Private Investigator By Micah Shaffer
Private investigators analyze information about legal, financial, and personal matters. The environment in which a private investigator work s can be in a office doing internet searches and making phone calls or could be out in the field having interviews and conducting surveillance.
To start being a private investigator you have to either work for a licensed private investigator or you have to get your own license and start your own private investigation company. The requirements for all licensing can vary from state to state.
Other helpful things that can help you become a private investigator are first working for a police department as a detective or working for the FBI. Serving time in the military is also a helping path for become a private investigator.
Employment of private detectives and investigators is expected to grow 21 percent from 2010 to 2020, faster than the average for all occupations. Increased demand for private detectives and investigators will stem from heightened security concerns and the need to protect confidential information and property of all kinds.
The median annual wage of private detectives and investigators was $42,870 in May 2010.
Jobs that are similar are Working for the Police the FBI and theCIA
A Lineman is a tradesman who constructs and maintains power, transmission and distribution facilities. They also put up telephone, TV, and fiber optic lines.
To start being a lineman requires you to have a high school diploma and you must go through on the job training. No college is needed but it can be helpful if you want to be head of a lineman company.
Some helpful things to do while being a lineman is to buy your own equipment so you can get the safest top of the line equipment and you know no one will have tampered with it.
As of May 2009 the average annual wage was 55850 dollars a years but this is expected to increase over time because of the lack of people become linemen in today's society.
Similar jobs to this are bridge builder and highway construction worker.