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SE writing- HAVO5. Wat wordt er van je verwacht?. S501 cijfer Toets- Schriftelijk- periode 1 90 min Leerstof : Kan samenhangende tekst schrijven over onderwerpen die vertrouwd of van persoonlijk belang zijn. Kan formele en informele stukjes schrijven, waarin ervaringen en indrukken
Wat wordt er van je verwacht? • S501 cijfer • Toets- Schriftelijk- periode 1 • 90 min • Leerstof: Kan samenhangende tekst schrijven over • onderwerpen die vertrouwd of van persoonlijk • belang zijn. Kan formele en informele stukjes • schrijven, waarin ervaringen en indrukken • beschreven worden en kan zowel persoonlijke als • zakelijke contacten leggen. • B1 niveau • Hulpmiddelen: grammaticakaart en woordenboek!!
Waaruit bestaat de toets? • Drie onderdelen: • Korte zakelijke brief (let op de conventies) • Report • Twee/ drie informele mails
Report- example The People Have Spoken: Button-Down Shirts Are the Best Option For First Dates by Chiara Atik on July 13, 2011 Last week, we asked you what type of shirt is the best for guys to wear on a date. Are polo shirts acceptable? Does it even matter? The overwhelming majority of respondents seemed to think that button-down shirts are the best and safest option: they’re elegant, stylish, and easy to dress up or down. Polo shirts got 10% of the votes, though it must be said that people who hate polo shirts really hate polo shirts. Coming in last was graphic tees, with only 2% of the votes. The lesson is clear: don’t let your t-shirt do the talking. Of course, attire depends also on what type of date it is, but aside from a physical activity of some sort, button-down shirts will work for almost any date. Ladies, we want to know, would you reject a guy if he showed up for a date in the wrong clothing? If you’re anti-polo, would a polo be a dealbreaker? I truly hope it won’t.
Extra REPORT assignment- ANSWER Leisure activities compared The piechartsreveal information about the most common leisureactivitieswhich the American public engaged in between 1999 and 2009. Overall, the largest percentage of people living in the US enjoyedwalking. As canbeseenclearly, the figuresforsoccer, camping andwalkingincreasedslightlyby 1-2% to 18%, 9% and 31% respectivelyduring the ten-yearperiod. On the other hand, the proportions of peopletaking up yoga (5 to 10 %) andswimming (9 to 18%) doubled over the sameperiod. By contrast, the year 2009 witnessed a significant decrease in the percentages of American peopleparticipating in the remainingactivities. Tobe more specific, the figurefor jogging nearlyhalvedfrom 7% to 3%. What is more, there was a dramaticfall in the proportion of aerobics playersfrom 13% in 1999 to 4% in 2009. Finally, whenitcomestobicycling, the figureforthisactivitydroppedfrom 14% to 7%. The main features have been comparedandcontrasted(uselinkingwords).
Tips… • Bewaar al je geschreven stukjes in een mapje • Type de verbeterde brieven helemaal over voor één hele goede brief (of 2) zodat je deze kunt raadplegen bij de voorbereiding van je SE • Verzamel een paar voorbeelden van goede reports • Oefen met meer schrijfopdrachten (extra brief, report of mail)
Paragraph 4 and 5 • I must (have to) say that I was fully (completely) ingnorant (unaware) concerning my lecturer’s (teacher’s) intentions. • I would strongly advise you to get an insurance (to get insured).
Paragraph 6 • Dear …, I am really sorry for your recent dismissal (discharge, rejection). I know it might not be easy now but I am sure that it won’t take much time finding a new job. Nowadays, the economy is doing well so I am absolutely sure that you will be fine. In the meantime, I will definitely look around and keep you posted on any available positions.
Paragraph 7 and 8 • I wouldreallyliketoreceive (tobe sent) a clarification (anexplanation) on whynobody has been here (has comearound) toinvestigate (research, study) the matter (complications), despite (in spite of) ourtelephone call. • In my opinion, youcould (should) have knownbefore, thatsuch a special offer was far (much) toocheap.
Paragraph 9 and 10 • I suspect thattherewillbe more complaintsfromdissatisfied (unhappy, disappointed, displeased) customers (clients, purchasers, shoppers) within the next (following) months. • I promisethat I will stop by, as soon as possible. Nevertheless (However, Unfortunately), duetobusilyactivities (occupations) it is notpossibleto do sothis week.
Writingan email- 1 Youandyourtwofriends are planning tospend a weekend at a seaside hotel. Task: Write an email to the hotel making the arrangements. Let themknowwhenyouwillbearriving (Saturday 22nd of December) andleaving (threedays later), what type of rooms youwouldlike, andaskthemhowmuch the weekend willcost. Also, let themknowhowyouwouldliketoreceive the information. Thisemail is formal.
Email 1- possibleanswer: DearSir/Madam, I amwritingthis email to make arrangementsfor the stay of 3 days at your hotel. I willbearrivingwithmyfriends on the 22nd of December whichwillbe on Saturdaymorning, andleaving on the 25 th of December afternoon. I amlookingtobook single rooms with the attachedbathroomfor more privacy and convenience. I would love to have at leastonebedroomwith a balcony or seaside view. I wouldliketoreceive the detailed information through email or fax with the totalcost of stayduring the weekend. I look forward to hearing fromyou. Yoursfaithfully, A.G.
Writingan email- 2 Youandyourtwofriends are planning tospend a weekend at a seaside hotel. Task: Write an email to the hotel enquiringaboutactivitiesandplaces of interest near the hotel. Also, let themknowhowyouwouldliketoreceive the information. Thisemail is formal.
Email 2- possibleanswer: DearSir/Madam, I amwritingthis email to get more information on the places of interest and different activitiesnearby. I willbestaying at your hotel forthreedays in December. I wouldappreciateitifyoucouldprovide me with the list of activitiesthat we can take part in duringourstayfor more funand adventure. I prefer the locationstobenearby the hotel as we are notfamiliarwith the place. Furthermore, I wouldalsoliketoknowifthere are anyhistorical sites or a market nearbywhere we canexplore more about the location’shistoryandlocal culture. I wouldliketoreceive the detailed information through (by) email or fax. I look forward to hearing fromyou. Yoursfaithfully, A.G.
Writingan email- 3 Yousuccessfullypassed a job interview. You are expectedto start on November 15, but youwillnotbeavailable on that date as you’ve been illfor the past week and are stillrecovering. Task: Write an email toyour new boss (Ms. Chapman), explainingyoursituation, expressingyour concern andsuggesting a solution. Thisemail is formal.
Email 3- possibleanswer: DearMsChapman, My name is… and I have recentlypassed a job interview for … position at …. I was expectedto start on November 15, as agreed, andamwritingbecause, unfortunately, I willnotbeableto present myself on that date. Duetofactthat I got sick for the last whole week andamstillrecovering, I willneedanother week to get better. Ifnecessary, I cangiveyou a copy of a letter frommy doctor informingthat I had tostay at home andundermedical care duringthat week. I sincerelyapologizefor the inconvenienceand hope thiswillnot affect ourrelationship. If I amexpectedto present anyother form of proof or talk tosomeoneelse in the company, please let me know. Yourssincerely, Steve Knightely
Writingan email- 4 Youstayed at yourfriends’ house whenyouparticipated in an exchange programme in Australia. Youleft a file with important schoolwork in your room. Task: Write an email toyourfriend, describing the file andaskhim/her to return ittoyouby post. Remember, this is the first correspondenceafteryou had saidgoodbye. This email is informal.
Email 4- possible answer My dearest ……, I am sorry I am writing only now. Firstly, I would like to thank you for all the attention and support you gave me while I was in Sydney. Things like that are priceless and all I can give you is my gratitude. I am writing also, because of the fact that I forgot a very important document in the room where I stayed at your house. The document is …..GIVE DESCRIPTION (e.g.: a signed contract and was the most important reason for my trip to Australia, after the business seminar I attended). You certainly can imagine how desperate I have been in the last days looking for this document in my luggage. I could not find it anywhere and now I am sure I left it in your house. Please let me know if you find it, and post it with express delivery as soon as possible. I will pay for the expense; just let me know what is your bank accountnumber. Best wishes, …..your name
Pay attention to cohesion! • Cohesion refers to words and phrases that help ideas link together. Cohesive phrases include wordings like… Because of this, …As this shows, …As can clearly be seen from this example, …It is clear that…Thus, the idea that…To illustrate this, …After analyzing both points of view, …To provide a summary, …Without a doubt, this causes… • Commit many of these phrases to memory and learn how to use them properly. When you get to your examination, you can use these phrases with confidence, which will not only save you time but also reduce the chances of grammatical mistakes.
Addition • in addition In addition, I wouldliketo point out thatmyneighbor is disturbing me late at night. • andsimilarly Your life will change foreverandsimilarly, yourwhole family will feel the change. • likewise Somepeople have little time for a hobby, and have likewiselittlewillto get one. • as well as Beauty, as well as being smart, is a remarkablequality • furthermore Computers are gettingfasterandfaster these days; furthermore, theircost is gettinglowerandlower. • moreover I’ve been wanting a change for a long time, moreover, I feel I deserveone. • notonly … but also Notonlythis product is goodforyour hair, but alsoitmaysoftenyour skin
Sequence • first(ly), initially, second(ly) Initially, youwould start putting a plan together. • tobegin with To begin with, youwillneedtocommit a portion of your time tostudying. • earlier/later Later on therecomes a stage whenyour skills are put to a test. • afterthis/that • followingthis/that • Then next
Consequence • as a result I studied well and as a result, I got a high score. • thus • so • therefore I was youngerandthereforelessexperienced. • consequently • itfollowsthat • thereby I upsetmyfriend, therebycausing her pain. • eventually • thenin that case • Admittedly Admittedly, he is the smartest person I know.
contrast • however - The book is expensive, however it is worth it. • on the other hand- She says she feels fine, but on the other hand, her face is pale and she doesn’t look healthy. • despite • in spite of- In spite of the difficulties, the task was completed. • though/although - He still insists, though he knows that won’t do any good. • but • on the contrary- The music didn’t lift her spirit, on contrary, it made her feel weak and vulnerable again. • otherwise • yet instead of- He felt unwelcome, yet instead of leaving, he stayed. • rather - Eggs for breakfast is not a good idea, I would rather have some toast. • Whereas- He was her true love, whereas for him she was just another girlfriend. • Nonetheless-While they didn’t trust each other, nonetheless they worked together for many years. • even though • compared with • in contrast • alternatively
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