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Security Classification

Security Classification

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Security Classification

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  1. Security Classification • If there is a need to classify the request, include a statement specifying which, standing alone or with other paragraphs, necessitate the overall security classification. Where one or more of the paragraphs is classified, all paragraphs must have a classification label. • Click one of the following to select the security classification for this example. • Unclassified • Secret • Top Secret

  2. User • Enter the name of user unit. • Click one of the following to select the user for this example. • CFSCE Kingston • 38CBG

  3. Formation • Enter the name of the Formation or responsible NDHQ directorate . • Click one of the following to select the formation for this example. • LFCA • LFWA

  4. Frequency • Specify the frequency or number of frequencies required in a particular band. • Express frequencies in kilohertz (kHz) below 30,000 kHz, in megahertz (MHz) from 30 MHz up to but not including 10 500 MHz, and in gigahertz (GHz) from 10.5 GHz and up. • An assigned frequency designates the centre of the assigned frequency band. For assignments below 30 MHz using single sideband emissions, the carrier frequencies shall be shown in parenthesis following the assigned frequency. • When a station is assigned a band of frequencies, the emitted signal shall to extend beyond the limits of the band. For a band of frequencies, list both the lower and upper limits of the band, separated by a dash (i.e. 1710-1720 MHz). If more than one discrete frequency or more than one band of frequencies is requested, separate the frequencies or bands of frequencies by an oblique stroke (i.e. 1734.4 kHz/400-406MHz). • Click one of the following to select the frequency for this example. • 150.5 MHz • 3 in 136 to 174 MHz band • 235.5 MHz

  5. Bandwidth/Emission • Enter the emission designators and bandwidths in accordance with Appendix D# of B-GT-D35-001/AG-001 – DNDP 35. If more than one emission designator is required per frequency, separate the emission designators by an oblique stroke (i.e.: 6K00A3E/6K00B9W/3K00J9W). • Click hereto view a chart explaining the meaning of each element of the emission designators. • Click one of the following to select the emission designator and bandwidth for this example. • 16K0F3E • 40K0F9W • 3K00J3E

  6. Transmitter O/P Power to Antenna and Radio Classification • Provide the transmitter power supplied to the antenna transmission line in units of W (Watts), K (kilowatts), or M (megawatts), as appropriate. Provide in parentheses, the associated class of station as listed in Appendix D3 of B-GT-D35-001/AG-001 - DNDP 35. • Separate multiple entries by an oblique stroke. For example, 100W (FB)/30W (ML) indicates 100 watts, base station and 30 watts, mobile station. • Click here to see a chart of transmitter O/P power to antenna and radio classifications. • Click one of the following to select the power for this example. • 100 W(FB) • 100 W (FB)/30W (ML) • 5 W (ML)

  7. Tuning • Enter the equipment’s tuneable frequencies. For equipment employing a frequency synthesizer, indicate the first, second and last tuneable frequency. Where the equipment can be adjusted to any frequency in its tuning range, enter "continuous." For equipment employing crystals for frequency control, enter "crystal." • Click one of the following to select the tuning for this example. • 45.50, 65.75, 68.00 MHz • Continuous • Crystal

  8. Transmitter Antenna Location • Enter the name of the actual physical location of the transmitter antenna site. Where more than one transmitting location is involved, separate the data for each by an oblique stroke. If it is not located on a military installation, use the name of the locality nearest the site followed by the province or country, as appropriate. • Click one of the following the select the TX site for this example. • CFB Kingston trg area and surrounding area • CFB Shilo trg area • Cloud Lake, Nova Scotia

  9. Coordinate Centre of Operations • Enter the coordinates of the approximate centre of the operating area, i.e. the latitude and longitude of the center point of the area being used. • Click one of the following to select the coordinate centre of operations for this example. • 44.51’30”N, 64.54' 30" W • 49.48’0”N, 99.38’0”W • 44.86’68N, 64.88’20”W

  10. Radius of the Operation • Enter the radius in kilometres from centre of the operating area. • Click one of the following to select the radius of operations for this example. • 10 KMS • 15 KMS

  11. Transmitter/Receiver Type • For non-tactical equipment enter the name of the manufacturer and the model. For tactical equipment enter the military nomenclature. • Click one of the following to select the transmitter and receiver types for this example. • Rad A PLUS • MOTOROLA, HT1000

  12. Frequency Range • Enter the frequency range of the equipment by listing the lowest and highest operating frequencies. • Click one of the following to select the frequency range for this example. • 136 - 174 MHz • 30 – 300 MHz

  13. Number of Equipment • Enter the number of units/radios planned for use. DO NOTinclude spare equipment. • Click one of the following to select the number of equipment for this example. • 8 • 20

  14. Commence Date • Indicate the effective start date for which the frequency assignment or licence is required. • Click one of the following to select the commence date for this example. • 01 Jun 12 • 02 JUL 13

  15. Cease Date • For temporary requirements, indicate the date the licence or assignment is no longer required. • Click one of the following to select the cease date for this example. • 21 Jun 12 • 22 Aug 13

  16. Justification/Supplementary Details • Give a general description of the requirement, indicating the specific use of the frequencies or bands. Indicate in this paragraph any details not covered elsewhere. • Click one of the following to select the justification and supplementary details for this example. • FTX - EX MERCURY BREEZE in support of ACISS DP 1 trg. • Support to Air Cadet Summer Trg Camp.HT-1000 will be used to communicate with fix station in Cloud Lake (refer to the other request for fix station). • 38CBG HQ will be utilizing VHF Motorola HT1000 radios to support a summer army cadet camp held in the CFB Shilo area.

  17. Contact • Provide the name and telephone number of an individual familiar with the requirement and able to discuss technical details. • Click one of the following to select the contact for this example. • MCpl Hertz, CSN 271-4489 • Major Henry Disaster, OPS O, (905) 570-7323, FAX (905) 635-4708

  18. Well done. You have successfully completed a 17-Point Request form. Please continue.

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