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PRIMES is in P

PRIMES is in P. Manindra Agrawal NUS Singapore / IIT Kanpur. The Problem. Given number n , test if it is prime efficiently. Efficiently = in time a polynomial in number of digits = (log n ) c for some constant c. The Trial Division Method. Try dividing by all numbers up to n 1/2 .

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PRIMES is in P

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  1. PRIMES is in P Manindra Agrawal NUS Singapore / IIT Kanpur

  2. The Problem Given number n, test if it is prime efficiently. Efficiently = in time a polynomial in number of digits = (log n)cfor some constant c

  3. The Trial Division Method Try dividing by all numbers up ton1/2. • takes exponential time: (n1/2). • Also produces a factor of n when it is composite.

  4. A Possible Approach Find a characterization of prime numbers that is efficiently verifiable • Many characterizations of primes have been obtained over centuries. • But none were provably efficient until recently.

  5. Wilson’s Characterization (18th century) n is prime iff (n-1)! = -1 (mod n) • Requires O(n) operations

  6. Fermat’s Little Theorem (17th century) n is prime implies for anya: an = a (mod n). It is easy to check: Compute a2, square it to a4, square it to a8, … Needs only O(log n) multiplications.

  7. An Efficient but Wrong Characterization n is prime iff for 0 < a < 4 log2n: an = a (mod n) • Requires only O(log3n) multiplications and divisions. • Fails on Carmichael numbers, e.g., 561 = 3 * 11 * 17.

  8. Lucas’ Characterization (1891) n is prime iff for every prime divisor q of n-1: there is an 1 < a < n such that an-1 = 1 (mod n) and gcd(a(n-1)/q – 1, n) = 1 • Based on FLT • It is inefficient: requiresfactorization of n-1

  9. An NP  coNP Algorithm • A trivial algorithm shows that the set is in coNP: given a factor of n it is easy to verify thatnis composite. • [Pratt, 1974] Lucas’ characterization yields an NP algorithm: guess a prime factorization of n-1; recursively verify its correctness; and guess an a with required properties.

  10. Miller’s (unproven) Characterization (1975) n = 1 + 2t * s is odd prime iff for 0 < a < 4 log2n: either as = 1 (mod n) or a2k*s = -1 (mod n) for some 0 ≤ k < t

  11. Yields an Efficient Algorithm • Based on FLT • Yields an efficient algorithm:O(log4n)steps • It is correct assumingGeneralized Riemann Hypothesis

  12. coRP Algorithms • [1974] Solovay-Strassen gave the first unconditional but randomized polynomial time algorithm. • This algorithm might give awrong answerwith asmall probabilitywhenn is composite. • [1975] Rabin modified Miller’s characterization to obtain another algorithm with similar properties.

  13. An Almost Efficient Characterization • [1983] Adleman, Pomerance, and Rumely gave a (rather complicated) characterization that yields a deterministic algorithm running in time (log n)c log log log n.

  14. An Efficient Chracterization [2002] A., Kayal, Saxena gave the first deterministically verifiable efficient characterization.

  15. Starting Point: A Polynomial based Characterization n is prime iff (X + 1)n = Xn + 1 (mod n) Proof: If n is prime then all coefficients are divisible by n. If n is composite then at least one is not.

  16. A generalization of FLT to polynomials. • Simple and elegant. • Inefficient: although requires onlyO(log n) polynomial multiplications, intermediate polynomials are of large degree.

  17. A Way to Reduce Space • Test the equation modulo Xr - 1 for a small r. • Or, more generally, test if (X + a)n = Xn + a (mod n, Xr - 1) For a few a’s and a few small r’s.

  18. It Almost Works Or(n) = smallest k with nk = 1 (mod r). n is prime iff for any r such that Or(n) > 4 log2n: n has no divisor smaller than min(n,r) and for every a, 1 ≤ a ≤ 2 √r log n: (X + a)n = Xn + a (mod n, Xr – 1)

  19. The Algorithm Input n. • Find the smallest number r such that Or(n) > 4 (log n)2. • If any number < r divides n, output PRIME/COMPOSITE appropriately. • For every a  2r log n: • If (X+a)n Xn + a (mod n, Xr – 1) then output COMPOSITE. • Output PRIME.

  20. Correctness: Non-trivial Part Assume: • r is given such that Or(n) > 4(log n)2. • Smallest prime dividing n is at least min(n,r). • (X+a)n = Xn + a (mod n, Xr-1) for 0 < a  2r log n.

  21. Fix a prime p dividing n with p  r and Or(p) > 1. • Clearly, (X+a)n = Xn + a (mod p, Xr-1) too for 0 < a  2r log n. • And of course, (X+a)p = Xp + a (mod p, Xr-1) (according to previous prime characterization)

  22. Introspective Numbers • We call any numbermsuch thatg(X)m = g(Xm) (mod p, Xr-1) an introspective number forg(X). • So, p and n are introspective numbers for X+afor 0 < a  2r log n.

  23. Introspective Numbers Are Closed Under * Lemma: Ifsandtare introspective forg(X),so iss * t. Proof: g(X)st = g(Xs)t (mod p, Xr – 1), and g(Xs)t = g(Xst)(mod p, Xsr – 1) = g(Xst)(mod p, Xr – 1).

  24. So There Are Lots of Them • Let I = { ni * pj | i, j  0}. • EveryminIis introspective forX+afor0 < a  2r log n.

  25. Introspective Numbers Are Also For Products Lemma: Ifmis introspective for bothg(X) andh(X),then it is also forg(X) * h(X). Proof: (g(X) * h(X))m = g(X)m * h(X)m = g(Xm) * h(Xm) (mod p, Xr-1)

  26. So Introspective Numbers Are For Lots of Polynomials • Let Q = { a=1, 2r logn(X + a)ea | ea 0}. • Every minIis introspective for everyg(X)inQ.

  27. Finite Fields Facts • Let h(X) be an irreducible divisor of rth cyclotomic polynomialCr(X) in the ring Fp[X]: • Cr(X) divides Xr-1. • Polynomials modulop andh(X)form a field, say F. • Xi Xjin Ffor0  i  j < r.

  28. Moving to Field F • Sinceh(X)dividesXr-1, equations for introspective numbers continue to hold inF. • We now argue over F.

  29. Two Sets in Field F • Let G = { Xm | m  I }. • Every element of G is an rthroot of unity. • t = |G| Or(n) > 4 log2n. • Let H = { g(X) (mod p, h(X)) | g(X)  Q }. • H is a multiplicative group in F.

  30. H is large … • Let Qt be set of all polynomials in Q of degree < t. Lemma: There are>n2tdistinct polynomials inQt: • Consider all products of X+a’s of degee < t. • There are > >n2tof these (since r > t andt > 2 log n).

  31. … because Qt injects into F • Letf(X), g(X)inQtwith f(X) g(X). • Suppose f(X) = g(X)in F.Then: • For everyXminG,f(Xm) = f(X)m = g(X)m = g(Xm)inF. • So polynomialP(z) = f(z) – g(z)has |G| =troots in F. • Contradiction, since P(z) 0 and degree ofP(z)is< t.

  32. … implies that I has few small numbers • Let m1, m2, …, mk be numbers in I n2t. • Suppose k > t. • Then, there exist miand mj, mi > mj, such that Xmi = Xmj (in F) I: set of introspective numbers F = Fp[X]/(h(X)), h(X) | Xr-1 Q: set of introspective polynomials G = XI H = Q (mod h(X))

  33. Let g(X) be any element of H. • Then: g(X)mi = g(Xmi)= g(Xmj)= g(X)mj(in F) • Therefore, g(X) is a root of the polynomial P(z) =zmi – zmj in the field F. I: set of introspective numbers F = Fp[X]/(h(X)), h(X) | Xr-1 Q: set of introspective polynomials G = XI H = Q (mod h(X))

  34. SinceHhas more thann2telements in F, P(Y) has more than n2troots inF. • Contradiction, since P(z) 0 and degree of P(z) =mi n2t. I: set of introspective numbers F = Fp[X]/(h(X)), h(X) | Xr-1 Q: set of introspective polynomials G = XI H = Q (mod h(X))

  35. … so n must be a prime power! • Consider numbers na * pb with 0  a, b  t. • Each such number is  n2t (“small”). • So there are t (“few”) such numbers. • This givesa, b, c, dwith (a,b)  (c,d)andna * pb = nc * pd • Therefore, n = pefor some e > 0. t = Or(n,p) F = Fp[X]/(h(X)), h(X) | Xr-1 I: set of introspective numbers Qlow: polynomials of deg < t I: set of introspective numbers F = Fp[X]/(h(X)), h(X) | Xr-1 Q: set of introspective polynomials G = XI H = Q (mod h(X))

  36. This forces n to be prime Lemma [Hendrik Lenstra Jr.,1983]:Ifan = a (mod n) for 1 ≤ a ≤ 4 log2n then nis square-free. Since (X+a)n = Xn + a (mod n, Xr-1) for 0 < a  2r log n, we have an = a (mod n) for 0 < a  4 log2n, (as r > 4 log2n). So n must be square-free.

  37. The Choice of r • We need r such that Or(n) > 4 (log n)2. • Any r such that Or(n) 4 (log n)2must divide k=1, 4 log2n(nk-1) < n16 log4n = 216log5n. • By Chebyshev’s prime density estimates the lcm of first m numbers is at least 2m (for m > 7). • Therefore, there must exist anrthat we desire 16 (log n)5 + 1.

  38. Time Complexity • Step 3 dominates running time. • It needs to verifyO(r log n) equations. • Each equation needsO~(r log2n)time to verify. • So time complexity is O~(r1.5 log3n)= O~(log10.5n).

  39. Using a result of Fouvry, one can show that r = O(log3n) is enough. • The result shows that primes r such that r-1 has a large prime divisor have high density. • This brings time complexity down to O~(log7.5n).

  40. A Cleaner Characterization • The characterization is a bit messy. • Three different conditions need to hold: • rneeds to be such thatOr(n) > 4(log n)2 • No prime divisor of n is smaller than min(n,r) • For every a, 1 ≤ a ≤ √r log n: (X + a)n = Xn + a (mod n, Xr – 1) • Can these be combined into a single equation?

  41. Yes! Use the equation (X + 1)n = Xn + 1 (mod n, Q(X)) for appropriate small dgree Q(X).

  42. Eliminating Condition onr Try for all r ≤ 16 log5n!

  43. Eliminating Small Divisors Lemma:If(X + 1)n = Xn + 1 (mod n, Xr) thennhas no divisor less thenmin(n,r). Proof:If prime p < min(n,r) divides n, then (X + 1)n = 1 + n/p Xp + … (mod n, Xr)  1 (mod n, Xr).

  44. Eliminating Multiple Equations Lemma:(X + 1)n = Xn + 1 (mod n, Q(X-a)) for 0 < a ≤ B iff (X + a)n = Xn + a (mod n, Q(X)) for 1 < a ≤ B+1. Proof:Assume for B-1. Then: (X + 1)n = Xn + 1 (mod n, Q(X-B)) iff (X+B+1)n = (X+B)n + 1 (mod n, Q(X)) iff (X+B+1)n = Xn + B + 1 (mod n, Q(X))

  45. Putting These Together … n is prime iff (X + 1)n = Xn + 1 (mod n, Q(X)) where • Degree of Q(X) is O(log27/2n).

  46. Further work • [Lenstra-Pomerance,2003]:r = O(log2n) is enough with a different polynomial of degree r than Xr-1. • This improves time complexity toO~(log6n). • [Berrizbeitia-Bernstein,2003]: Randomized primality proving algorithm with time complexity O~(log4n).

  47. Further Improvement? • Conjecture: nis prime iff nis not a prime power, n  1 (mod r)for some prime r > log n, and(X-1)n = Xn –1(mod n, Xr – 1) • Yields a O~(log3n) time algorithm.

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