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NICO BAKKER Topografische Dienst Kadaster Bendienplein 5 7815 SM Emmen nbakker@tdkadaster.nl. TOP10NL. 4th GML relay 26th January 2006. GML relay. 1e GML Relay Alterra, Wageningen 12 juni 2001. 2e GML Relay Topografische Dienst, Emmen 13 December 2002. 3e GML Relay TU-Delft
NICO BAKKER Topografische Dienst Kadaster Bendienplein 5 7815 SM Emmen nbakker@tdkadaster.nl TOP10NL 4th GML relay 26th January 2006
GML relay 1e GML Relay Alterra, Wageningen 12 juni 2001 2e GML Relay Topografische Dienst, Emmen 13 December 2002 3e GML Relay TU-Delft 17 November 2004 4e GML Relay Topografische Dienst, Emmen 26 Januari 2006
TOP10NL Introduction Use Development and marketing research Delivery TOP10NL object-editor TOP10NL Producing Pilot and Demo CD / Website conversion TOP10vector TOP10NL Design Oracle database structure Revision Data model
Production process • 3D interpretation of aerial photographs • Pen computer for terrain reconnaissance • Object-Editor with ArcGIS 9
Stereophoto Polarization-glasses Special screen Mono TOP10vector+ photo Use of ESPA system
Workflow terrain information Raster model PEN PC ESPA Aerial Photo’s 3D interpretation Reconnaissance Work model Check & Correction
Photogrammetrie generalisation generalisation generalisation TOP500vector Current Production vectorfiles and maps Aerial photogr. Reconaissance Rasterdata Maps Vectordata Visualisations Dgn, dxf, Arc/Info, NEN1878 kaarte TOP10vector TOP50vector TOP100vector Generalisation TOP250vector
VPF- database Vector Database Updates VMAP TOPXXvector dxf VPF-conversion GeoMedia/Dynamo TOPXXvector e00),shape Conversion Generalisation TOPXXvector NEN1878 Visualisation (MapPublisher) TOPXXvector DGN TOPXXvector DGN Maps Military maps RasterXX (Geo)TIFF smaller scales Civil maps RasterDatabase Special mil maps Special civ maps Datatypes TOPXXvector DGN
TOP10vector TOP50vector TOP100vector TOP250vector TOP500vector Topvector files
1:25.000 1:50.000 1:100.000 1:250.000 1:500.000 Topographic maps
Development Data model Why ?
Marketingresearch Limitations current data sets • More complex analyses needed • Coupling data sets needed • Faster delivery of data • Internet applications • Geographic Core data set (Dutch standard) Technological developments • Faster hardware • More advanced GIS software • More data available • Internet developments • Standardization (ISO / Open GIS)
Characteristics of TOP1NL Designing the data-model and its structure the following user requirements were taken into account: • Object-oriented data-model with unique ID’s, • Structured attributes with the possibility to add new attributes, • Based on international standards (ISO, OGC), • Change-only data instead of complete update delivery, • Availability of object life cycle information, • Meta data on object level, • Distinction between Digital Landscape Model and Digital Cartographic Model, • Seamless database, • Integration TOP10vector (roads as polygon) and TOP10roads (roads as centre-line), • Prepared for automatic generalisation and scale less database, • Linkage with user data-models (e.g. environment, water) and user datasets.
Co-operation with Research Institutes • Centre for Geo-Information (CGI/Wageningen University): A.K. Bregt and colleagues: User demands • ITC: M.J. Kraak/ R.Knippers: Data modeling • TU Delft (TUD): P. van Oosterom en colleagues: implementation in prototype • L. Heres AVV/RWS Adviser
Standards for TOP10NL NEN 3610:2005 NEN 3610:1995 nl Actualisering NEN 3610 Terreinmodel Vastgoed Basic model for Geo-information
Data Model Geo objects Object types • Road segment • Railroad segment • Water segment • Terrain • Building • Specific terrain element/ construction • Relief • Administrative area • Geographic area • Functional area
Administrative area Geographic area Functional area Water segment Terrain Road segment Railroad segment Object types TOP10NL Building Specific terrain elements Relief
Identifying characteristic • descriptive characteristics • Geometric characteristics • Temporal characteristics • Meta characteristics Object characteristics Basic object
Multiple geometry in one object Integration TOP10NL, TOP10roads point area line
Selection from road object: road area or centre line A. Road areas B. Road centre lines
In detail A. road polygons B. Road centre lines
Produce orthophotos Process External Sources Terrain Reconnaissance Process External Data Managing tasks Workset Update & lifecycle rules constraints delivery TOP10NL Manage Model TOP10NL Core Production process Delivery GBKN buildings Planning Control GML SHAPE DWG
Geomedia Completion Control FME Oracle Completion Conversion finishing Pre - objects objecten processing Pre - Core Pre - Core Conversion remnant Top 10 NL Editor Filling Filling GeoDatabase Temp DB Lifecycle CORE Protocol Software development …. Maps Conversion DGN SHAPE ( V 7 / V 12 ) Old Old E 00 Mappub Delivery Process Proces NEN DXF Prepared Raw dgn’s Dgn’s Top 10 Vector * FME Back Completion Conversion Raster WORK Import Rasters Temp DB Orthofotos GML 3 . 1 GML 3 . 1 GBKN conversion Conversion Translate to Core Shape Import core Extraction Conversion SHAPE Changed objects conversions DWG Productionprocess GBKN Buildings Conversion DWG Functionality based on : Oracle ArcGIS other Delivery Externe Data ( V 33 )
Conversion TOP10vector to TOP10NL Geomedia Completion Control FME Oracle Completion Conversion finishing - objects Pre objecten processing DGN files Pre-Core Pre.Core Conversion remnant
Filling Rasters Temp DB CORE DB TOP10NL Translate To core Changed objects Object editor Pre Core Top 10 NL Editor Raster Filling Import Temp DB GeoDatabase WORK DB Orthofotos GBKN Conversion Lifecycle Import conversions Protocol GBKN Buildings : ArcGIS other Oracle Functionality based on Extern Data
CORE Delivery of data GML 3 . 1 GML 3 . 1 conversion Core Shape Extraction Conversion SHAPE DWG Conversion DWG Delivery ( V 33 )
Maps DGN Old SHAPE Old Mappub E 00 Delivery Proces NEN Process DXF Core Extraction Raw dgn’s 10 Vector Top CORE FME Back Completion Conversion Back conversion
New architecture WindowsXP ESPA Microsoft .NET ArcGis 9 ArcSDE FME Oracle Spatial Oracle Designer Windows2003 Servers SAN/ EVA
Lifecycle of objects What happens with a modified object depends on the size of modification. • At 'small' modifications an object gets a new version date. • At 'large' modifications the original object terminates and a new object is erected with a new TOP10_ID and a starting date. Then the original object is considered as disappeared, and gets an end date. • Whenever a modification is 'small' or 'large', is subjective. • For that reason rules have been defined, to judge to what extent object modifications leads up to a new version date or new TOP10_ID. • Depending on the kind of modification certain rules are applied. • Small changes of the geometry won’t cause a change of object ID. • When an attribute has changed, in the most cases only the version date is changed.
0001 0002 0001 0012 0011 0012 Aggregation and splitting of objects • Splitting rule • Aggregation of objects
0622 0622 0491 0491 0492 0492 Changing geometry Change of geometry of objects Change of geometry within buffer
Top10 vector CAD –structure (dgn files) Coded points, lines, areas map sheets CONVERSION Conversion TOP10vector > TOP10NL • Top10NL • Object structure • unique objects • spatial database • seamless database
The conversion process in four steps. • The challenge: the conversion process as much automatically as possible. • The first step concerns producing road crossing objects. This is done for approx. 80% automatically. Complex situations are carried out manually by cartographers. • In de second step pre-objects are composed. For this extremely complex process a conversion diagram has been built within the software FME (Feature Manipulating Engine) of SAFE software. • In this process also as many attributes as possible are filled automatically from the original dgn file. Also text features, which are stored as loose text elements in the CAD files are linked as attributes to the objects they belong to. • After automatic conversion a process (third step) of quality control takes place and the cartographer adds and improves manually the object attributes. • In the conversion process as well as in the filled database several checks are carried out on correct and complete conversion and the consistency of the files. • This is possible by means of constraints, which are defined in the database environment. • In the final step of the conversion the data are written to the oracle database
Conversion process in four steps TOP10NL database • control • Adding attributes Work up with Geomedia • lines to objects • file to database Automatic Conversion FME • consistencies • clearly defined features Preparation and adding features with Microstation
New production process • Development object-editor • Redesign production flow • Education topographers • Management production processes • ….
Object editor in practice • Functionality should be the same as the current system (at minimum) • In database environment is better for control tasks • Control at consistency and completeness of data and attributes • Application of topology rules in production • Automatic creation of object at updates (punch functionality)
New ‘punch’ tool for updating objects • For efficient updating of the objects special functionality is developed in ArcGIS 9. • A function called ‘punching’ helps to resolve creating of new objects and the splitting and merging of existing objects when an update activity takes place. • In the next 4 sheets the successive steps are shown. • The first shows the existing objects and the contours of a new road (in green). • The second shows the digitised polygon of the new road, above the existing terrain polygons. • The third sheet shows the ‘punch ’functionality is running and creates new objects and splits the underlying objects in smaller ones. • The fourth sheet shows the new situation.
Visualisation • ‘under construction’ • Some results with ArcGIS