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Week 1 - Wednesday. CS363. Last time. What did we talk about last time? Course overview Terminology Threats Vulnerabilities Attacks Controls CIA. Questions?. Security Tidbit: Patch Tuesday!. Yesterday was Patch Tuesday

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Week 1 - Wednesday CS363

  2. Last time • What did we talk about last time? • Course overview • Terminology • Threats • Vulnerabilities • Attacks • Controls • CIA

  3. Questions?

  4. Security Tidbit: Patch Tuesday! • Yesterday was Patch Tuesday • Microsoft, Oracle, and Adobe put out their patches on the second Tuesday of the month • Oracle (Java's owner) only puts them out quarterly • Are these patches available for Java 6? • No! • Unless you have an expensive support license from Oracle • And this lab has Java 6!

  5. Security tidbit continued • Welcome to Exploit Wednesday! • Because the patches on Patch Tuesday are often to fix security holes, today is one of the most dangerous days for computer security • All the hackers now know exactly what vulnerabilities can be attacked • 36 of the fixes will be for Java 7 SE products • 34 of these cover remote exploits without authentication • Follow the story: • http://www.zdnet.com/oracle-to-patch-java-other-products-tuesday-7000025023/

  6. Computer Criminals

  7. Amateurs • Most computer criminals are amateurs • They commit crimes of opportunity • Time-stealing is common • Disgruntled or recently fired employees can use their knowledge of a system to attack it

  8. Crackers • You are all hackers by now • A malicious hacker is called a cracker • A large segment of crackers are high school or college students • They often attempt to gain access to other people’s computer systems for the fun or challenge of it

  9. Career Criminals • Most professional crackers are trained computer scientists who have turned to crime • In the early days of hacking and viruses, destroying hardware, software, or data was the goal • Professional crackers now look to make money by stealing valuable data • There are connections to organized crime • Many attacks come from Russia, Asia, and Brazil

  10. Terrorists • Modern terrorists are often computer savvy • Three common forms of terrorist computer usage are: • Targets of attack Denial-of-service and defacement of websites • Propaganda vehicles Websites and e-mail lists used to disseminate information • Methods of attack Using computers to coordinate or initiate other forms of terrorism

  11. Methods of Defense

  12. Methods • There are five common ways of dealing with attacks, many of which can be used together

  13. Controls • Many different controls can be used to achieve the five methods of defense

  14. Encryption • Encryption is the scrambling of data • Often a key or some other secret information is used to do the scrambling • Without knowledge of the secret, the data becomes useless • Modern encryption is one of the most powerful tools for preserving computer security • Most modern attacks do not depend on breaking encryption but on circumventing it

  15. Encryption • The process of encryption takes plaintext as an input and produces ciphertext as an output • Plaintext (or cleartext) is not necessarily human readable, but its contents are not protected in any way • Using cryptography, we can build protocols to support confidentiality and integrity (and even availability indirectly) • As useful as it is, encryption is not a panacea

  16. Software controls • Software controls include: • Internal program controls • Parts of a program that enforce security • Example: password checking to access parts of a database • OS and network controls • Tools to protect users from each other • Example: user files that cannot be accessed by other users) • Independent control programs • Application programs that protect against specific vulnerabilities • Example: virus scanners • Development controls • Quality control for creating software so that vulnerabilities are not introduced

  17. Hardware controls • There are many different kinds of hardware controls that can be used for many different situations: • Smart cards used for encryption on satellite or cable television set-top boxes • Locks and cables preventing theft • Fingerprint or other biometric readers • Firewalls • Many others

  18. Policies and procedures • Human beings ultimately get involved • It is important to have policies and procedures to guide their actions, such as: • Change passwords regularly • Don’t give people your password • Don’t allow coworkers access to data they should not have • Laws are important policies with consequences, but they react slowly to the rapid changes in technology

  19. Physical controls • Physical controls can be inexpensive and effective • Locks on doors • Security guards • Backup copies of data • Planning for natural disasters and fires • Simple controls are often the best • Attackers will always look for a weak point in your defenses

  20. Effectiveness of controls • Many issues impact the effectiveness of controls • Awareness of problem Users must be convinced that it is worth using the controls • Likelihood of use The controls must be easy enough to use that the task performed is not seriously affected • Overlapping controls Overlapping controls or a layered defense can help, but sometimes the controls negatively impact each other • Periodic review Conditions change, and controls must be reviewed periodically and updated when needed

  21. Cryptography

  22. Cryptography • "Secret writing" • The art of encoding a message so that its meaning is hidden • Cryptanalysis is breaking those codes

  23. Encryption and decryption • Encryption is the process of taking a message and encoding it • Decryption is the process of decoding the code back into a message • A plaintext is a message before encryption • A ciphertext is the message in encrypted form • A key is an extra piece of information used in the encryption process

  24. Notation • A plaintext is M (sometimes P) • A ciphertext is C • The encryption function E(x) takes M and converts it into C • E(M) = C • The decryption function D(x) takes C and converts it into M • D(C) = M • We sometimes specify encryption and decryption functions Ek(x) and Dk(x) specific to a key k

  25. Attacks • Cryptography is supposed to prevent people from reading certain messages • Thus, we measure a cryptosystem based on its resistance to an adversary or attacker • Kinds of attacks: • Ciphertext only: Attacker only has access to an encrypted message, with a goal of decrypting it • Known plaintext: Attacker has access to a plaintext and its matching ciphertext, with a goal of discovering the key • Chosen plaintext: Attacker may ask to encrypt any plaintext, with a goal of discovering the key • Others, less common

  26. Cryptanalysis • There are two kinds of security for encryption schemes • Unconditionally secure • No matter how much time or energy an attacker has, it is impossible to determine the plaintext • Computationally secure • The cost of breaking the cipher exceeds the value of the encrypted information • The time required to break the cipher exceeds the useful lifetime of the information • We focus on computationally secure, because there is only one practical system that is unconditionally secure • "I want them to remain secret for as long as men are capable of evil" -Avi from Cryptonomicon

  27. Modular Arithmetic Overview

  28. Review of Modular Arithmetic • Modulo operator takes the remainder • Two numbers are said to be congruent modulo n if they have the same remainder when divided by n • For example, 39  3 (mod 12) • Addition, subtraction, and multiplication: • [(a mod n) + (b mod n)] mod n = (a + b) mod n • [(a mod n) – (b mod n)] mod n = (a – b) mod n • [(a mod n) x (b mod n)] mod n = (a x b) mod n

  29. Divided and Conquered • We can’t actually divide • Instead, we have to find the multiplicative inverse • The multiplicative inverse of x exists if and only if x is relatively prime to n • 13 ∙ 5  65  1 (mod 16) • So, 13 and 5 are multiplicative inverses mod 16 • But, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 do not have multiplicative inverses mod 16

  30. Sign up for Presentations

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  32. Next time… • Cryptography basics • Stream and block ciphers • Shift ciphers

  33. Reminders • Read Sections 2.1 and 2.2

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