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Changes of hadron properties in medium carry signals of the way in which the vacuum changes in a nuclear environment W. Weise, NPA 574 (1994) 347c. Hadrons in Nuclear Matter: Sensors of the QCD Vacuum?. B. Kämpfer. Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf Technische Universität Dresden.
Changes of hadron properties in medium carry signals of the way in which the vacuum changes in a nuclear environment W. Weise, NPA 574 (1994) 347c Hadrons in Nuclear Matter: Sensors of the QCD Vacuum? B. Kämpfer Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf Technische Universität Dresden QCD Sum Rules: condensates and hadron spectral functions (line shapes,peak position) Hadron Model: adjustment to data (transparency ratios - widths)
WMAP Dark Energy: or Einstein‘s constant or ? sensors for the vacuum
Bonn Mainz Jülich Darmst. Darmst. Nucleus as QCD Laboratory Hadrons as Excitations of/above Vacuum Probes of Changed QCD Vacuum?
pA: Scheinast et al. (KaoS), PRL 2006 pA: CBM p_bar A: PANDA courtesy PANDA Zeeman & Stark Effects Mag. Field Vacuum shifts & splittings of atomic spectral lines Hadrons in Nuclear Matter: shifts of hadron energies („mass shifts“)? new structures (ph exct) in spectral fncts? understanding hadronic part of QCD
QCD Vacuum spin-0 a priori undetermined mass-dimensioned parameters in OPE of color-singlet ccc‘s frame dependent (Unruh) T-n effects: Zschocke et al. EPJA (2002) Medium Modifications: low n prominent condensates: spontaneous symmetry breaking dilatation symmetry breaking
condensate = vacuum + density dep. part GOR lattice sigma term > QCD trace anomaly scalar charmonium Narison fac. hyp. fac. hyp. q density twist-2 DIS pdf DIS pdf twist-3 pdf DIS pdf GLS SR if real condensate: couples to gravity
Fiorilla, Kaiser, Weise, arXiv:1104.2819 Highlighting the Chiral Condensate lattice QCD Fodor et al. J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 230 (2010) The CBM Physics Book Springer 814 (2011) Brown-Rho (PRL 1991): Kapusta-Shuryak (PRD 1994): Hatsuda-Lee (PRC 1992): dropping mass of light vector mesons if Hadrada, Yamawak Phy.Rep. (2003) V-A mixing shifts of pole masses broadening (merging into continuum)
Change the Excitation Spectrum of Hadrons QCD SR: SVZ, NBP (1979) Bochkarev, Shaposhnikov, NPB (1986) or retated ccc hadron spec. fnct. Wilson, PR (1969) OPE hypothesis (e.g., neglect instanton contributions) hadronic information in Leupold 2005
QCD Sum Rules: Predictions of Medium Modifications? truncate: i < 6 (8, 12) (i) as solution of integral eq. (Fredholm 1): too scarce information on OBE side (ii) MEM: Gubler, Morita, Oka, arXiv 1104.4436 Titov, BK, PRC (2007) (iii) moments: mean (= center of gravity) – OK variance (= width) skewness (= deformation) kurtosis (= up/down shot) too large gap in powers of M Kwon, Weise, PRC (2010): another hierarchy+chiral gap (iv) insert hadronic model (v) pole + continuum ansatz
CB-TAPS PRL (2005), PRC (2010) strong density dependence of combined 4-quark conds. also dim-8 contributions: norm. moment Thomas/Zschocke/BK, PRL (2005)
Nucleons in Nuclear Matter 3 indep. sets of combinations of 4-q conds. enter 20 - 40 Thomas, Hilger, BK, NPA (2007)
Plohl et al.,PRC (2006) phenomenological point of view
Open Charm Mesons in Nuclear Matter towards FAIR: CBM + PANDA pseudo-scalar D - D T. Hilger et al., JPG 2010
Hilger, BK, NPB 2010 Hilger, BK, PRC 2009
Weinberg type sum rules for chiral partners of heavy-light mesons = = zero in vacuum heavy-quark symmetry:
p Width of Strangeonium proposed by Hernandez, Oset, ZPA (1992) BUU PLB (2011) Polyansky‘s talk
Rossendorf BUU transport code for Ar(1.76 AGeV) + KCl Schade, Wolf, BK, PRC (2010) data: HADES PRC (2008) K+ HADES, PRC (2010): 40 MeV K-
C Cu Au p(2.5 GeV) + C p(2.5 GeV) + Au data: KaoS PRL(2006) p(2.83 GeV) +
only for primary reactions p = projectile abs FAIR attenuation of projectile absorption of ejectile photo (electro) production: „illumination“ of whole nucleus proton (p_bar) induced production: „illumination“ of front side p
e+ e- V in Valencia – Paryev models: Oset, Cabrera,... prediction of broadening: Klingl, Wass, Weise, PLB (1998) analog in omega and phi photo-production CLAS, PRL (2011) CBELSA-TAPS PRL (2008) Spring-8: Ishikawa et al., PLB (2005) CLAS PRL (2010)
Summary Medium changes of condensates (should) drive medium modifications of hadrons QCD sum rules: no direct link to shape of hadron spect. fncts. (improvement by MEM evaluation expected) Landau term vs. density effects in condensates No direct link of QCD vacuum condensates to cosmic budget (Brodsky, Shrock, PRC (2010): condensates are included in hadron masses; Klinkhamer, PRD (2010): gluon cond.) Hadron model (BUU): large phi absorption cross section ( strong broadening by comparison with ANKE data) Apologies to many authors of the many hadron models Experimental survey: P. Salabura‘s talk + M. Weber‘s (HADES) contribution Reviews: Hayano, Hatsuda, Rev. Mod. Phys. (2010) Leupold, Metag, Mosel, Int. J. Mod. Phys. (2010) CLAS (Djalali, Wood, ...)
SU(2) chiral limit, leading order in n: Thorsson, Wirzba, NPA (1995) Meissner et al., Ann. Phys. (2002) low-energy pi-A scattering, pionic atoms chiral softening Jido et al., PLB (2008) no rigorous relation of Dey et al. PLB (1990) in accordance with Weinberg‘s chiral sum rule
vacuum E = 0 Hadrons as Excitations of/above Vacuum
B QCD SR (omega meson) Landau resonance +continuum: semi-loc. duality: center of gravity of
Towards Chiral Restoration spont. breaking of chiral symmetry Nambu-Goldstone mode of QCD no parity doubling à la Wigner L R V A expl. breaking of chiral sym. dropping chiral condensate: transition to Wigner-Weyl mode motivation to seek for medium modifications of hadrons
Emergence of Structure nuclei Transport Codes Nuclei ab initio calc. e.w. Nuclear „Theory“ hadrons e.w. Hadrons EFT: ChPT, ... Phenomenological Models: OBE, ... hadrons Gravity QCD e.w. symmetry 2 1 3 Standard Model Quantum Field Theory