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【 古典文学翻译范例之二 】 《 水浒传 》 两种英译本之比较

【 古典文学翻译范例之二 】 《 水浒传 》 两种英译本之比较. 《 水浒传 》 (节选) 施耐庵 罗贯中 第四十七回 扑天雕双修生死书 宋公明一打祝家庄. 一:赛珍珠译本 All Men Are Brothers ( Excerpt ) Translated by Pearl S. Buck CHAPTER XLVI The Egle Who Smites The Heavens twice writes a letter of brotherhood.

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【 古典文学翻译范例之二 】 《 水浒传 》 两种英译本之比较

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  1. 【古典文学翻译范例之二】《水浒传》两种英译本之比较【古典文学翻译范例之二】《水浒传》两种英译本之比较 • 《水浒传》 (节选) • 施耐庵 罗贯中 • 第四十七回 扑天雕双修生死书 • 宋公明一打祝家庄

  2. 一:赛珍珠译本 • All Men Are Brothers (Excerpt) • Translated by Pearl S. Buck • CHAPTER XLVI • The Egle Who Smites The Heavens twice writes a letter of brotherhood. • Sung Chiang goes for the first time to attack the village of the Chu family.

  3. 二:沙博理译本 • Outlaws of the Marsh (Excerpt) • Translated by Sidney Shapiro • FORTY-SEVEN • Heaven-Soaring Eagle Writes Two Letters • Requesting Reprieve; • Song Jiang’s First Attack on • the Zhu Family Manor

  4. 【概述】 • 《水浒传》是中国文学史上一部以农民起义为题材,描写农民起义从揭竿而起,到轰轰烈烈,再到悲壮尾声的长篇巨著。《水浒传》在中国小说史上占据着不可替代的位置,究其原因,除了思想性、艺术性登峰造极之外,作者的满腔热忱也是它得以流传广远、妇孺皆知的重要原因。《水浒传》从诞生至今,已经将近五百年了,随着其英译本的出现,它的影响已超越国界,为更多读者认识和喜爱。 • 赛珍珠(Pearl S. Buck)是第一位翻译《水浒传》的西方人。她将书名翻译为All Men Are Brothers,取“四海之内皆兄弟”之意。另一位译者沙博理(Sidney Shapiro),将书名译为Outlaws of the Marsh,不象中文“水浒”那么含蓄,倒是直白。 • 此处所选四十七回“扑天雕双修生死书 宋公明一打祝家庄”是小说中关键一回,描写人物、事件丰富复杂,如何处理颇能体现两位译家的风格。

  5. 中国古典章回小说章章有题目,这一点与西方小说只给出章节数不同。并且章回小说的题目往往起到画龙点睛的作用,不可不译。而作者为达到最高的艺术效果,总是倾其心智,极尽遣词造句之能事。如本处所选《水浒传》之四十七回,题目为:扑天雕双修生死书 宋公明一打祝家庄。不但简洁明了地概括了全章内容,且对仗工整,极富汉语音韵美和节奏感。当然,这也给翻译带来了难题。比较一下赛珍珠和沙博理的不同处理法,不难看出,前者选用的方法是以散文体译诗体,避开诗体难译这块大石头,比较灵活;而后者用诗体译诗体,不但从意义上忠实于原文,而且在形式上也尽量向原文靠近,也有一定的可取之处。

  6. 话说当时杨雄扶起那人来,叫与石秀相见。石秀便问道:“这位兄长是谁?”杨雄道:“这个兄弟,姓杜,名兴,祖贯是中山府人氏,因为他面颜生得粗莽,以此人都叫他做鬼脸儿。

  7. 赛译: IT IS SAID: At the time when Yang Hsiung lifted up that man and Shih Hsiu saw him then Shih Hsiu asked, saying, “Who is this brother?” Yang Hsiung answered, “This brother is surnamed Tu and his name is Hsing, and his ancestors were men of Chung Shan Fu. Because his face is so coarse and wild men all call him the Devil Faced. 沙译: Yang Xiong raised the man to his feet and called Shi Xiu over. “Who is this brother?” asked Shi Xiu. “Du Xing is his name. He’s from the prefecture of Zhongshan. Because of his crude features everyone calls him Demon Face.

  8. 上年间做买卖,来到蓟州,因一口气上打死了同伙的客人,吃官司在蓟州府里。杨雄见他说起拳棒都省得,一力维持救了他。不想今日在此相会。”上年间做买卖,来到蓟州,因一口气上打死了同伙的客人,吃官司在蓟州府里。杨雄见他说起拳棒都省得,一力维持救了他。不想今日在此相会。”

  9. 赛译: Last year he came to Chi Chou to do business and in a fit of anger he killed his fellow traveler and so he was taken to court and put into the gaol at Chi Chou. I, seeing that he understood boxing and the use of all weapons, made every effort to save him, and I did not think to meet him again here today.” 沙译: Last year he came to Qizhou as a trader. He killed one of the other merchants in his company in a fight, and was brought before the prefect and committed to my prison. I talked with him and found him very knowledgeable about hand-to-hand fighting and jousting with staves. So I used my influence and got him off. I never expected to meet him in this place.”

  10. 杜兴便问道:“恩人,为何公事来到这里?”杨雄附耳低言道:“我在蓟州杀了人命,欲要投梁山泊去入伙。昨晚在祝家店投宿,因同一个来的火伴时迁,偷了他店里报晓鸡吃,一时与店小二闹将起来,性起把他店屋放火都烧了。

  11. 赛:Tu Hsing then asked, saying, “Most Gracious, what official matter brings you hither?” Yang Hsiung put his mouth to his ear and said, “I killed a person in Chi Chou and now we are turning to the mountain lair to join them there. Last night we sought shelter in the inn of the Chu family, and because a fellow traveler of ours, Shih Ch’ien, stole a fowl of the inn and ate it, in a moment of time a quarrel arose with the keeper of the inn. His temper rose and in the end we burned the inn. 沙:“Are you here on official business, benefactor?” asked Du Xing. Yang leaned close to his ear. “I killed a man in Qizhou and want to join the band in Liangshan Marsh. We spent last night at the Zhu Family inn. Shi Qian, who’s traveling with us, stole their rooster and we ate it, and the waiter raised a fuss. We got angry and set fire to the inn and ran away in the night.

  12. 我三个连夜逃走,不提防背后赶来。我弟兄两个搠翻了他几个,不想乱草中间,舒出两把挠钩,把时迁搭了去。这两个乱撞到此,正要问路,不想遇到贤弟。”我三个连夜逃走,不提防背后赶来。我弟兄两个搠翻了他几个,不想乱草中间,舒出两把挠钩,把时迁搭了去。这两个乱撞到此,正要问路,不想遇到贤弟。”

  13. We three then escaped by night nor did we trouble ourselves that behind us would come pursuers. We two brothers stabbed several of them, but we did not think that out of the grass there would be thrust forth two barbed spears and that they would hook Shih Ch’ien away. We two ran hither, then, and were about to ask the way, and we did not think to meet you, Good Brother! ” Pursuers caught up with us and we two knocked down several, but a couple of hooked poles reached out of the thicket and dragged Shi Qian away. We barged around until we came here. We were just about to ask for directions when you unexpectedly arrived, brother. ”

  14. 杜兴道:“恩人不要慌,我叫放时迁还你。”杨雄道:“贤弟少坐,同饮一杯。”杜兴道:“恩人不要慌,我叫放时迁还你。”杨雄道:“贤弟少坐,同饮一杯。”

  15. Then Tu Hsing said, “Most Gracious, do not be in such a haste. I will bid them free Shi Ch’ien for you.” And Yang Hsiung said, “Good Brother, stay a little and drink a cup with us.” “Don’t let it worry you, benefactor. I’ll get them to return Shi Qian to you.” “Sit down and have a drink with us.”

  16. 三人坐下,当下饮酒,杜兴便:“小弟自从离了蓟州,多得恩人的恩惠,来到这里。感承此间一个大官人见爱,收录小弟在家中做个主管。每日拨万论千,尽托付与杜兴身上,甚是信任,以此不想回乡去。”三人坐下,当下饮酒,杜兴便:“小弟自从离了蓟州,多得恩人的恩惠,来到这里。感承此间一个大官人见爱,收录小弟在家中做个主管。每日拨万论千,尽托付与杜兴身上,甚是信任,以此不想回乡去。”

  17. The three men sat down and they drank wine, and Tu Hsing said, “Ever since I left Chi Chou I have received greatly of your kindness and I came hither and thanks to a certain great lord here he let me stay as a bailiff in his house. Every day I send out money or I bargain with this one and that and all such matters he places upon me and greatly does he trust me. Because of this I do not now wish to return to my home.” The three men sat and drank. Du Xing said: “Since leaving Qizhou I benefited greatly from your kindness. Here, a big official took a liking to me and appointed me his steward. Every day all the thousand and one things in his household are in my hands. He trusts me completely. That’s why I have no thought of going home.”

  18. 杨雄道:“此间大官人是谁?”杜兴道:“此间独龙岗前面,有三座山冈,列着三个村坊。中间是祝家庄,西边是扈家庄,东边是李家庄。这三处庄上,三村里算来,总有一二万军马人家。

  19. And Yang Hsiung asked, “Who is this great lord?” Then Tu Hsing answered. “Before The Ridge Of The Lonely Dragon are three ridges and upon each ridge is a village. The one in the middle is the village of the Chu family, the one on the west is the village of the Hu family, the one on the east is the village of the Li family. The three villages and the three families have altogether some ten thousand or so men and horses. “Who is this big official?” “Before Lone Dragon Mountain are three cliffs, and on each of these is a village. Zhu Family Village is in the center, Hu Family Village is to the west , Li Family Village is to the east. These three villages and their manors have a total of nearly twenty thousand fighting men.

  20. 惟有祝家庄最豪杰,为头家长唤做祝朝奉,有三个儿子,名为祝氏三杰,长子祝龙,次子祝虎,三子祝彪。又有一个教师,唤做铁棒栾廷玉,此人有万夫不当之勇。惟有祝家庄最豪杰,为头家长唤做祝朝奉,有三个儿子,名为祝氏三杰,长子祝龙,次子祝虎,三子祝彪。又有一个教师,唤做铁棒栾廷玉,此人有万夫不当之勇。

  21. But the village of the Chu family is the best. The head of this village is named Chu Ch’ao Feng. He has three sons, who are the braves of the Chu family. The eldest is called Chu The Dragon, the next is called Chu The Tiger, and the third son is called Chu The Tiger Cub. They have a teacher who is named Luan T’ing Yü, The Iron Staff. Among ten thousand there is no one to match him. Zhu Family Manor is the strongest. It is headed by Lord Zhu, who has three sons, known as the Three Warriors. The eldest is called Dragon, the second is called Tiger, the third is called Tiger Cub. They have an arms instructor, Luan Tingyu, who’s known as the Iron Staff. Ten thousand men are no match for him.

  22. 庄上自有一二千了得的庄客。西边那个扈家庄,庄主扈太公,有个儿子,唤做飞天虎扈成,也十分了得;惟有一个女儿最英雄,名唤一丈青扈三娘,使两口日月双刀,马上如法了得。庄上自有一二千了得的庄客。西边那个扈家庄,庄主扈太公,有个儿子,唤做飞天虎扈成,也十分了得;惟有一个女儿最英雄,名唤一丈青扈三娘,使两口日月双刀,马上如法了得。

  23. In the village there are 5 to 7 hundred of fierce, able tenants. In the village to the west belonging to the Hu family the head is the old lord Hu. He has a son called Hu Ch’en, and he is also exceedingly fearsome. He has besides a daughter most heroic of all, and her name is The Ten Foot Green Snake The Goodwife Hu. She uses a double knives that are like sun and moon in her hands. On horseback in battle she is a terror to see. The manor has nearly two thousand fearless vassals. “Hu Family Manor, to the west, is headed by Squire Hu. He has a son named Hu Cheng, the Flying Tiger, who is a powerful fighter. He also has a daughter, an extremely courageous girl, known as Ten Feet of Steel because of the two long gleaming swords she wields. She is an excellent horsewomen.

  24. 这里东村庄上,却是杜兴的主人,姓李,名应,能使一条浑铁点钢枪,背藏飞刀五口,百步取人,神出鬼没。着三村结下生死誓愿,同心共意,但有吉凶,递相救应。这里东村庄上,却是杜兴的主人,姓李,名应,能使一条浑铁点钢枪,背藏飞刀五口,百步取人,神出鬼没。着三村结下生死誓愿,同心共意,但有吉凶,递相救应。

  25. In the village to the east is my lord. His surname is Li and his name Yün and he can wield a staff of pure iron. On his shoulders he wears five flying knives, and even at a hundred paces away these knives are dreadful. Now the people of these three villages have made a vow that they will live and die together and that they will have one heart and one mind. Whichever village has a calamity the others will help it. “My master heads the eastern manor. His name is Li Ying, and he’s skilled with a steel-flecked iron lance. On his back he carries five concealed throwing knives. He can hit a men at a hundred paces, quicker than you can blink. “The three villages have a solemn pact. If one is attacked by evil-doers, the others must go to its rescue.

  26. 惟恐梁山泊好汉过来借粮,因此三村准备下抵敌他。如今小弟引二位到庄上,见了李大官人,求书去搭救时迁。”杨雄又问道:“你那李大官人,莫不是江湖上唤扑天雕的李应?”惟恐梁山泊好汉过来借粮,因此三村准备下抵敌他。如今小弟引二位到庄上,见了李大官人,求书去搭救时迁。”杨雄又问道:“你那李大官人,莫不是江湖上唤扑天雕的李应?”

  27. Fearing lest the good fellows of the mountain lair will come to ask them for goods, they are prepared to withstand them. Now I will take you two honored ones to the village and when you have seen Lord Li, I will ask for a letter to be sent to save Shih Ch’ien.” Again Yang Haiung asked, “That Lord Li of yours—is he not the one who far and wide is called The Eagle Who Smites The Heavens?” They are worried that bold fellows from Liangshan Marsh will raid them for grain, so they’ve prepared to defend themselves, together. I will take you to meet my master, and we’ll request him to write a letter asking for Shi Qian’s release.” “Your master Li Ying, isn’t he the one known in the gallant fraternity as Heaven Soaring Eagle?” queried Yang Xiong.

  28. 杜兴道:“正是他。”石秀道:“江湖上只听得说独龙冈有个扑天雕李应是好汉,却原来在这里。多闻他真个了得,是好男子,我们去走一遭。”杨雄便唤酒保计算酒钱。杜兴那里肯要他还,便自招了酒钱。杜兴道:“正是他。”石秀道:“江湖上只听得说独龙冈有个扑天雕李应是好汉,却原来在这里。多闻他真个了得,是好男子,我们去走一遭。”杨雄便唤酒保计算酒钱。杜兴那里肯要他还,便自招了酒钱。

  29. And Tu Hsing answered, “It is indeed he.” Then Shih Hsiu said, “By river and lake I have heard it said there is upon The Ridge Of The Lonely Dragon a Li called The Eagle Who Smites The Heavens who is indeed a good fellow. And so he is here then! I have long heard that indeed he is astounding and very fine fellow. Let us go therefore the once.” Then Yang Hsiung bade the serving man to bring the wine account. But how could Tu Hsing be willing to let him pay for the wine? He would do this himself. “The very same.” Shi Xiu said: “I’ve heard that Li Ying of the Lone Dragon is a chivalrous fellow. So this is where he’s from. They say he’s remarkable fighter. We’ll go to him.” Yang asked the waiter for the bill, but Du Xing insisted on paying.

  30. 三个离了酒店,便引杨雄、石秀来到李家庄。杨雄看时,真是好大庄院,外面周回一遭阔港,粉墙傍岸,有数百株合抱不交的大柳树,门外一座吊桥,接着庄门。三个离了酒店,便引杨雄、石秀来到李家庄。杨雄看时,真是好大庄院,外面周回一遭阔港,粉墙傍岸,有数百株合抱不交的大柳树,门外一座吊桥,接着庄门。

  31. The three men left the village wine shop and Yang Hsiung and Shih Hsiu were led to the village. Now when Yang Hsiung looked about he saw it was a very fine large village. All a round the outside flowed a stream and beside it was a whitewashed wall, and there were many great elms so large that two men could not reach around them. Outside the village gate was a drawbridge. The three left the tavern. Du led them to the Li Family Manor. It was a huge affair. Fronting on a river cove, it was surrounded by whitewashed walls beside which grew hundreds of willows each thicker than two arms could embrace. They crossed a lowered drawbridge to the manor gates and entered.

  32. 入得门来,到厅前,两边有二十来座枪架,明晃晃的都插满军器。杜兴道:“两位哥哥在此少等,待小弟入去报知,请大官人出来相见。”入得门来,到厅前,两边有二十来座枪架,明晃晃的都插满军器。杜兴道:“两位哥哥在此少等,待小弟入去报知,请大官人出来相见。”

  33. They crossed over this and entering the village gate went into the great hall. On both sides of the hall were more than twenty racks for weapons and they were filled with glittering weapons. And Tu Hsing said, “Wait here for a little while, my two Honorable Brothers, and wait until I go and announce your coming and ask my lord to come out and meet you.” Twenty racks on either side of the outer chamber of the main hall were filled with gleaming weapons. “Please wait here a moment, brothers,” said Du. “I will inform the master that you’ve come.”

  34. 杜兴入去,不多时,只见李应从里面出来,杨雄、石秀看时,果然好表人物,有临江仙词为证:鹘眼鹰睛头似虎,燕颔猿臂狼腰,疏财仗义结英豪。爱骑雪白马,喜著绛红袍。背上飞刀藏五把,点钢枪斜嵌银条,性刚谁敢犯分毫。李应真壮士,名号扑天雕。当时李应出到厅前,杜兴引杨雄、石秀上厅拜见。李应连忙答礼,便教上厅请坐,杨雄、石秀再三谦让,方才坐了。李应便教去酒来且相待。杜兴入去,不多时,只见李应从里面出来,杨雄、石秀看时,果然好表人物,有临江仙词为证:鹘眼鹰睛头似虎,燕颔猿臂狼腰,疏财仗义结英豪。爱骑雪白马,喜著绛红袍。背上飞刀藏五把,点钢枪斜嵌银条,性刚谁敢犯分毫。李应真壮士,名号扑天雕。当时李应出到厅前,杜兴引杨雄、石秀上厅拜见。李应连忙答礼,便教上厅请坐,杨雄、石秀再三谦让,方才坐了。李应便教去酒来且相待。

  35. Tu Hsing was not long gone before he returned and they saw Li Yün the lord come from inside, and Tu Hsing led Yang Hsiung and Shih Hsiu in to make obeisance. In great haste the lord Li made response and he invited them to come in and sit down. But Yang Hsiung and Shih Hsiu were thrice courteous before they would sit down. Then Li Yün commanded that wine should be brought out to entertain them. Du Xing went inside. Shortly afterwards he emerged with LiYing. Du brought Yang and Shi into the reception chamber, where they kowtowed. Li Ying returned the courtesy and invited them to be seated. The two visitors and their host politely argued over who should sit where, but finally took their places. Li called for wine.

  36. 杨雄、石秀两个再拜道:“望乞大官人致书与祝家庄,来救时迁性命,生死不敢有忘。”杨雄、石秀两个再拜道:“望乞大官人致书与祝家庄,来救时迁性命,生死不敢有忘。”

  37. Again did Yang Hsiung and Shih Hsiu make obeisance and say, “We do pray the great lord will send a letter to the village of the Chu family and save the life of Shih Ch’ien. Then living or dead we will not dare to forget your mercy.” …Again the two visitors kowtowed. They said: “We beseech you, sir, to send a letter to the Zhu Family Manor, asking them to spare the life of Shi Qian. We shall never forget your kindness, now or in the hereafter.”

  38. 李应教请门馆先生来商议,修了一封书缄,填写名讳,使个图书印记,便差一个副主管赍了,备一匹快马,星火去祝家庄取这个人来。李应教请门馆先生来商议,修了一封书缄,填写名讳,使个图书印记,便差一个副主管赍了,备一匹快马,星火去祝家庄取这个人来。

  39. So Li Yün commanded that the tutor should be sent for who wrote a letter and he wrote the lord’s own name on it and he set his seal upon it also. Then the lord commanded that one be sent with the letter and a swift horse prepared that he might go to the village of Chu to seek for the man. … Li Ying summoned the family tutor, dedicated a letter, and affixed his seal. He directed his assistant steward to deliver it at once on a fast horse and return with the captive. …

  40. 参考文献: • [1] 施耐庵、罗贯中. 水浒全传. 长沙:岳麓书社,1988 • [2] Buck, Pearl S. (Trans.) All Men Are Brothers. New York: The John Day Company, 1933 • [3] Shapiro, Sidney. (Trans.) Outlaws Of The Marsh. Beijing: Foreign Language Press, 1980

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