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GLOBAL PUBLIC GOODS gonca erdoğan 2007431020 candan erpolat 2007431022 eylül akser 2007431002 senem demirci 2007431016. Three Following Criteria; It is non-rivalrous . It is non-excludable . It is available worldwide. MEANING OF GLOBAL PUBLIC GOODS:.

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  1. GLOBAL PUBLIC GOODS gonca erdoğan 2007431020 candan erpolat 2007431022 eylül akser 2007431002 senem demirci 2007431016

  2. Three Following Criteria; • It is non-rivalrous. • It is non-excludable. • It is available worldwide MEANING OF GLOBAL PUBLIC GOODS:

  3. *Commodities, resources, services and systems of rules or policy regimes with significant cross-border externalities that are important for development and poverty-reduction, and that can be produced in sufficient supply only through interaction and collective action by developing and highly-developed countries. World Bank DefinesGPGs

  4. There are two criterias; • First, their benefits have strong qualities of publicness. • Second, their benefits are quasi-universal in terms of countries; people and generations. The UNDP Definition of GPGs

  5. Goods have a special potential for being public if they have nonexcludable benefits, nonrival benefits, or both. Goods are de facto public if they are nonexclusive and available for all to consume. GPGs are goods with benefits that extend to all countries, people and generations. KAUL’S DEFINITION of GPGs

  6. IdentificationandClassification of Global PublicGoods

  7. Two Categories; • The ones that are non-excludable and non-rivalry. • The ones that are considered to be in the public domain.

  8. Weighted-Sum technology Weakest-Link technology Best-shot technology Summation technology CLASSIFICATION IN TERMS OF TECHNOLOGY

  9. Local National Regional Global Forgeographicalrangeorspilloverarea:

  10. Delivery system for GPGs

  11. Problems in existing institutional framework

  12. “Special situations and needs of developing countries” (Principle 6) “States have common but differentiated responsibilities” (Principle 7) “Trade policy measures for environmental purposes should not constitute a means of arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination or a disguised restriction on international trade”(Principle 12) Rio Principles

  13. Kyoto Protocol; a protocol under FCCC,which aims that fighting with global warming by reducing greenhouse gases. FRAMEWORK CONVENTION AND CLIMATE CHANGE


  15. Alternative delivery mechanisms should be explored to avoid leakage in distribution and to ensure enough supply to the target groups. One of the biggest problem is the ‘last mile problem’. CHANGES IN DELIVERY SYSTEM

  16. Public funding is required for financing pure public goods. As you will see from the table; FINANCING OPTIONS

  17. The paper indicates global public goods are crucial for development and poverty reduction. There occurs some problems for the delivery of these goods. Financial support is needed from the united institutions from different countries. CONCLUSION

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