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GENETICS (遗传学). Prof( 教授 ) : Yao qilun( 姚启伦 ) E - mail( 电邮 ) : yql641@yahoo.com.cn. SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGIES ( 生命科学与技术学院 ). Course introduction ( 课程简介 ). Course name( 课程名称 ): Genetics (遗传学) Prof( 教授 ): Yao qilun( 姚启伦 ) tel( 电话 ): 13908253365
GENETICS(遗传学) Prof(教授):Yao qilun(姚启伦)E-mail(电邮):yql641@yahoo.com.cn SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGIES(生命科学与技术学院)
Course introduction(课程简介) • Course name(课程名称): Genetics (遗传学) • Prof(教授): Yao qilun(姚启伦) • tel(电话): 13908253365 • E-mail(电邮): yql641@yahoo.com.cn • Lecture (学时安排): 50 lectures (50学时) • Classroom(课程地点):二教305/双周、二教404 • The Textbook(教材): • [1] Dai zhuo-hua, etc. “Genetics”. 2th ed. Beijing: Higher Education Press. • (戴灼华等, 2007,遗传学 [第2版],高等教育出版社) • [2] William S. K. 2002. Essentials of Genetics. 4th ed. Beijing: Higher Education Press.
Course requirement (课程要求) • Exam: account for 60% • (考试占总成绩60%) • The check on the performance at ordinary times: account for 10% • (平时考查占总成绩10% ) • Experiment: account for 30% • (实验占总成绩30%)
Selected Reading(主要参考书) [1] Snustad D P, et al. Principles of Genetics,2nd .John Wiley & Sons [2] Hartwell L H, et al. Genetics: from genes to genomes W/CD ROM. McGuaw-Hill [3] Russel P J. Fundamentals of Genetics 2nd. Addison Wesley [4] Russel P J. Genetics with Free Solutions. Addison Wesley [5] Lewin B. Genes Ⅷ. Oxford Univetsity Press [6] Chinnici J P, et al. Genetics: practice problems and solutions. Adison Wesley [7] Mattens T R, et al. Genetics Laboratory Investigations12th. Prentice Hall [8] Winter P C, et al. Instant Notes in Genetics. Bios Scientific Publishers Ltd.
Chapter 1 Introduction • Key points : • 1. The brief overview of the modern history of genetics • 2. The concepts about genetics, the content and task of genetics
第一章 绪 论 • 本章重点: • 1.遗传学发展的历史 • 2.遗传学的概念、内容及任务
Section 1 the concepts, the content and tasks of genetics Genetics: Genetics studies both heredity and variation of inheritable traits Heredity:Heredity means the similarity of offsprings to parents Variation:Variation means the difference between parents and offspring, and between the offspring themselves
遗传学:研究生物体遗传和变异规律的一门科学。又称遗传学:研究生物体遗传和变异规律的一门科学。又称 “基因学”:研究基因的结构、传递及表达规律 遗传:亲子代相似的现象 变异:亲子代不相似(可相似而不相同)的现象 第一节 遗传学的定义、研究内容和任务
Main content of genetics 1. Analysis on the overall structure of genes and genomes in living things, including the relationship between mutations and abnormal traits 2. DNA which transcripts RNA that tranlates proteins, and gene transmission from generation to generation 3. The interaction between genes and environmental factors, that is, the phenotype resulting from genes and environment 4. The goals to comprehend the laws in genetics and improve the living thing with it
遗传学的主要内容 1 、基因和生物体全部基因的总体结构—基因组的结构分析,这包括突变与异常性状之间的关系 2 、DNA转录RNA最终翻译成蛋白质,基因在世代之间传递的方式与规律 3 、 基因转化为性状时所需的各种内外环境条件,即基因的表达规律 4、能够掌握遗传学的发展规律,并利用其改造生物
Section 2 The Brief Overview of the History of Genetics • The history of archaic genetics • The dawn of modern genetics • The establishment and development of the discipline of genetics • The areas of genetics
第二节 遗传学的发展简史 • 一、古代遗传学知识的积累 • 二、近代遗传学的奠基 • 三、遗传学学科的建立和发展 • 四、遗传学研究的主要领域
The historical context of archiac genetics • Prehistical evidence of cultivated plants and domesticated animals can go to as far back as the ancient Greek time • The development of light microscopy is one notable discoveries paving the way for our current understanding of genetics, which elucidates what the cell theory are • The publication of Charles Darwin’s The Origin of Species in 1859 was the other notable discovery during the period, and Darwin’s thinking culminated in his formulation of the theory of natural selection, a theory that attempts to explain the causes of evolutionary change, was debated
古代遗传学研究历史 • 动物和植物遗传育种可以追溯到古希腊 • 光学显微镜的发展使细胞学说被广泛认同,让我们明白什么是细胞学说? • 达尔文的物种起源一文在1859年出版,试图解释进化变化的原因的讨论被推向高潮,达尔文进化的理论基础就是自然选择
The dawn of modern genetics • Lamark: Inheritance of acquired characters • Darwin: hypothesis of pangenesis • Weismann:The theory of continuity of germplasm • Galton: Hypothesis of fusion heredity • Gregor Mendel: Genetic factor hypothesis
近代遗传学的奠基 • 拉马克:器官用进废退与获得性状遗传 • 达尔文:泛生假说 • 魏斯曼:种质连续论 • 高尔顿:融合遗传假说 • 孟德尔:遗传因子假说
The hallmark of modern genetics • From 1900 to 1944, modern genetics flourished with the development of the chromosomal theoryshowed chromosomes are linear arrays of genesIn 1900, Hugo de Vrices, Carl Correns, and Erich von Tachermak independentlyworking rediscovered Mendel’s landmark work on the roles of inheritance, published in 1866, thus beginning our era of modern genetics
近代遗传学的历史事件 • 从1900年到1944年,蓬勃发展的现代遗传学与染色体理论提出联系在一起,表明基因是线性排列在染色体。 • 1900年3个独立工作的生物学家重新发现了孟德尔关于遗传学的理论并于1866年出版,此事件是具有里程碑的意义,从而开始了我们的现代遗传学的时代。
The period from 1944 to the present is the era of molecular genetics, beginning with the demonstration that DNA is the genetic material and culminating with our current explosion of knowledge due to recombinant DNA technology • In 1944, O. Avery and colleagues showed conclusively that deoxyribonucleic acid DNA was the genetic material • In 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick worked out the structure of DNA
从1944年到现在这段时期,是分子遗传学时代,证明了DNA是遗传物质,其并为我们所熟知,而重组DNA技术使遗传学的研究达到了最顶峰。从1944年到现在这段时期,是分子遗传学时代,证明了DNA是遗传物质,其并为我们所熟知,而重组DNA技术使遗传学的研究达到了最顶峰。 • 1944年,艾弗里和他的同事的实验表明脱氧核糖核酸—DNA是遗传物质。 • 1953年,沃森和克里克发现了了DNA的双螺旋结构。
Between 1968 and 1973, W. Arber, H. Smith, and D. Nathans, along with their colleagues, discovered and described restriction endonucleases, the enzymes that opened up our ability to manipulate DNA through recombinant DNA technology • In 1972, Paul Berg was the first to create a recombinant DNA molecule
1968至1973年,阿尔伯,史密斯和内森斯等,发现并描述限制性内切酶,这种酶的发现使我们有能力来操纵DNA1968至1973年,阿尔伯,史密斯和内森斯等,发现并描述限制性内切酶,这种酶的发现使我们有能力来操纵DNA • 1972年,保罗伯格第一个成功实现了对DNA分子的重组
The establishment and development of genetic discipline—Initial period(1900-1910) • Rediscovered Mendel’s law on the roles of inheritance • 1909, Johnson first introduced the concept of gene • 1910, Morgan experiment showed chromosomes are linear arrays of genes
遗传学学科的建立和发展—初创时期(1900-1910) • 孟德尔遗传规律的重新发现 • 约翰生第一次提出基因的概念 • 摩尔根证明了基因在染色替上呈线性排列
Period of comprehensive development (1910-1952) • The formation of the main content and areas of modern genetics • transmission genetics/ classical genetics(1910-1940) • cytogenetics (1910-1940) • biometrical genetics/ quantitative genetics and population genetics (1920-)
全面发展时期(1910-1952) 形成了近代遗传学的主要内容与研究领域 • 传递遗传学/经典遗传学(1910-1940) • 细胞遗传学(1910-1940) • 生统遗传学/数量遗传学与群体遗传学(1920-)
Period of molecular genetics (1953-) • In 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick worked out the structure of DNA • DNA is the genetic material DNA's molecular structure DNA replication, transcription and translation • Since 1970, molecular genetics, molecular biology and experimental techniques have developed rapidly
分子遗传学时期(1953-) • DNA是遗传物质DNA的分子结构DNA的复制、转录和翻译… • 1970年以来,分子遗传学、分子生物学及其实验技术得到飞速发展
The establishment of a DNA recombinant technology as the core of genetic engineering • The knowledge of a wide variety of species genomes (structural genomics) • The investigation approach involving the study of a functional genomics
建立了以DNA重组技术为核心的遗传工程 • 拥有了很多物种的基因组信息(结构基因组学) • 开创了功能基因组学研究
The main fields of genetics • Transmission genetics __ three basic laws of genetic classical genetics Cytogenetics the level of cells and chromosome chromosomal genetics Biometrical genetics quantitative genetics population genetics Molecular genetics the molecular basis of heredity genetic manipulation at the molecular level
遗传学研究的主要领域 • 传递遗传学 • 三大遗传基本规律 • 经典遗传学 • 细胞遗传学 • 细胞、染色体水平 • 染色体遗传学 • 生统遗传学 • 数量遗传学 • 群体遗传学 • 分子遗传学 • 遗传的分子基础 • 分子水平遗传操作
Evolution, heredity and development of life at the level of genes 遗传 发育 进化在基因水平上的统一
The application of genetics • The forefront discipline of life sciences • Applied research in genetics has resulted in the development of the forest, fishery, agriculture, and so on • Equivalent strides have been made in medicine, such as the methods for the early detection and efficient treatment
遗传学的应用 • 生命科学的前沿学科 • 指导农 林 渔生产的主要理论基础 • 与医药业的关系也十分密切