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leçon 102. bonjour, classe !. Écrivez vos devoirs: Continuer de préparer l’examen final. Check your Pinnacle, turn in any/all make-ups, missing assignments, re-takes, etc. . . NOW! Tout de suite:. l’examen final: format.
bonjour, classe! • Écrivezvos devoirs: • Continuer de préparerl’examen final. • Check your Pinnacle, turn in any/all make-ups, missing assignments, re-takes, etc. . . NOW! • Tout de suite:
l’examen final: format • On Thursday 5/29 and Friday 5/20, you will be taking the speaking and listening portions of your final exam. • There will be 10 listening questions: Unit 6 only. • You will be asked 4 speaing questions: Unit 6 only.
l’examen final: format • On Mon (p. 1, 2), Tue (p. 3), and Wed (p.5,6) of the last week of school, you’ll be taking the remainder of your final exam in this room. 1. Vocabulary: 30 questions, Units 1-6. • Grammar: 30 questions, Units 1-6. • Reading: 10 questions, Unit 6. • Culture: 10 questions, Units 1-6. • Writing: You just witnessed a traffic accident. Describe the scene and what happened to the police officer taking the report.
possible speaking questions 1 I am working for a messenger service and have a package to deliver to your house. I need some information as to where you live. • Dansquellepartie de la villeest-cequetuhabites? • Est-cequetuhabitesdans un immeubleoudansunemaisonindividuelle? • Combiend’étages a ta maison/ton immeuble? • Est-cequ’il y a un jardindevant?
possible speaking questions 2 I am a journalist writing an article about Americans and their homes. Can you answer some questions about your home? • Combien de piècesest-cequ’il y a? • Quelleest ta pièce préfèrée? • Dansquelle pièce est-cequevousprenez le petit déjeuner? • Dansquelle pièce est-cequevousdînez?
possible speaking questions 3 I have never been to your school. Tell me something about the building where you have your French class. • Est-cequec’est un immeublemoderneouancien? • Combiend’étagesest-cequ’il y a? • Àquelétageest la classe de fraçais? • Combien de fenêtresest-cequ’il y a?
possible speaking questions 4 I missed the field trip of the French Club last month, but I hear that you went. Can you tell me about it? • C’étaitquel jour? • Quel temps faisait-il? • Combien de personnesest-cequ’il y avait? • Qu’est-cequevousavez fait?
possible speaking questions 5 I am a police officer who is investigating the hit-and-run accident that you witnessed yesterday as you were coming back from school. I have a few questions to ask you. • Quelleheureétait-il? • Qu’est-cequevousfaisiez? • De quellecouleurétait la voiture? • Comment était le conducteur/la conductrice?
possible speaking questions 6 I am a journalist. I hear that last Thursday, while you were with your friends, you saw a UFO (un OVNI). I would like to ask you a few questions. • Oùétiez-vous? • Qu’est-cequevousfaisiez? • Qu’est-cequevousavez vu? • Qu’est-cequevousavez fait?
for the rest of class. . . • You should: review ALL speaking questions, practice the questions AND the answers with a partner. • You may: work on Unit 6 (and all other Units) review guides in preparation for the test. • You may: work on make-up or missing work to be inputted in the gradebook, • You may NOT: sleep, hang out, have off-topic conversations, do work from other classes. USE YOUR TIME WISELY!