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My ABC Book of U.S. History. Jacob Qualls 5 th period 5-12-11. A. Annex-Added territory to ones property . Ambush-surprise attack. Arsenal-storage facility for weapons and ammunition . B. Boycott-refuse to by a certain product.
My ABC Book of U.S. History Jacob Qualls 5th period 5-12-11
A Annex-Added territory to ones property Ambush-surprise attack Arsenal-storage facility for weapons and ammunition
B Boycott-refuse to by a certain product Backcountry-region of hills and forests west of tidewater Burgesses-elected representatives to an assembly
Cabinet-group of advisors to the president Canal-artificial waterway Caravel-small, fast ship with broad bows
Debtor-person that owes money to someone or government Depreciate-fall in value Diversity-variety
Emancipation-to free someone from slavery Effigy-rag figure representing unpopular individual Embargo-order prohibiting trade with other countries
Federalists-supporters of constitution Freedman-person freed from slavery Frigate-small warship
Genocide- destruction of racial, political, or cultural group Greenback-U.S. paper money first issued in north Guerrilla tactics-referring to surprise attacks
Horizontal interrogation-combining combining competing firms into one Human rights- rights regarding to belong to all people Habeas corpus-legal order to lawfully imprison a person
Import to buy goods from a foreign market Impressments -forcing people into service Iron cad armored naval vessel
Jackson,Andrew-7th president of U.S. James the first-king of England Jefferson,Thomas-3rd president of U.S.
Kansas, bleeding-riot in Kansas lasting 4 days Keys, Francis Scott-wrote national anthem Keel boat-small row boat
Literacy-ablity to read and write Landslide-overwhelming victory Lynching-putting a person to death by illegal actions