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Libraries Maria Teresa Natale Italian Library Association. Italian Libraries and European Projects Until now: Not large participation Not large diffusion of the results
Libraries Maria Teresa Natale Italian Library Association Italy Israel Bi-National Seminar
Italian Libraries and European Projects Until now: • Not large participation • Not large diffusion of the results Co-operation for the promotion of new services must not be limited to a few number of libraries, but it must become a method for their development Italy Israel Bi-National Seminar
Italian Libraries and European Projects 2002: year of transition from V to VI Framework Programme towards: • new policies • new models of projects • larger co-operation among libraries, museums and archives Italy Israel Bi-National Seminar
Italian Libraries and European Projects The most significant projects are: ABSIDE: learning in libraries: the information society against discrimination and marginalization It intends to realise a new training model in order to retraining those who are in a difficult condition in the job market Used methodologies: integration of personalised training, open learning and practical activities usable through a network of centers for distance learning, developed within public libraries. Development of didactic packages for distance learning, aimed at giving competences with respect to new technologie and multimedia. http://www.abside.net Italy Israel Bi-National Seminar
Italian Libraries and European Projects CLEFCross: Language Evaluation Forum Action to support digital libraries through the development of an infrastructure to test and modify the information retrieval systems which use European languages http://clef.iei.pi.cnr.it:2002 Italy Israel Bi-National Seminar
Italian Libraries and European Projects Cultivate-EU: Cultural Heritage Application Network It aims at creating a supporting network for the co-operation among archives, libraries and museums, through a network of 30 partners, proposing: • the development and use of new technologies in all European cultural heritage institutions • the connections of European institutions with national institutions and professional organizations in order to give more rapid information among activities, European directives and citizens http://www.cultivate-europe.org Italy Israel Bi-National Seminar
Italian Libraries and European Projects Delos: Network of excellence on digital libraries It acts as laboratory and meeting point for initiatives in the field of digital libraries. It is organised in 5 forums: • Digital library research forum • Digital library evaluation forum • Standardization forum • Training and technology transfer forum • International cooperation forum http://delos-noe.iei.pi.cnr.it Italy Israel Bi-National Seminar
Italian Libraries and European Projects Erpanet: Electronic Resource Preservation and Access Network Actions to improve the preservation of cultural and scientific heritage, in particular as far as digital objects are concerned http://www.erpanet.org Italy Israel Bi-National Seminar
Italian Libraries and European Projects Image of music: a cultural Heritage Pilot Project for the realization of databases of musical iconography, creating and making new archives accessible on the Net http://www.imagesofmusic.net Italy Israel Bi-National Seminar
Italian Libraries and European Projects Meta-e: the Metadata Engine Project The project aims at creating a software for the ackowledgement and automatic retrieval of metadata from printed materials http://www.meta-e.uibk.ac.at Italy Israel Bi-National Seminar
Italian Libraries and European Projects Minerva: Ministerial Network for Valorising Activities in Digitisation It is a network of Member States' Ministries to discuss, correlate and harmonise activities carried out in digitisation of cultural and scientific content for creating an agreed European common platform, recommendations and guidelines about digitisation, metadata, long-term accessibility and preservation. http://www.minervaeurope.org Italy Israel Bi-National Seminar
Italian Libraries and European Projects Opendrama: the Digital Heritage of Opera in the Open Network Environment Its goals are: the definition, development and data integration in order to create and make online and offline multimedia products available, concerning lyrics and other forms of dramatic music, with purposes of study, research and fruition http://www.opendrama.com Italy Israel Bi-National Seminar
Italian Libraries and European Projects Presto: Preservation Technology The project developed integrated system for digitisazion at economically acceptable costs http://www.presto.joanneum.ac.at/partner.asp Italy Israel Bi-National Seminar
Italian Libraries and European Projects Pulman It supports the role of public libraries and cultural institutions, mostly at local level http://www.pulmanweb.org Italy Israel Bi-National Seminar
Italian Libraries and European Projects Rinascimento virtuale: Rediscovering Written Records of a Hidden European Cultural Heritage Network of European co-operation in order to rediscover and diffuse the content of palimpsest manuscripts, through the use of multispectral digital shots Italy Israel Bi-National Seminar
Italian Libraries and European Projects Sandalya The project intend to manage and valorize documentary collections of library and archives, using existing open library technologies http://www.sandalyaproject.org Italy Israel Bi-National Seminar
Italian Libraries and European Projects TEL : The European Library It aims at: • realizing an infrastructure for integration and access to major digital collections, based on the esisting needs of 8 European countries, operating for the harmonization of legislative problems and the different national traditions. • The development of common agreements with publishers on problems concerning licences, prices and e-commerce http://www.europeanlibrary.org Italy Israel Bi-National Seminar
Italian Libraries and the World Wide Web The use of a Website as instrument of promotion of the library, in addition to information and support to distance services, is more and more diffused. One of the most diffused novelty is the use of the newsletter by e-mail. Italy Israel Bi-National Seminar
Italian Libraries and the World Wide Web It’s difficult to say how many libraries in Italy reached the aim to have a more or less dinamic Website We have abour 15.000 libraries. According to ISTAT, the National Institute of Statistics, at the end of 2001, one fifth of about 7000 libraries had realised a Website. Italy Israel Bi-National Seminar
Italian Libraries and the World Wide Web The most important Italian library repertory is Anagrafe delle biblioteche italiane Register of Italian Libraries http://anagrafe.iccu.sbn.it/ Italy Israel Bi-National Seminar
Italian Libraries and the World Wide Web As regards quality of Italian Websites, we are still very far from a diffused adoption of the W3C guidelines, even if they have been translated in Italian Italy Israel Bi-National Seminar
Italian Libraries and the World Wide Web Among the initiatives to promote accessibility: CABI Project, by Biblioteca Marciana Venezia Italian Campaign for accessibility of online libraries http://marciana.venezia.sbn.it/CABI/ The object of the Project is to sensibilize this field, trying to giving support by means of indications, instruments and technical suggestions in order to approach also disadvantaged people Italy Israel Bi-National Seminar
Another initiative: Bibliocom award for the best library Website Initiatives connected with preservation and long-term accessibility are not much diffused. The Italian library community discusses much about DublinCore, but the application of this standard for one’s own site metadata is quite scarce. Italy Israel Bi-National Seminar
Italian Libraries and the World Wide Web There is an improvement of the “external” indexing, namely the instruments at user disposal to find information resources outside the side itself Italy Israel Bi-National Seminar
Italian Libraries and the World Wide Web SegnaWeb http://segnaweb.it Born in may 2003, it is an information service tailored on user’s needs, managed by AIB and CILEA, and realized with the sofware MyLibrary. It is a co-operative service to which librarians from public libraries all over Italy are working to select and catalogue quality Internet resources. The aim is to offer an online quick reference service Italy Israel Bi-National Seminar
Italian Libraries and the World Wide Web Italian OPACs 31 December 2002: the number of catalogues of Italian libraries available on the Internet were 598 OPAC unities (+ 32 % in respect to 2001), among which 23 national, 43 regional and 532 of Provinces and Municipalities http://www.aib.it/aib/lis/opac1.htm Italy Israel Bi-National Seminar
Italian Libraries and the World Wide Web MetaOPAC Azalai Italiano MAI is a database realised in coo-peration by AIB and CILEA. It includes 645 OPAC recorded and catalogued by a staff of librarians and computer specialists. Mai offers a service of simultaneous MetaSearch in 184 OPACs. http://www.aib.it/aib/opac/mai.htm Italy Israel Bi-National Seminar
Italian Libraries and the World Wide Web MetaOPAC Azalai Italiano The OPAC of MAI database have been divided into 7 cathegories: • Public Libraries • State Libraries • Ecclesiastic Libraries • School Libraries • Academic Libraries • Research Libraries • Other Libraries Italy Israel Bi-National Seminar
Italian Libraries and the World Wide Web MetaOPAC Azalai Italiano Monthly accesses have been about 140.000 (about 5000 calls every day) 62% from a global research 17% from a regional research 21% from a selective research Italy Israel Bi-National Seminar
Italian Libraries and the World Wide Web MetaOPAC Azalai Italiano Families of OPACs actually connected are: ALEPH, various OPAC applications realised with DBMS BasisPlus, EasyWeb, various applications realised with HighWay, OPAC Sebina, applications Unibiblio, FileMaker Pro, WWW Isis, ISIS-GAS, WebIF, alcuni gateway Web, OCAP, Sirtx-Sistema Integrado de Recuperacion Textual. LASSO, Sirtwx, Zetesis, Web Interface, YNIS/WAIS, BibliWin Online 4.0. Italy Israel Bi-National Seminar
Italian Libraries and the World Wide Web On AIB-WEB there is also a repertory of on-line alfabetic list of serials present in Italian libraries 26 February 2002: 177 alfabetic list of serials present on line, realised by 158 Italian libraries Italy Israel Bi-National Seminar
Library automation systems in Italy INSTALLATIONS LIBRARIES Aleph 64 856 Alexandrie 34 46 Amicus 7 178 Bibliowin 266 369 Bibliowin OPAC 113 217 Libero 4 4 Q-Series 26 105 Sebina 118 2700 So-se-bi. 207 308 Suite Nexus 30 150 Suite Nexus (Easyweb) 232 1060 TinLib 164 200 @UOL.IT 5 170 @UOL.IT OPAC 3 261 UOL 19 429 Zetesis 73 273 Italy Israel Bi-National Seminar
SBN: National Library System Among the reasons of the specificity of the Italian situation, not much open to the international market, there is the presence of SBN, the National Library System 50 poles, 1500 connected libraries Italy Israel Bi-National Seminar
Library automation systems in Italy SYSTEM WILL DIALOGUE WITH SBN WHEN Aleph Yes End 2003 Alexandrie No - Amicus Yes End 2003 Bibliowin Yes Mid 2003 CDS-ISTS Yes End 2003 Libero Yes Mid 2004 Q-Series No - Sebina Yes End 2003 So-se-bi. Yes End 2003 Suite Nexus Yes March 2004 TinLib No - @UOL.IT Yes ? Zetesis Yes Mid 2004 Italy Israel Bi-National Seminar
Library automation systems in Italy ASP Services Growing of the offer of this service, by which the software producer rents the using license and hosts application and data on its server, allowing a saving in the initial investment Now the offer is available for clint/user packages ((Aleph, Amicus) as well as for packages based on browsers (UOL, Easycat) Italy Israel Bi-National Seminar
Source: Rapporto sulle biblioteche italiane 2002, a cura di Vittorio Ponzani, Bollettino AIB, 4 (33) 2003. Italy Israel Bi-National Seminar
AIB-WEB http://www.aib.it/aib/default-e.htm Italy Israel Bi-National Seminar