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“Electronic Surveillance, Security, and Privacy”

“Electronic Surveillance, Security, and Privacy”. Professor Peter P. Swire Ohio State University InSITes -- Carnegie Mellon February 7, 2002. Overview of the Talk. Overview of electronic surveillance, before and after September 11 Security vs. privacy Security and privacy.

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“Electronic Surveillance, Security, and Privacy”

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  1. “Electronic Surveillance, Security, and Privacy” Professor Peter P. Swire Ohio State University InSITes -- Carnegie Mellon February 7, 2002

  2. Overview of the Talk • Overview of electronic surveillance, before and after September 11 • Security vs. privacy • Security and privacy

  3. Wiretaps and Surveillance • History of wiretaps • 2000 Administration proposal • 2001 USA Patriot Act

  4. Wiretap History • 1920s Olmstead • Wiretaps permitted by police without warrant where tap applied outside your home • 1960s Katz • Reasonable expectation of privacy, even in a phone booth • 1968 Title III • Strict rules for content, more than probable cause, as a last resort, reporting requirements

  5. History (cont.) • 1984 ECPA • Some protections for e-mail • Some protections for to/from information; pen registers (who you call); trap and trace (who calls you)

  6. 2000 Administration Proposal • How to update wiretap and surveillance for the Internet age • 15-agency White House working group • Legislation proposed June, 2000 • S. 3083 • Hearings and mark-up in House Judiciary, further toward privacy than our proposal

  7. 2000 Administration Proposal • Update telephone era language • Upgrade email and web protections to same as telephone calls • Identify new obstacles to law enforcement from the new technology • Sense of responsibility -- assure privacy, give law enforcement tools it needs

  8. 2001 USA Patriot Act • Introduced less than a week after September 11 • Key provisions often have a point, but maybe went too far • 4 year “sunset” for many surveillance provisions and what to do next

  9. Emergency orders • Before, “imminent threat” of serious harm to get wiretap before a court order • Now, for any ongoing computer attack, or else ability to trace back may be lost • For anything affecting “a national security interest” • Are these too broad?

  10. Roving taps • Old days, order for each phone • What if suspect buys a dozen disposable cell phones? Uses someone else’s computer? • But, how far can the order rove? Anyone in the public library? • Problem -- less of a suppression remedy for email and web use

  11. Nationwide trap and trace • Old days, serve order on ATT and it was effective nationwide • Today, e-mail may travel through a half-dozen providers, have needed that many court orders • New law -- one order effective nationwide • Query -- order from a judge in Idaho, served late at night, how do you challenge that?

  12. Computer trespasser exception • Previous law: • ISP can monitor its own system • ISP can give evidence of yesterday’s attack • ISP cannot invite law enforcement in to catch the burglars • Problem for: • DOD and many hack attacks • Small system owners who need help

  13. Computer trespasser proposal • Law enforcement can “surf behind” if: • Targets person who accesses a computer “without authorization” • System owner consents • Lawful investigation • Law enforcement reasonably believes that the information will be relevant • Interception does not acquire communications other than those transmitted to or from the trespasser

  14. Computer trespasser • Issues of concern: • Never a hearing in Congress on it • No time limit on each use • No reporting requirement • FBI can ask the ISP to invite it in, and then camp at ISP permanently • Limited suppression remedy if go outside permitted scope

  15. II. Security & Privacy After 9/11 • Less tolerance for hackers and other unauthorized use • Cyber-security and the need to protect critical infrastructures such as payments system, electricity grid, & telephone system • Greater tolerance for surveillance, which many people believe is justified by greater risks

  16. Security vs. Privacy • Security sometimes means greater surveillance, information gathering, & information sharing • USA Patriot increases surveillance powers • Computer trespasser exception • Moral suasion to report possible terrorists

  17. Security and Privacy • Good data handling practices become more important -- good security protects information against unauthorized use • Audit trails, accounting become more obviously desirable -- helps fight sloppy privacy practices • Part of system upgrade for security will be system upgrade for other requirements, such as privacy

  18. In Conclusion • USA Patriot has 4 year sunset of many of the surveillance provisions • Imagine an architecture that meets legitimate security needs and also respects privacy • Need accountability to ensure the new powers are used wisely • Our homework -- how to do that wisely

  19. Contact Information • Professor Peter P. Swire • phone: (301) 213-9587 • email: pswire@law.gwu.edu • web: www.osu.edu/units/law/swire.htm

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