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CONNECTING IDAHO GARVEE PROGRAM. Update. Bonds sold on May 23. Proceeds from the sell (approx $198M) has been deposited on the trustee Bank Account.
Bonds sold on May 23. Proceeds from the sell (approx $198M) has been deposited on the trustee Bank Account. • Board authorized the Director on 7/14/06 to sign the contract when finalized. Contract to manage the $200M was executed on August 3 between ITD and Connecting Idaho Partners (CIP) a joint venture of Washington Group International and CH2M Hill.
The Program Manager for CIP is Dave Butzier. The program Administrator for ITD is Nestor Fernandez. • CIP is preparing a Program Execute Plan. The plan would identified the framework for the program including communication protocol and operational committees, procedures to be follow, suggested modification to current procedures and alignment with other IOTD sections. It is expected to have a draft plan by middle of September.
We are in the process to assigned current contract on GARVEE projects to CIP. • First Construction Project – Topaz to Lava Hot Spring – Contract award on 7/12/06. Groundbreaking ceremony on August 18. • Status of other projects – See attached list
Draft STIP shows potential investment of $411 M for next year bonding request. Board has not acted on this, and may change. The draft includes funding for completion of the current six corridors and adds three projects for development and construction (Thorn Creek to Moscow, Twin Falls Alternate Route, and Timmerman to Ketchum).
A Vision • Connecting Idaho began more than a year and a half ago as Governor Dirk Kempthorne’s vision for improving Idaho’s transportation infrastructure, connecting all 44 counties, addressing safety for Idaho motorists, and expanding opportunities for commerce nationally and internationally.
That vision resulted in the passage of SB-1183 legislation in 2005. The bill authorized the Idaho Transportation Board to request bonding authority from the legislature to finance $1.2 billion– the largest public works project ever undertaken in this state - in regionally significant projects stretching from the northern-most part of Idaho almost to the Wyoming border. These bonds, which pledge the future federal revenue stream and are commonly known as Grant Anticipation Revenue Vehicle or GARVEE bonds, are being used in at least a dozen other states to advance construction.
Accomplishments • The accomplishments for this program here in Idaho are very impressive, and include many first for the State.
Program Proposed……………………………………………………….January 2005 • Connecting Idaho Authorized by Legislature……………………………...April 2005 • Idaho Transportation Board Authorizes Program Manager Approach….July 2005 • FHWA MOA Approved……………………………………………….September 2005 • Idaho Housing and Finance Association MOA Approved……………October 2005 • 1st GARVEE Proposal by IT Board…………………………………..November 2005 • Program Manager Selected…………………………………………….January 2005 • Legislative Approval of $200 Million for 1 year authorization……………April 2006 • Connecting Idaho Partners/ITD Alignment Workshop……………………May 2006 • 1st GARVEE Bonds were Sold………………………………………………May 2006 • 1st Construction Contract Awarded…………………………………………June 2006 • Contract Executed…………………………………………………………August 2006
Project Update8-24-06The Projects • The six Corridors approved for work under the GARVEE bond proceeds are:
A.)US-95, Garwood to Sagle. This project will create a multi-lane divided highway between Coeur d’Alene and Sandpoint with at least partial access control. It will provide a 52-mile multi-lane, high performance highway from I-90 in Coeur d’Alene to Colburn. $35 million was approved to start this project, which will provide for engineering and initial right-of-way acquisition.
Status - The Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) has been submitted to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) for legal sufficiency review. The legal sufficiency review comments are back to the Division Office (week of August 21, 2006) and due to be forwarded to ITD by end of August. Once the review comments are incorporated, the DEIS will be available for public review and comment. A Public Hearing is anticipated for fall of 2006. The preliminary engineering and preparation of right-of-way plans will begin in July 2006, so that as soon Record of Decision on the EIS is issued (anticipated to be in April 2007) the right-of-way acquisition will begin.
B.)US-95, Worley North. This project will extend the recently completed Bellgrove to Mica project south of Coeur d’Alene. It is planned to be a four-lane divided highway with partial access control. This project will complete a 21-mile four-lane route from Worley to Coeur d’Alene. The estimated construction cost of Stage 1 of this project is $45.6 million.
Status - The design of Stage 1 is nearly complete. The right-of-way required is being appraised and acquisition should be completed later this year. There is a cultural resource that recently surfaced and so plans are being modified to avoid the resource. Construction will most likely begin in April 2007.
C.)SH-16, I-84 to South Emmett. This project will provide planning and initial right-of-way acquisition to connect I-84 between Nampa and Meridian with SH-16 and proceed to the bottom of Freeze Out Hill. The highway is planned to be a controlled access, four-lane divided highway. $5 million was allocated to begin work on the potential alignment from I-84 to SH-44 near Star and begin right-of-way acquisition.
Status – The scope of work for developing the corridor study from SH-44 to I-84 is being developed. We have been planning a couple of open houses to inform the public on the status of the corridor. The residents between SH-44 and I-84 are anxious to find out where the alignment might go, and how it will impact their property. The public along and users of the existing SH-16 between SH-44 and Emmett are anxious to find out when improvements to that section of the corridor might happen. There have been several willing sellers contact ITD about parcels of land in the area around the SH-44 and SH-16 interchange that would like to sell their parcels to ITD. We are exploring options for accelerating the acquisitions where possible.
D.)I-84, Meridian to Caldwell. This section of I-84 has seen a significant increase in traffic volumes over the past several years, and has become very congested. Increased capacity is the focus of the initial phase of this project. $70 million was approved to begin widening the interstate from Meridian to the west. It will also fund preliminary engineering and environmental process and right-of-way acquisition for the new Ten Mile Interchange.
Status - Planning has begun for adding a third lane to the interstate between the Meridian Interchange and Garrity Interchange. The aerial mapping of that segment has been completed and the geotechnical investigation to determine whether the existing pavement can be rotomilled and overlayed or completely reconstructed is well underway. • The preliminary design and environmental evaluation of the Ten Mile Interchange has also begun for selecting the type of interchange that will be constructed at Ten Mile Road. A public meeting will be held August 31, 2006 and notices have gone out to the public.
E.)I-84, Orchard to Isaacs Canyon. This project will ultimately reconstruct and modernize the existing interstate and interchanges through the City of Boise. The existing concrete pavement was constructed in the 1960’s and has reached the end of it’s useful life. The upgrades would begin about ½ mile west of the Orchard Street Interchange and ends near the Isaacs Canyon (also known as Eisenman Road). The total project design and construction cost is presently estimated at $285 million. $13.9 million was approved to begin the engineering for the reconstruction and widening and possible right-of-way acquisition.
Status – The preliminary engineering and Environmental Assessment (EA) for the corridor is proceeding. The draft EA is being reviewed by FHWA at this time. A Public Hearing on the EA is scheduled for November 2006.
F.)US-30, McCammon to Lava Hot Springs. This project will complete a four-lane roadway from I-15 at McCammon to Lava Hot Springs. The initial funding approved for this corridor was $30.5 million. That will fund the construction of the first phase of the corridor called Topaz to Lava Hot Springs and allow final engineering design to begin on other segments between McCammon and Topaz.
Status - This is the first construction project to be realized by selling the bonds. It will rebuild and widen a 4.5 mile section of US 30 west of Lava Hot Springs. It was advertised for bid on May 12, 2006, with bids opened on June 13, 2006 and Western Construction of Boise, was the winning contractor. The Engineers Estimate was $21.3 million, and the bids came in at $18.34 million. Western Construction began construction on August 14th. A Groundbreaking Ceremony was held August 18th with nearly 200 people attending to celebrate the start of this major project.
Right of Way: Acquire and manage real property for the statewide transportation system. Enforce Highway Beautification Act.
For a CD of this Power Point Presentation Contact Cindy Smith Phone: 334-8519 Email: cindy.smith@itd.idaho.gov