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DESCRIBING TRENDS OR MOVEMENTS IN GRAPHS/CHARTS. How to describe graphs and charts:. Such language is widely used in business …. THERE WAS A dramatic rise IN retail sales in the year before. Britain’s economy grew AT its slowest annual rate for 12 years in the second quarter.

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  2. How to describe graphs and charts:

  3. Such language is widely used in business … • THERE WAS A dramaticriseIN retail sales in the year before. • Britain’s economy grewATits slowest annual rate for 12 years in the second quarter. • A recent survey has reported the fastest-ever year-on-year sales decline. • Germany’s August sales fellfor the third month in a row. (for the third consecutive month)

  4. Such language is widely used in business … • A plungeIN sales was recorded in America. • Consumer confidence is decliningsharply. • Wal-Mart’s sales increasedBY 0.2% TO $76.8 bn in the second quarter. • Tesco’s sales were up 14% TO₤18.8bn. (sales are up ≠ sales are down) • rising fuel costs / increasing debt (falling...) (decreasing...)

  5. TRENDS AND MOVEMENTS • upward trend (e.g. increase) • stability (no change) (e.g. be stable) • change of directions (e.g. recover) • downward trend (e.g. fall) Language: nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions, time adverbials, sentence structure

  6. increase rise growth decrease fall decline fluctuation recovery drop Which NOUNS have verbs in the same form?

  7. increase rise growth decrease fall decline drop fluctuation recovery increase rise, rose, risen grow, grew, grown decrease fall, fell, fallen decline drop, dropped, dropped fluctuate recover NOUN VERB

  8. PREPOSITIONS • Our revenue rose ... $1m ... $2m • It increased (...) 100%. • This was an increase ... 100% • This was a 100% rise ... our revenue. • Our sales fell ... $120,000 ... $60,000m • They decreased (...) 50% • This was a decrease ...50%. • This was a 50% fall ... our sales. • Housing prices are ... last year’s level.

  9. PREPOSITIONS • Our revenue rose FROM $1m TO $2m • It increased (BY) 100%. • This was an increase OF 100% • This was a 100% rise IN our revenue. • Our sales fell FROM $120,000 TO $60,000m • They decreased (BY) 50% • This was a decrease OF50%. • This was a 50% fall IN our sales. • Housing prices are AT last year’s level.

  10. PREPOSITIONS • Our revenue rose ... $1m ... $2m • It increased (...) 100%. • This was an increase ... 100% • This was a 100% rise ... our revenue. • Our sales fell ... $120,000 ... $60,000m • They decreased (...) 50% • This was a decrease ...50%. • This was a 50% fall ... our sales. • Housing prices are ... last year’s level.

  11. povećanje cijene od 15% povećati cijenu za 15% povisiti cijenu na 23,000 povisiti cijenu za 23,000 Cijena je na $2.3. An increase in the price of 15% (A 15% increase in the price) To increase the price by 15% To increase the price to 23,000 To increase the price by 23,000 The price is at $2.3. Translate the following:

  12. PODRAVKA MAKES HRK21m PROFIT Podravka, the Koprivnica-based food producer, made a net profit 1........ HRK21m. The company’s total income increased 2......... 7.1 per cent reaching HRK2.4bn in 1997. This year, its first quarter income went up 3......... HRK631m, a rise 4......... 11 per cent. Last year, Podravka’s sales grew 5......... 7.56 per cent 6......... HRK2.3bn. They were 7......... HRK 596.5m in the first quarter of this year, an increase 8......... 12 per cent.(HINA, 98)

  13. PODRAVKA MAKES HRK21m PROFIT Podravka, the Koprivnica-based food producer, made a net profit (1)of HRK21m last year. The company’s total income increased (2)by7.1 per cent reaching HRK2.4bn in 1997. This year, its first quarter income went up (3)to HRK631m, a rise (4) of11 per cent. Last year, Podravka’s sales grew (5) by 7.56 per cent (6) toHRK2.3bn. They were (7) at HRK 596.5m in the first quarter of this year, an increase 8of 12 per cent. (HINA, 1998)

  14. VERBS increase drop risegrow fall decrease

  15. VERBS Attention!Rise vs. Raise vs. Arise Rise, rose, risen - irreg.v. (intr.: rise + Ø) The price has already risen. Prices rose yesterday.Prices are rising. Raise, raised, raised - reg.v. (trans.:raise+object) They raisedthe prices. He has raisedhis voice. Raise your hand! Arise, arose, arisen (irreg.v.) Many problems have arisen. A crisis is arising.

  16. Attention! Rise vs. Raise vs. Arise 1.A crisis is ............ 2.The price has already ........ . 3. .......... your hand! 4. Prices are ............ . 5.They ........... the prices. 6.They managed to ....... much capital. 7.Prices .......... yesterday. 8.Many problems have ........ .

  17. Use rise/grow/fall/drop and the necesary prepositions (careful with tenses!): • We have just heard that our sales 1…… dramatically. • Have they ever 2… so much? Yes, they 3…. to €2.5 m in 2007, due to a drop 4…. 25% in our January retail services, but already in April they 5…. 6…. 50% so we did not have any problems as they 7… 8… as much as €5m.

  18. Verbs describing trends(Study the next slide and fill in the chart)

  19. Level off Rise Remain constant Hold steady Drop Reach a high Climb back Plunge Decline Fluctuate Reach a low Recover Reach a peak/Peak Go up Increase Plummet Slump Boom Escalate Stabilize Collapse Slip back Soar Rocket Crash Grow Fall Bottom out Pick up Go down Decrease Decline Verbs to use:

  20. ADVERBS & ADJECTIVES Intensity and speed ADVERBS & ADJECTIVES ↓ ↓ • to rise suddenly / a sudden rise in • to drop sharply / a sharp drop in • fall slightly / a slight fall in • to decrease moderately/ a moderate decrease • to decline gradually / a gradual decline • to increase slightly / a slight increase • to recover steadily / a steady recovery in

  21. Intensity and speed Sales rose suddenly in 2003. VERB + ADVERB • to rise suddenly / a suddenrise in • ? / a sharp drop in • ? / a considerable fall • ? / a moderate decrease • ? / a gradual decline • ? / a slight increase • ? / a steady recovery • ? / a mild growth

  22. Intensity and speed (ADJ vs. ADV.) There was a sudden rise in sales in 2003. ADJ.+ NOUN • to rise suddenly / a suddenrise (in sales) • to drop sharply / ? • to fall considerably/ ? • to decrease moderately/ ? • to decline gradually / ? • to increase slightly / ? • to recover steadily / ? • To grow mildly/ ?

  23. Fill in the missing words: • Our profits (iznenada) fell in 2011. • A (blagi) rise in our sales was observed in February. • A (nagli) fall in sales took place last month. • Sales have been rising (stabilno) since December. • A (stalni) growth in our profits has attracted investors.

  24. SENTENCE STRUCTURE a) Our sales fell rapidly in 2008. b) There was a rapid fall in our sales in 2008. c) A rapid fall in our sales was recorded in 2008. 1.a rapid fall (2009) 2. a steady growth (2003)

  25. e.g. a steady growth (2003) a) Our sales grew steadily in 2003. b) There was a steady growth fall in our sales in 2003. c) A steady growth in our sales was recorded in 2003.

  26. SENTENCE STRUCTURE a) Our sales fell rapidly in 2008. b) There was a rapid fall in our sales in 2008. c) A rapid fall in our sales was recorded in 2008. 1.a rapid fall (2009) 2. a steady growth (2003) 3.an abrupt rise (2004) 4.a gradual decline (2009) 5.a moderate growth (2007)6.a slight increase (2007) 7.a mild drop (2008) 8. a considerable decline (2010)

  27. Sentence structure Rephrase the following sentences: e.g. Retail sales fell in the second quarter. (v.→ n.) There was a fall in the second quarter retail sales. A fall was recorded/observed in the second quarter retail sales • Britain’s economy grewslowly in the second quarter. There was a slow growth in Britain’s economy in the second quarter. A slow growth was recorded in Britain’s economy in the second quarter. • Shoe imports from China to the EU rose by 300% in the nine months ending in October 2005 compared with the same period 2004. There was a rise of 300% in shoe imports from China... A rise of 300%was observed in shoe imports from China... • Cadburry Schweppes reported a 46% rise in net profit in 2005 (n.→v.) Cadburry Schweppes’s net profit rose by 46% in 2005.

  28. Guidelines to describe a chart/graph (RB): • Describe the general trend e.g. A downward trend is noticed in the retail sales in 2005. • When did itpeak/reach a low? • Time: In what period...? For how long ....? e.g. in the period between March and June 2005, in the first quarter of 2005, in the second half of 2005, for three consecutive months... • How intensive/quick was the change? There was a rapid increase in the sales ... Sales fell dramatically ...

  29. 1.Overall trend, 2.Specific trends (details:v+n, highs, lows), 3.Intensity & speed (adj +adv) , 4. Time frame 5.Prepositions (in, from…to, at, to, by) • In the period betweenFebruary and January, an upward trend was recordedin the growth rate of retail sales peakingat$ X at the end of the observed period. Having reached a lowat the end of January, retail sales started risingin February, slipped backin March and remained stableat $ X throughout April. A sharp increaseto $X is visible in early Mayfollowed by an abruptdropof X% in June. Retail sales climbed backto $X in July. They went upmildly in August and continued rising in September….

  30. ASSIGNMENT: Describe the graph using the expressions below (use the previous slides, especially slides 29 & 30).…………

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