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Generalization for Multi-scale Mapping

2013 Esri International User Conference July 8–12, 2013 | San Diego, California. Technical Workshop. Generalization for Multi-scale Mapping. Edie Punt Jamie Conley. Why Generalize?. Data is collected and maintained in high detail When drawn at a smaller scale: it can be too detailed

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Generalization for Multi-scale Mapping

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  1. 2013 Esri International User Conference July 8–12, 2013 | San Diego, California Technical Workshop Generalization forMulti-scale Mapping Edie Punt Jamie Conley

  2. Why Generalize? • Data is collected and maintained in high detail • When drawn at a smaller scale: • it can be too detailed • symbols can conflict • Consider: • visual acuity • output capabilities Generalization for Multi-scale Mapping

  3. Generalization for Multi-scale Mapping

  4. Generalization for Multi-scale Mapping

  5. Generalization for Multi-scale Mapping

  6. Generalization is Subjective Traditionally, generalization was performed manually at the discretion of the cartographer Easy for humans, hard for machines …generalization is difficult to automate “What is qualitatively the same on the ground is also represented in the same way everywhere on the map” Swiss Society of Cartography, 1972 Generalization for Multi-scale Mapping

  7. Automated Generalizationin ArcGIS Generalization for Multi-scale Mapping

  8. Automated Generalization in ArcGIS 10.2 10.1 10 9.3.1 9.3 9.2 9.1 9.0 8 7 Generalization for Multi-scale Mapping

  9. Feature-based Generalization Early automated generalization tools considered the geometry of each feature sequentially without regard to symbology or other feature relationships Generalization for Multi-scale Mapping

  10. Contextual Generalization Contextual generalization tools assess multiple features from multiple layers simultaneously • Maintain representative pattern, density, and character • Resolve conflicts betweensymbolized features at scale Generalization for Multi-scale Mapping

  11. Automated Generalization with Geoprocessing The Cartography toolbox contains tools for generalization and conflict detection Generalization for Multi-scale Mapping

  12. What’s the Difference? Generalizationclarifies the display of feature geometry at smaller scales ConflictResolutionmanages the extent and placement of symbolized features on maps Use both to retaincharacteristic form and pattern Generalization for Multi-scale Mapping

  13. Contextual Generalization: Optimization Constraint: ideal restriction on one or more features buildings must be at least 15m apart Action: modify the data to better meet constraints move the building away Reflex: constraint that must be met a building cannot be moved onto a road Generalization for Multi-scale Mapping

  14. Generalizing Roads Generalization for Multi-scale Mapping

  15. Thin Road Network tool • Removes less significant roads from display • Retains representative pattern and connectivity • Visibility controlled by attribute, easy to modify Generalization for Multi-scale Mapping

  16. Resolve Road Conflicts tool • Adjust roads to show visual separation • highways, boulevards, dead-ends, roundabouts • Less significant roads move to accommodate more significant roads Generalization for Multi-scale Mapping

  17. Merge Divided Roads tool • Create a single road feature from ‘parallel’ pairs • Merge only equal-class roads together Generalization for Multi-scale Mapping

  18. Collapse Road Detail tool • Remove details or open interruptions at intersections Generalization for Multi-scale Mapping

  19. Demo Generalizing Roads 1:50,000 and 1:100,000 scale Generalization for Multi-scale Mapping

  20. Generalizing Buildings Generalization for Multi-scale Mapping

  21. Propagate Displacement tool • Adjust adjacent features to reestablish relationships after conflict resolution • Use displacement output from other tools • Merge Divided Roads tool • Resolve Road Conflicts tool Generalization for Multi-scale Mapping

  22. Resolve Building Conflicts tool • Separate buildings from each other and from barriers • Retain relative density and pattern • Adjust visibility, size, and spacing, orientation Generalization for Multi-scale Mapping

  23. Delineate Built-up Areas tool • Use dense groups of buildings to define built-up area polygons using edge features Generalization for Multi-scale Mapping

  24. Demo Generalizing Buildings 1:50,000 and 1:100,000 scale Generalization for Multi-scale Mapping

  25. Generalization Workflows Generalization for Multi-scale Mapping

  26. Partitioning Large Datasets • Establish partitions for data • Feature layers, map sheet boundaries, or • use Create Cartographic Partitions tool Generalization for Multi-scale Mapping

  27. Partitioning Large Datasets • Set the Cartographic Partitions geoprocessing environment variable to the partitions layer • Each partition processed independently • Edge matching handled Generalization for Multi-scale Mapping

  28. Geoprocessing Workflows • Transform data in scale-specific steps • Chain steps in scripts or models • Automate entire workflow, or subdivide with manual editing and verification steps in between • Some tools modify inputs; new data not created • Use representations to store changes as overrides • Original geometry is left intact for visual comparison or even reversion Generalization for Multi-scale Mapping

  29. Cartographic Production Workflow Master Database Data Generalization Scale-specific Data Manual Editing Symbolization Map Layout Cartographic Generalization Output Share Print Annotation Export Generalization for Multi-scale Mapping

  30. Multi-scale Mapping Workflow Data Generalization (Generalization toolset) Conflict Resolution (Graphic Conflicts toolset) Reduce feature count Reduce feature complexity Resolve Road Conflicts Symbolize data for output scale Propagate Displacement Simplify Buildings Simplify Line Aggregate Polygons Resolve Building Conflicts Smooth Line Thin Road Network Simplify Polygon Detect Graphic Conflicts Merge Divided Roads Collapse Road Detail Smooth Polygon Delineate Built-Up Areas Manual editing Generalization for Multi-scale Mapping

  31. Demo Large Dataset Workflow Multiple scales Generalization for Multi-scale Mapping

  32. Thank you… Please fill out the session evaluation Wednesday Offering ID: 1341 Thursday Offering ID: 1428 Online – www.esri.com/ucsessionsurveys Paper – pick up and put in drop box

  33. Generalization for Multi-scale Mapping

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