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TPL Term 3 2013 Support Workshop. Entry Ticket Reflection. Handout on table – two-sides. How effectively am I using my precious 13-18 TPL days for my own learning, for my learners, for my school and for my profession?. W ins ,. Obstacles. Wonderings ?.
Entry Ticket Reflection Handout on table – two-sides How effectively am I using my precious 13-18 TPL days for my own learning, for my learners, for my school and for my profession? Wins, • Obstacles • Wonderings? Where are you now on the inquiry continuum? (see over page) What do I need to change for me to be able to make the most of my remaining 13-18 precious days?
Checking-In Guiding Qs for this morning Where are you now in relation to the inquiry continuum? What andHow have you learned since we last met aboutlearners& about teaching approaches? See Entry Ticket *
Pre-workshop reflection Reflecting on progress To be shared in Triads at workshop
Triad Support Groups You’ll be sharing your pre-workshop reflection. Find two other people in the room from different schools who either: Have a similar focus for their TPL inquiry Teach a similar year level to you (Get each others’ emails / mobiles) This Triad will be your support group this term as you try to embed your new practices – both today and in the online community. Seep.2 for a place to record contact details . . .
TPL Driving Question Based on the needs of our students,what do I need to learn and do differently in my practice to improve the learning outcomes for students? Term 3 Focus:How will I embed my new learning into my everyday practice and monitor how well learners progress?
Design with and incorporate new practices, trial, capture evidence, analyse & document learning to share.
Learning Focus Areas for Today new What pedagogical practices seem to be the most effective responses to your TPL student learning focus? How will you embed this new teaching and learning into your everyday practices? What evidence will you gather to determine how well learners progress in response to your actions (which you will share with others)?
New teaching reflection Refer to the teaching practices/approaches/capabilities you identified as worth attending to so as to progress your TPL student learning focus. Discuss with the person beside you: Locate the source of these teaching practices/approaches/capabilities ? SeeSources of ideas for new teachingon p.5 for examples Reflecting on progress – pre-workshop task
Sources of ideas for new teaching How am I learning? LOCALLY VALIDATED EXTERNALLY VALIDATED My peers Online resources Reputable Journal Published Book Experienced Colleagues Research Report Education System Recommendations My hunches Other? See p.8
Critical Reflection Why do you believe the teaching approaches you are going to try, offer better, more effective ways to progress your learners? See p.6
p.7 Great pedagogy: Nine strong claims from the research (HARRIS & JONES 2012) Analyse Highlight pedagogical principles: Which will you be enacting in light of your teaching choices? Reflect What else might be relevant to progressing your learners? Whole Group How strong are our choices? Which capabilities might you also need to develop to enact the relevant claims? See p.8
Reflection on your Evidence Inquiry Cycle p.9 Q. Where are we located now in relation to the cycle of inquiry?
. . . in light of ouraspirationsand what we are learning about our learners Designingfor learning
What do we really hungerfor? Setting the context for TPL Inquiries this semester How did one teacher introduce, develop and embed new learning and teaching into her everyday practice last year?
To BE a teacher inquirer we hunger for something new. What do you really hunger for? p.10 Anything you want to add to what you REALLY hunger for? (Now view MJs aspirations for herself and her learners at this time last year.)
You or your students know/understand something new? What does attending to all three strands look like in a Unit so that You or your students are able to do something new? You or your students are different as learners or engage in the learning process differently? p.11
What does it mean to know and understand deeply? With a partner select a focus to watch the film, one person attends to student learning, one to the teaching. Student Focus: What was the deep understanding and new knowledge being developed here? What evidence do you see of students developing this deeper knowledge and understanding? Teaching Focus: What pedagogical approaches and teaching strategies did you see in action? How well does this align with the pedagogy research? p.13
So What’s this got to do with me? In light of your own TPL inquiry: What are you planning to do to motivate your learners to pursue depth of knowledge and understanding within your design? What do you believe will achieve this? p.14
MJ used a Driving Question as a technique to create a drive and focus How Driving was MJ’s question - What do we really hunger for? Use the Wiggins and McTighe criteria to make a judgement. What criteria could you use to make a judgement about the techniques you have planned? See p.15
What if MJ hadnt offered a driving question and the focus was restricted to writing, reading comprehension and spelling?
How do we all Design for learning? • What criteria could we use to determine the quality of our Designs for learning? (Using criteria could help us to strengthen our designs.) What are the strengths of the Designs we have brought along today? • See EdPartnerships criteria - just one example (p.16)
Thinking about your TPL learning focus in light of your unit designs To what extent will our assessments show the desired student growth and learning? Where in this design can we see our TPL inquiry focus? What most helps us to make decisions about our everyday teaching? What difference would it make if students didn’t learn some of this? See p.17
How will we know if our teaching is working and learners are learning?
Evidence gathering What can your learners say, make, draw, write or do to Show what they know or understand now? Show what they can do now? Share how they feel about this learning? Offer some insights about themselves as learners? See p.18
MJ’s class – Part 2 of film What did development of attitudes, motivations (BE); and skills & general capabilities (Do) look like for her students? What was the relationship between the 3 strands of learning? How did they support and enable each other? If one strand had been absent, what might have been different?
Making sure we will have the evidence we need to show student growth and demonstrate impact What kinds of assessment have been planned? As, of and for learning . . . What forms of evidence will these produce? How well will they enable you to make a judgement about student growth and progress? What opportunities will you need to create for gathering other forms of evidence in addition to assessment tasks? See p.19
Working in triad support groups Task: Analyse each person’s evidence gathering plan – how well will this enable the extent of student learning and growth to be revealed? What other ideas does the group have? See p.20
What might we be on the lookout for as signs of your learning and growth?What could you say, make, write, draw or do to (a) demonstrate your learning and growth and(b) the impact this has had on your learners? Signs of yourlearning See p.21
Success Criteria See p.22
Learning continuum to monitor growth See p.23
The Perspective of learners Third source – what have learners you’ve worked with perceived as the changes in your practice and ways of working with them?
Term 4 Performances of Understanding Sharing your evidence of learning with colleagues What are your ideas for the format and structure of this day? What are you keen to learn from each other? • Consider: • What would be best shared/demonstrated/analysed in the online community? How could we do this? • What would be best shared/demonstrated/analysed during the Term 4 workshop? How could we do this?
Success Criteria for Day 4?? If the purpose of Term 4 TPL for is: to analyse and share evidence of student progress and teacher learning and growth What are the most engaging & interesting ways to do this? • Wall Talk 5 or six people per wall. • Ideas we like best? • What will we post online and bring to the workshop?
Revise, make notes on your Inquiry Cycle See p.12 Evidence Inquiry Cycle Cycle elaborated from Timperley (2007) and O’Rourke & Burrows (2010)
WikiSpace Learning Community Commitments: Triad Support Groups – How often and for what purpose will you communicate and collaborate online?
Online Support WikiSpace http://tplsupport.wikispaces.com Questions about use, posting or creating new spaces?