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The VVV Templates Project . 전영범 , 성현일 (KASI) 한장희 , 이종택 ( 한국교원대학교 ) Richard de Grijs ( Kavli Institute for Astronomy & Astrophysics) Rodolfo Angeloni (la Pontificia Universidad Catolica(PUC) -Chile). 손정주 ( 한국교원대학교 ). 2014 Survey Science Group Workshop. VVV Project.
The VVV Templates Project 전영범, 성현일 (KASI) 한장희, 이종택 (한국교원대학교) • Richard de Grijs (Kavli Institute for Astronomy & Astrophysics) • Rodolfo Angeloni(la Pontificia Universidad Catolica(PUC) -Chile) 손정주(한국교원대학교) 2014 Survey Science Group Workshop
VVV Project • The Vista Variables in the VíaLáctea (VVV) ESO Public Survey • ESO's Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy • 4 m telescope • a wide near-infrared (IR) camera (VIRCAM) • a mosaic of 16 2048x2048 detectors • 0.8-2.5 micron • an average pixel scale of 0.34"/pixel • FoV : 1.1x1.5 square degrees • 1 magnitudes deeper than their 2MASS counterparts • provide a window into time-variable phenomena • a time span of about 5 years, with a total of 1929 hours of observing time
VVV Project • Of order 109 point sources within a total sky area of 520 deg2will be monitored. • The surveyed region includes 36 globular clusters and about 314 known open clusters. • A deep IR atlas in 5 passbands and a catalogue containing an estimated 106 variable stars.
Light Curve Templates in the Near-IR: Towards Automated Classification of VVV Light Curves for Cataclysmic Variable Stars • Cataclysmic Variables have been extensively observed at optical, ultraviolet, and X-ray wavelengths, where their white dwarf primary stars and bright accretion disks dominate the spectral energy distribution. Unfortunately, little is known about their infrared properties. The assumption that infrared observations would reveal only the “uninteresting” secondary star has been shown to be false, as recent investigations have instead shown. • A shorter time-scale it will provide a unique chance of enlarging our specific knowledge of the cataclysmic phenomenon. In particular, time-series of NIR photometry would allow us to measure the ellipsoidal variations of the tidally distorted mass-donor star as well as irradiation effects. By modeling the modulation, we could then put strong constraints on fundamental parameters such as the geometry of the binary, and, in case of the contribution of the mass-donor star in two or more bands is known, it is possible to infer its spectral type (and surface temperature) and to estimatethe distanceto the binary via photometric parallax.
Light Curve Templates in the Near-IR: Towards Automated Classification of VVV Light Curves for Cataclysmic Variable Stars • Unlike previous variability surveys, such as MACHO and OGLE, the VVV Survey will be carried out in the near-IR, mainly in the K band. While this will allow us to probe deeper into the heavily obscured regions of the Galactic bulge and plane than ever before, it also presents us with important challenges. In particular, the extensive, high-quality templates that are needed for automated variable star classification algorithms are not available in the near-IR. We have thus to build a large database of well-defined, high-quality, near-IR light curves for variable stars of different types, which will form the basis for the VVV automated classification. This database will be critical for the successful outcome of the VVV Survey.
Light Curve Templates in the Near-IR: Towards Automated Classification of VVV Light Curves for Cataclysmic Variable Stars • In order to properly classify as a template, a light curve must meet some minimum observational criteria • first, the observations must be very precise, with the relative error in the photometry being less than about 1/10 of the light curve amplitude. • Second, the light curve itself must be complete, without any clear gaps. This is of great importance to properly compute accurate Fourier decomposition parameters for the light curves, as needed in order to feed the automated classification algorithms. Jones et al. (1996)
VVV Templates Project SCIENTIFIC GOALS • The main goal is to derive well-defined light curve templates in the near-IR for the automated classification of VVV light curves. RR Lyrae stars in the globular cluster ω Centauri (Del Principe et al. 2006).
VVV Templates Project • Targets # Name α (J2000) δ (J2000) K mag. P[d] Var. type -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01) V Sge 20 20 14.69 +21 06 10.39 9.811 0.5142 Novalike, Supersoft X-ray source 02) AE Aqr 20 40 09.16 -00 52 15.07 8.780 0.4151 Intermediate Polar 02) UU Aqr 22 09 05.76 -03 46 17.70 12.483 0.1636 SW Sex star 03) FO Aqr 22 17 55.38 -08 21 03.90 12.508 0.2018 Intermediate Polar 04) AO Psc 22 55 17.99 -03 10 40.00 13.088 0.1496 Intermediate Polar 05) IP Peg 23 23 08.55 +18 24 59.30 11.721 0.1582 Dwarf Novae 06) RX And 01 04 35.54 +41 17 57.80 11.56 0.2099 Z Cam star 07) HT Cas 01 10 13.13 +60 04 35.40 13.84 0.0736 SU UMa star 08) AY Psc 01 36 55.45 +07 16 29.30 14.002 0.0993 Nova-like, RW Tri star 09) RW Tri 02 25 36.15 +28 05 50.90 11.46 0.2319 Nova-like variable 10) GK Per 03 31 11.82 +43 54 16.80 ~13 1.9968 Intermediate Polar, Fast Novae 11) V1309 Ori 05 15 41.41 +01 04 40.50 13.512 0.3326 polar/AM Her system 12) U Gem 07 55 05.24 +22 00 05.10 10.83 0.1769 SS Cyg star 13) SU UMa 08 12 28.26 +62 36 22.50 11.670 0.0076 Prototype of the SU UMa stars 14) Z Cam 08 25 13.20 +73 06 39.23 10.856 0.2898 Prototype of the Z Cam stars 15) GY Cnc 09 09 50.55 +18 49 47.50 13.118 0.1754 SS Cyg star
Telescopes Europe • Italy - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (INAF-OAPd) 92cm Telescope, delta Scuti, SX Phe • Spain- Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) 1.52m, CAIN III, delta Scuti, SX Phe
Telescopes Africa • IRSF Telescope : 1.4m, RR Lyrae in globular clusters (M62, NGC1851), delta Scuti in open clusters (NGC6134) • 0.75-m Telescope : delta Scuti, SX Phe, Ellipsoidal, Eclipsing binaries
Telescopes North America • Canada • Maxico : 2.12 m, CANICA beta Cephei and delta Scuti South America • Chile Asia • Kazakshutan • South Korea : 1.8 m BOAO
KASINICS (KASI Near Infrared Camera System) • - cooling temperature: sensor part= 30K • - temperature of cold box < 80K • - Pixel scale : 0.39" x 0.39" • - Field of view : 3.3' x 3.3' • - Gain(e-/ADU) : 2.56 • - Readout Noise : 39 electrons • - Dark Current : 18.2 electrons/sec • - Average Seeing(BOAO) : 1.5" ~ 1.7" • - Filter : total6(J, H, Ks, L, H2, H3+)
Light Curve of BL Cam : The Preliminary result of VVV light curve templates • R.A.(J2000) 03h 47m 19.8s • Dec.(J2000) +63°22’43” • Brightness <V> ~ 13.1mag • Period [d/h] 0.03909/0.93834 • - Low metallicity ([Fe/H]=-2.4) • High amplitude • Short period and multi - periodicity • One of well known 12field SX Phestar BL Cam, 2MASS
Light Curve of IP Peg : The Preliminary result of VVV light curve templates α(J2000) : 23 23 08.55, δ(J2000) : +18 24 59.30 K mag : 11.721, P[d/h] : 0.1582/3.7968 dwarf nova - U Gem type 동반성에서백색왜성을둘러싸고있는강착원반으로물질유입이이루어지고있는천체.불규칙한주기의 outburst – 가시광에서2등급 정도 밝아지는 것으로 알려져 있음. Inclination : 80° ~ 85° Mass ratio (q)=0.42 Distance = 115±30 pc to the system
Light Curve of CVs: The Preliminary result of VVV light curve templates