = 3/e
Graph non-isomorphism via set size Given G0, G1 we want a proof of non-isomorphism For simplicity we’ll assume G0, G1have no automorphisms Reduction to set size lower bound: C = {p(Gb): pis a permutation, bis a bit} |C| = n! G0, G1 are isomorphic |C| = 2∙n! G0, G1 are not isomorphic
AM ≈ NP • public randomness r Prover Verifier • a(x, r) If we replace r by the output of a suitable pseudo-random generator, proof can be derandomized Under a plausible assumption in complexity theory, AM = NP.
Hardness of regular one-way functions • Say f:{0, 1}n → {0, 1}n - k is 2k-to-1 • Suppose we have a reduction R? that, given an inverter I for f, solves L • Verifier will emulate reduction • Prover will emulate random inverter I • Given a query y, return each xs.t.f(x) = y with probability 2-k • independently of previous queries and answers
Hardness of regular one-way functions y1 Prover Verifier x1 = I(y1) . . . yt x∈/∉L xt= I(yt) Prr, I[RI(x; r) accepts] ≥ 2/3 x ∈ L |{(r, x1, …, xt) valid and accepting}| ≥ (2/3) 2|r| + kt Prr, I[RI(x; r) accepts] < 1/3 x ∉L |{(r, x1, …, xt) valid and accepting}| < (1/3) 2|r| + kt
Hardness of regular one-way functions y1 Prover Verifier x1 = I(y1) . . . yt x∈/∉L xt= I(yt) Prr, I[RI(x; r) rejects] ≥ 2/3 x ∈ L |{(r, x1, …, xt) valid and rejecting}| ≥ (2/3) 2|r| + kt Prr, I[RI(x; r) rejects] < 1/3 x ∉L |{(r, x1, …, xt) valid and rejecting}| < (1/3) 2|r| + kt
General one-way functions If one-way functions are L-hard to invert wrtnon-adaptive reductions, then L∈AM ∩ coAM. A non-adaptive reduction can query the inverter many times, but all queries made at the same time Example Worst-case to average-case for matrix multiply
Injective one-way functions As a model example we’ll look at injective one-way functions f:{0, 1}n → {0, 1}mwhere m =n + 1 Question What goes wrong if we apply the proof system for permutations?
Injective one-way functions To begin, we’ll assume that the marginal distribution of every query is uniform over {0, 1}m That is, each of the queries y1, …, ytis uniformly distributed, but they can be arbitrarily correlated Proof system will emulate inverter I that returns unique inverse when one exists, ⟘ when not
Statistics of coin tosses Toss k coins, each heads with probability p E[number of heads] =pk Pr[more than (p + e)k heads] <exp(-e2k/2) Pr[fewer than (p-e)k heads] <exp(-e2k/2)
Proof system for uniform queries Idea: Use query statistics to hold prover in check • Run the reduction independently many times In every column, we expect to see k/2 queries that have an inverse. r1 y11y12 … y1t r2 y21y22 … y2t . . . . . . Moreover, this number will be within (½± e)k with probability 1 - 2exp(-e2k/2) rk yk1yk2 … ykt
Proof system for uniform queries Union bound over columns: • Every column will contain (½± e)k invertible entries with probability y11y12 … y1t y21y22 … y2t • 1 – 2texp(-e2k/2) . . . yk1yk2 … ykt For e = 1/(10t), k = O(t2 log t), w/p 90% whole table has tk/2 ± k/9invertible entries This is fewer than one “error” per row
Proof system for uniform queries Interactive proof: Verifier: Send k random seeds for reduction Prover: For every query yij, send inverse xijor ⟘ Verifier: If 1. f(xij) = yij for every xij≠⟘ 2. At least tk/2 -k/9 of the xij’s≠ ⟘ For every i, emulate reduction assuming transcript is ri; yi1, xi1, ..., yik, xik Output majority of answers
Analysis of proof system 1. f(xij) = yij for every xij≠⟘ 2. At least tk/2 -k/9 of the xij’s≠ ⟘ Honest prover analysis: By statistics, honest prover can meet his quota of inverses with high probability
Analysis of proof system 1. f(xij) = yij for every xij≠⟘ 2. At least tk/2 -k/9 of the xij’s≠ ⟘ Cheating proveris required to provide ptk-k/9 inverses By statistics, table has at most tk/2 + k/9 invertible entries whp So prover cannot cheat on more than 2/9 of rows This is unlikely to affect majority of reduction runs
Conclusion If one-way functions are L-hard to invert wrtnon-adaptivereductions with uniform marginal query distribution, then L∈AM ∩ coAM. Question Where did we use uniformity of marginals? Answers ✓ 1. All queries are identically distributed easy 2. To calculate the expected fraction of inverses
Smooth distributions In general, the verifier may not know the probability that a reduction query is invertible Idea: Use the prover to learn it Smooth distributions Distribution Y is K-smooth if its probability density function is uniformly bounded by K Namely, for every y in{0, 1}m, PrY ~ Y[Y = y] ≤K 2-m
Abstracting the problem Verifier does not know Y (beyond it being K-smooth), but can sample from Y Verifier wants to learnpY= PrY ~ Y [yhas inverse] Verifier: Generate many independent samples from Y and ask which are invertible If prover is honest, verifier can estimate pY as the fraction of invertible samples
Inverting smoothly distributed queries Given a sample Y ~ Y generated by the verifier, determine (with confidence) if Y has an inverse Idea: Leverage similarity betweenY and the Uniform distribution Example: U= uniform over {0, 1, 2, ..., 999} Y= uniform over {0, 3, 6, ..., 999} 11 samples from U, one from Y. Which one? 778 882 63 78 752 158 685 718 657 222 874 780