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1. LICNE ZAMENICE (Personal Pronouns)Imaju funkciju subjekta u recenici.1.I ja2. you ti3. he/she/it on/ona/onoMnoina:1. we mi2. you vi3. they oniEngleski jezik ima prirodni rod, tj. svi predmeti i pojmovi oznacavaju se sa it, bica mukog pola sa he, a enskog sa she.. VRSTE ZA
2. 1. LICNE ZAMENICE (Personal Pronouns)
Imaju funkciju subjekta u recenici.
1.I – ja
2. you – ti
3. he/she/it – on/ona/ono
1. we – mi
2. you – vi
3. they – oni
Engleski jezik ima prirodni rod, tj. svi predmeti i pojmovi oznacavaju se sa it, bica muškog pola sa he, a ženskog sa she.
3. 2. PRISVOJNE ZAMENICE (Possesive Pronouns)
Oznacavaju pripadanje i zamenjuju imenicu.
I have a book. The book is mine.
1. I – mine (ja – moje) 1. we - ours
2. you – yours 2. you - yours
3. he – his 3. they - theirs
she – hers
it - its
4. Prisvojne zamenice treba razlikovati od PRISVOJNIH PRIDEVA, koji takode oznacavaju pripadnost, ali idu uz imenicu, tj. ne mogu da stoje sami.
I have a book. This is my book.
1. I – my book 1. we – our book
2. you – your book 2. you – your book
3. he – his book 3. they – their book
she – her book
it – its book
5. 3. POVRATNE ZAMENICE (Reflexive Pronouns)
Upotrebljavaju se kada je subjekat recenice isti kao objekat.
I don’t want you to pay for me. I will pay for myself.
He is really odd. He always talks to himself
1.myself 1. ourselves
2. yourself 2. yourselves
3.himself/herself/itself 3.themselves
6. 4. POKAZNE ZAMENICE (Demonstrative Pronouns)
Za pokazivanje: this book, those cars
Jednina Množina
This book (ova knjiga) These books (ove knjige)
That chair (ona stolica) Those chairs (one stolice)
Do you see that car over there?
I can’t bring all these books with me.
7. Odnosne zamenice (Relative Pronouns) Who – za ljude
Which – za predmete, mesta, pojmove, životinje
Where – za mesta
That – može da zameni ‘who’ i ‘which’.
8. RELATIVE CLAUSES 1 The woman who lives next door is a doctor.
Ovu složenu recenicu možemo podeliti na dve proste recenice:
The woman lives next door.
The woman is a doctor.
Obe recenice imaju isti subjekat, pa se mogu povezati u jednu složenu, koja sadrži jednu nezavisnu i jednu zavisnu recenicu (clause).
Zavisne recenice koje nam daju informaciju o subjektu ili objektu glavne recenice nazivaju se odnosne.
9. The woman – she lives next door – is a doctor.
Umesto licne zamenice she upotrebljava se odnosna zamenica who.
The woman who lives next door is a doctor.
We know a lot of people – they live in the country.
We know a lot of people who live in the country.
Odnosnu zamenicu who koristimo samo za ljude, osobe. Umesto who može se koristiti i that.
What was the name of the person that phoned you?
10. Za nežive stvari, objekte, pojmove, cesto i životinje, koristi se odnosna zamenica which ili that:
Where is the cheese? – it was in the fridge
Where is the cheese which/that was in the fridge?
I don’t like films that have unhappy endings.
What was the name of the horse that won the race?
The machine which broke down is working again now.
U govornom jeziku, cešce se cuje that nego which.
11. The woman who lives next door is a doctor.
(The woman lives next door.)
Where is the cheese which was in the fridge?
(The cheese was in the fridge.)
Ukoliko se who/which/that odnosi na subjekat, ne mogu se izostaviti iz recenice.
Medutim, ponekad se odnose na objekat:
Have you found the keys which you lost?
(You lost the keys).
Kada je who/which/that objekat odnosne recenice, može se izostaviti:
Have you found the keys you lost?The woman (who) I wanted to see was on holiday.
12. Mesto predloga u odnosnim recenicama: uvek se nalaze na kraju odnosne recenice.
Npr. talk to someone
Tom is talking to a woman – do you know her?
Do you know the woman (who) Tom is talking to?
I work with some people – I like them.
I like the people (that) I work with.
You were looking for some books – did you find them?
Did you find the books (which) you were looking for?
13. Postoji još nekoliko odnosnih zamenica:
Koristi se u odnosnim recenicama umesto his/her/their, tj. prisvojnih prideva – dakle, oznacava pripadnost.
We saw some people – their car broke down.
We saw some people whose car broke down.
Whose se uglavnom koristi za ljude:
What’s the name of the man whose car you borrowed? (you borrowed his car).
I met a man who knows you. (he knows you)
I met a man whose sister knows you. (his sister knows you)
14. WHOM
Ova zamenica se ponekad koristi umesto who kada se odnosi na objekat odnosne recenice.
The woman whom I wanted to see was away. (I wanted to see her)
Takode može da se koristi sa predlogom:
The people with whom I work are very nice. (I work with them)
Ova zamenica se u govornom jeziku retko upotrebljava. Umesto nje se koristi who/that, a najcešce nijedna:
The woman I wanted to see was away.
Koristi se da bi se oznacilo mesto:
The restaurant – we had dinner there – it was near the airport.
The restaurant where we had dinner was near the airport.
I recently went back to the town where I grew up.
16. RELATIVE CLAUSES 2: Defining and Non-defining The woman who lives next door is a doctor.
Barbara works for a company that makes furniture.
We stayed at the hotel (that) you recommended.
Odnosna rec.daje neophodne informacije o kojoj se ženi, firmi, hotelu, itd. govori. My brother Rob, who lives in Australia, is a doctor.
Colin told me about his new job, which he’s enjoying very much.
We stayed at the Park Hotel, which my friend recommended.
Ove recenice ne daju neophodne, vec dodatne informacije. One se odvajaju zarezima. DEFINING NON-DEFINING
17. Umesto who i which možemo koristiti that:
Do you know anyone who/that speaks Italian?
Barbara works for a company which/that makes furniture. Umesto who i which ne može se koristiti that:
John, who speaks Italian, is a tourist guide.
*John, that speaks Italian, is a tourist guide.
18. Ukoliko se radi o objektu, who/which/that se može izostaviti:
We stayed at the hotel (which/that) you recommended. U ovakvim odnosnim recenicama, who/which se ne mogu izostaviti:
We stayed at the Park Hotel, which my friend recommended.
*We stayed at the Park Hotel, my friend recommended. DEFINING NON-DEFINING
19. We met some people whose car broke down.
What’s the name of the place where you went on holiday? Liz, whose car broke down, was in a very bad mood.
Jill has just been to Sweden, where her daughter lives. DEFINING NON-DEFINING