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The ATLAS inner detector. Whole ID sits inside bore of LAr calorimeter cryostat (6m long, 1.1 m radius) TRT straw tube tracker, silicon strips (SCT) and PIXELs Services run along cryostat bore and out along cryostat flange
The ATLAS inner detector • Whole ID sits inside bore of LAr calorimeter cryostat (6m long, 1.1 m radius) • TRT straw tube tracker, silicon strips (SCT) and PIXELs • Services run along cryostat bore and out along cryostat flange • Installed in sections: barrel (SCT+TRT), inner endcap (TRT A+B,SCT), outer endcap (TRT C-currently staged) and pixels (inside pixel support tube PST with beampipe) TRT endcap A+B TRT barrel TRT endcap C SCT barrel SCT endcap Pixels Steinar Stapnes, LHCC June 2004
Pixel status • The rad-hard electronics being out of the list of the critical parts, we now face the challenge to produce the large number of modules needed with the necessary yield and in 15 months. • According to our schedule (in part validated by prototype mounting of modules on stave and sectors) the critical part is now the module fabrication and qualification, not the mounting on the local support neither the local support fabrication (that has started long ago). The module fabrication is just starting up (see picture below of module). • We obviously have to also look carefully at all the mechanical compatibilities between parts coming from many sources, that’s why we plan 2 dry tests (one in Cern and 1 in LBNL) to check all parts before the end of the year. • Other issues are : • Patch panels are quite complex, design is well underway and all the necessary tests and mock-ups has been done, but fabrication should to be followed with attention. In particular the optoboards on PP0 are close to the critical path and we are only at the preproduction phase (we did implement a close follow-up of this item at last steering group) • Optical fibre bundles have been ordered, cables order will be done soon (need to know the final length calculation). • Off detector parts (RODs, powersupplies, etc) are making good progress • Let’s see now where we are with the module fabrication • (all plots updated on May 31st). Diskmodule Steinar Stapnes, LHCC June 2004
Overview bistave with pigtail and type 0 cable bundle Steinar Stapnes, LHCC June 2004
Loading… Shown below is a source scan of a module on a stave (see components and also some detail of the flex circuit, but no bump damage due to the mounting process). We plan to start loading of production modules to production stave and sectors before the end of July. Steinar Stapnes, LHCC June 2004
Complete Solid Models of ATLAS Pixels 88 cm, ~2 times SVT 10 cm radius, Mid SVT Steinar Stapnes, LHCC June 2004
Cost of SVT replacement with ATLAS Pixel Modules • Cost of ATLAS Pixel Modules $1000 or $3000 • Area of ATLAS Pixel Modules 18 mm 62 mm • Area of SVT ~0.8 m2 • 2.1M$ @ 3k$/module Steinar Stapnes, LHCC June 2004
Sensors Production of sensors are now proceeding well, including new delivery (90 sensor tiles) of On Semiconductor much better than the 1st one and now fully tested. A 3rd delivery (~300 tiles) is on their way to the labs and should finally confirm production quality. Test labs: Dortmund New Mexico, Prague, Udine Steinar Stapnes, LHCC June 2004
Front-end electronics 102 8” wafers already delivered (out of 246 ordered) and 54 tested. 48 wafer deliveries are scheduled each 2 months and therefore expect to have all in hand before the end of the year. Testing speed (LBNL+Bonn) very rapidly at cruise speed and agrees with schedule Steinar Stapnes, LHCC June 2004
Flex hybrids Two batches of >1000 flexes delivered and most of them populated with components. Steinar Stapnes, LHCC June 2004
Modules (qualified and ready to go on the experiment) We have qualified 3 sites for the module production (Bonn, Genova, LBNL) and three more will shortly follow. The bumping start-up has been a bit longer than hoped for due to a the need for a key machine repair (now done) in one of the 2 bump vendors. The production of pixel modules still in the learning curve. We must work on this issue and have the curve ramp-up in the next couple of months. Steinar Stapnes, LHCC June 2004
Thinning, dicing and bare modules • Thinning and dicing under control. • Settled on 220um including photoresist, agreed with bumping companies • Repeatable and fast turn-around, even for multi-wafer batches. • No yield loss from this. Even cracked wafers thinned and diced OK. Only chips lost were those originally cracked. • Furthermore, chip electrical probing yield = 99.4% +/- 0.1% • Do not have to probe all chips => not a rate-limiting step Bare-module rates on the right (yields promising) : Steinar Stapnes, LHCC June 2004
PIXEL schedule • Being lowered with beampipe in July 2006. • Component stock is building up and preliminary yield are promising • The critical parameter is module production we have to see how this turns on … Steinar Stapnes, LHCC June 2004