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SciDAC Software Infrastructure for Lattice Gauge Theory

SciDAC Software Infrastructure for Lattice Gauge Theory. Richard C. Brower All Hands Meeting JLab June 1-2, 2005. Code distribution see http://www.usqcd.org/usqcd-software (Links to documentation at bottom). Major Participants in Soft w are Project. UK Peter Boyle

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SciDAC Software Infrastructure for Lattice Gauge Theory

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  1. SciDAC Software Infrastructurefor Lattice Gauge Theory Richard C. Brower All Hands Meeting JLab June 1-2, 2005 Code distribution see http://www.usqcd.org/usqcd-software (Links to documentation at bottom)

  2. Major Participants in Software Project UK Peter Boyle Balint Joo (Mike Clark) * Software Coordinating Committee

  3. OUTLINE • QCD APIDesign • Completed Components • Performance • Future Note: Thursday 9:30 Applications of the SciDAC API TBA = Carleton DeTar & Balint Joo

  4. Lattice QCD – extremely uniform • (Perfect) Load Balancing: Uniform periodic lattices & identical sublattices per processor. • (Complete) Latency hiding: overlap computation /communications • Data Parallel:operations on Small 3x3 Complex Matrices per link. • Critical kernel : Dirac Solver is ~90% of Flops. Lattice Dirac operator:

  5. Optimised for P4 and QCDOC Optimized Dirac Operators, Inverters ILDG collab Level 3 Exists in C/C++ C/C++, implemented over MPI, native QCDOC, M-via GigE mesh SciDAC QCD API QDP (QCD Data Parallel) QIO Binary DataFiles / XML Metadata Level 2 Lattice Wide Operations, Data shifts QLA (QCD Linear Algebra) Level 1 QMP (QCD Message Passing)

  6. Fundamental Software Components are in Place: • QMP (Message Passing) version 2.0 GigE, in native QCDOC & over MPI. • QLA (Linear Algebra) • C routines (24,000 generated by Perl with test code). • Optimized (subset) for P4 Clusters in SSE assembly. • QCDOC optimized using BAGEL -- assembly generator for PowerPC, IBM power, UltraSparc, Alpha… by P. Boyle UK • QDP (Data Parallel) API • C version for MILC applications code • C++ version for new code base Chroma • I/0 and ILDG: Read/Write for XML/binary files compliant with ILDG • Level 3 (Optimized kernels) Dirac inverters for QCDOC and P4 clusters

  7. Example of QDP++ Expression Typical for Dirac Operator: • QDP/C++ code: • Portable Expression Template Engine (PETE) Temporaries eliminated, expressions optimized

  8. Gauge Covariant Version of QDP/C++ code ? • Lattice gauge algebra has bifundamentals: • QDP new type: (Field U, displacement y-x) • No shifts! All data movement is implicit in * operator. • Gauge non-invariant expressions are impossible, except with special identity field for pure shifts ( Identity[vec])

  9. Performance of Optimized Dirac Inverters • QCDOC Level 3 inverters on 1024 processor racks • Level 2 on Infiniband P4 clusters at FNAL • Level 3 GigE P4 at JLab and Myrinet P4 at FNAL • Future Optimization on BlueGene/L et al.

  10. Level 3 on QCDOC

  11. Level 3 Aqstad QCDOC (double precision)

  12. Level 2 Asqtad on single P4 node

  13. Asqtad on Infiniband Cluster

  14. Level 3 Domain Wall CG Inverter y (32 nodes) 42 6 16 (4) 52 20 (6)102 40 6 163 y Ls = 16, 4g is P4 2.8MHz, 800MHz FSB

  15. Alpha Testers on the 1K QCDOC Racks • MILC C code: Level 3 Asqtad HMD: 403 * 96 lattice for 2 + 1 flavors (Each trajectory: 12hrs 18 min, Dru Renner) • Chroma C++ code: Level 3 domain wall RHMC: 243 * 32 (Ls = 8) for 2+1 flavors (James Osborn & Robert Edwards & UKQCD) • I/O: Reading and writing lattices to RAID and host AIX box • File transfers: 1 hop file transfers between BNL, FNAL & JLab

  16. BlueGene/L Assessment • June ’04: 1024 node BG/L Wilson HMC sustain 1 Teraflop (peak 5.6) Bhanot, Chen, Gara, Sexton & Vranas hep-lat/0409042 • Feb ’05: QDP++/Chroma running on UK BG/L Machine • June ’05: BU and MIT each acquire 1024 Node BG/L • ’05-’06 Software Development: Optimize Linear Algebra (BAGEL assembler from P. Boyle) at UK Optimize Inverter (Level 3) at MIT Optimize QMP (Level 1) at BU

  17. Future Software Directions • On going: Optimization, Testing and Hardening of components. New Level 3 and application routines. Executables for BG/L, X1E, XT3, Power 3, PNNL cluster, APEmille… • Integration: Uniform Interfaces, Uniform Execution Environment for 3 Labs. Middleware for data sharing with ILDG. Data, Code, Job control as 3 Lab Meta Facility (leverage PPDG) • Algorithm Research: Increased performance (leverage TOPS& NSF IRT). New physics (Scattering, resonances, SUSY, Fermion signs, etc?) • Generalize API: QCD like extensions of SM, SUSY, New Lattices, Related Apps? (See FermiQCD) • Graphics: Debugger, GUI for Job and Data Management, Physics & PR ? • Today at 5:30 MG talk by James Brannick

  18. Old MG resultsy to set context for Brannick’s talk:2x2 Blocks for Dirac Operator = 1 2-d Lattice, U(x) on links (x) on sites Gauss-Jacobi (Diamond), CG (circle), MG with V cycle (square), W cycle (star) y R. C. Brower, R. Edwards, C.Rebbi,and E. Vicari, "Projective multigrid forWilson fermions", Nucl. Phys.B366 (1991) 689 (aka Spectral AMG, Tim Chatier, 2002)

  19. Limitation of earlier MG methods with gauge invariant but non-adaptive projections for 2-d Schwinger Modely Universality of  vs mq/1/2 Gauss-Jacobi (Diamond), CG (circle), 3 level MG (square & star) = 3 (cross), 10(plus), 100( square)

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