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Reported speech ( he said that ). a cura della prof.ssa Domitilla Gerini. “I’m feeling ill.”. Look at this situation:. If you want to tell somebody what sarah said there are two ways of doing this :. you can repeat Sarah’s words (direct speech) Sarah said, “I’m feeling ill”.
Reportedspeech (hesaidthat) a cura della prof.ssa Domitilla Gerini
“I’m feeling ill.” Look at this situation:
Ifyouwanttotellsomebodywhatsarahsaidthere are twowaysofdoingthis: you can repeat Sarah’s words (direct speech) Sarah said, “I’m feeling ill” you can use reported speech: Sarah said that she was feeling ill.
COMPARE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES: Sarah said, “Iam feeling ill ”(direct) Sarah said that shewas feeling ill (reported) when we report what someone else said: the personal pronoun changes we are usually reporting at a later time so we use the reporting verb (say, tell …) in the past tense and we normally change the tense used by the original speaker, it moves one tense back (see table on the following slide) IMPORTANT RULES
Theseverbsdo notchangewhenthey are reported at a latertime: • Could • Would • Might • Oughtto • Usedto • and verbs in the pastperfect See the followingtableforexamples … but…
Whenwe report must, we can useeithermust or hadto in the reportedspeech, buthadtois more common Example: Kate: I mustbuy some fruit” Kate saidshemust/hadtobuy some fruit BUT BE CAREFUL! Weusemust, nothadto, whenwe report : • a negative sentence Ex.: Paul “Youmustn’t tell Sally our secret” Paul saidwemustn’t tell Sally our secret • or a deduction Sarah: “Jim mustbetiredafter the flight” Sarah said Jim mustbetiredafter the flight MUST or hadto?
Referencestotime- 1BE CAREFUL:expressionsoftimealsochange… Referencestotime- 1BE CAREFUL:expressionsoftimealsochange…
For yes/ no questionweuseIF or WHETHER Examples Directspeech: “Is the weathergood?” Reportedspeech : Rachel askedwhether the weatherwasgood asyou can see questions are reported USING THE WORD ORDER OF A STATEMENT – WITH THE VERB AFTER THE SUBJECT - ratherthanthatof a question We don’t say: Rachel askedwhetherwas the weathergood but: Rachel askedwhether the weatherwasgood SUBJECT VERB REPORTING QUESTIONS - 1
Questionswithquestionwords (who, what, etc.) keepthesewordswhenthey are reported and use the word orderof a statement (with the verbafter the subject) Examples Directspeech:“How do youfeel?” Reportedspeech: Rachel asked James howhefelt (not Rachel asked James howdidhefeel) Reportingquestions - 2
Weoftenusesayto report whatsomebodysaid Hesaid (that) hewasgoingtowin …but... payattention: Ifthereisanobject (a noun or a pronoun) saymustbefollowedbyto: Hesaidtome (that) hewasgoingtowin (nothesaid me) Verbsusedforreporting(tosay)
When we use tell to report what someone said, it is always followed by an object without to: He told them (that) he was going to win (not he told to them …, he told that …) Verbsusedforreporting(totell)
If the reportingverbis in the presenttense (e.g says), weuse the sametensesas the original speaker Example: Tom “I’ve missed the bus so I’llbe a bit late Tom sayshe’s missed the bus so he’llbe a bit late Reporting in the sametense
If the reportingverbis in the past (e.g. said), wesometimesuse the sametensesas the original speaker if the situation isstilltrue: Example 1: Robert “I havethreesister” There are twopossibilitieswhenreportingthissentence: Robert saidhehasthreesisters or Robert saidhehadthreesisters Exceptionsto the generalrule - 1
Example 2: Carlo: “I’m gettingmarried in June” Ifwe report what Carlo saidbeforeJunewe can say: Carlo saidheisgettingmarried in June or Carlo saidhewasgettingmarried in June Exceptionsto the generalrule - 2
ORDERSandREQUESTS are reportedusingreporting verbssuchas: • ask • order • invite OFFERS, ADVICEandPROMISESare reportedusing the followingverbs: • offer • advise • promise SUGGESTIONS are reportedusing: • suggest • recommend • propose Otherreportingverbs
Tryto turn the followingsentencesintoreported speech and thencheckyouranswers! 1. Jane : “ Therewasaninterestingdocumentaryabout climatechangeyesterday” 1. Jane saidtherehadbeenaninterestingdocumentary aboutclimatechangethe previousday. 2. Susan : “Jim, wherewillyoubetonight?” 2. Susan asked Jim wherehewouldbethat night. 3. Pete “ Mary, are yougoingtomeetyourfriendsherenext Saturday?” 3. Peteasked Mary if/ whethershewasgoingtomeetherfriendstherethe followingSaturday. And now…giveit a try!