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Regionalization to Optimization. Who is on the Task Force?. Members of the Task Force are representative geographically and functionally. David Belanger, System Administrator, South East, dbelanger@delcolibraries.org Carrie Cleary, District Consultant, Capital, ccleary@dcls.org
Who is on the Task Force? Members of the Task Force are representative geographically and functionally. • David Belanger, System Administrator, South East, dbelanger@delcolibraries.org • Carrie Cleary, District Consultant, Capital, ccleary@dcls.org • Lisa Rives Collens, District Consultant, South Central, lcollens@schlowlibrary.org • Amy Geisinger, District Consultant, North West, ageisinger@ncdlc.org • Marilyn Jenkins, Executive Director, South West, jenkinsm@einetwork.net • Jennifer Knisely, Executive Director, South Central, director@altoonalibrary.org • Barbara McGary, Director/Administrator, North Central, bmcgary@jvbrown.edu • Molly Rodgers, Administrator, North East, mrodgers@waynelibraries.org • Jennifer Stocker, Director, Lehigh Valley, jenns@eastonpl.org • Jim Hollinger, Commonwealth Libraries liaison, jhollinger@pa.gov ALL INPUT FROM THE PA LIBRARY COMMUNITY IS WELCOMED.
What is Optimization? The Optimization Task Force was convened to examine the overall structure of public library development and shared library services across the Commonwealth. Its charge is to assess how library development, support, and services can be delivered with the greatest effectiveness, efficiency, and accountability now and moving forward. Put another way, the purpose of the Task Force is to develop a 21st Century structure to support 21st Century literacies and libraries.
Why was the task force convened? PA needs a library infrastructure that is flexible and can support the diversity of libraries and communities across the Commonwealth, one that will optimize what we do have and what we can sustain in order to best serve Pennsylvania residents.
What is the scope of work? • Optimize the impact of and show measurable outcomes from available state funding above the local library level. • Make recommendations for responsible changes to state allocations for library development and support services statewide.
Mission Through an inclusive and transparent process, to design, plan, implement and evaluate an optimized approach for assuring quality library services statewide. Vision All residents of Pennsylvania will experience quality public library services provided in ways that are efficient and responsive, with measures of accountability and clarity of roles and expectations.
Key Dates 1958: Lowell Martin study 1961: Current Library Code and structure implemented 2005: Himmel & Wilson study released 2012: Optimization Task Force convened NO CHANGE EXPECTED FROM THIS TASK FORCE’s RECOMMENDATION BEFORE July 1, 2014. Anticipate a phased-in transition.
Communication to Stakeholders Nancy Deering Mock facilitated focus groups. 8/14: Met with Statewide Resource Centers to get initial reactions and understanding of shared needs and desired outcomes. 9/12: Created communication space on WebJunction to share and discuss information that will inform decisions. Announced link in Compendium. 9/12: Met with sounding board focus group of library directors. 9/25: Briefed Glenn Miller of PALA on concepts and plans. 10/25: Will report out at DLC and Systems meeting.
2007 ALA Study of LNCCs • LNCC: library networks, cooperatives, and consortia • most common services of LNCCs: • communication with member libraries • resource sharing • general professional development • general consulting and technical assistance and • cooperative purchasing or group discounts
A majority of LNCCs also provide • automation, networking and other technology services • library advocacy, public relations, and marketing • information and referral services and • courier or other document delivery services
Less than 50% of LNCCs provide • standards/guidelines development or support • support for services to special populations • library and information science professional collections • rotating or other shared collections • digitization or other preservation efforts
LNCC Current and Future Priorities • automation, networking, and other technology services • resource sharing • courier and other document delivery services and • general professional development
Additional Findings • The oldest LNCCs were likeliest to have the most staff, • to provide more diverse services, • to give priority to courier and other document delivery services, • and support for services to special populations.
Illinois • Illinois regional library systems established in 1965 serve as national model for library cooperation • July 2011: Five regional multi-type library systems merged to become Reaching Across Illinois Library System (RAILS); Four regional multi-type library systems become Illinois Heartland Library System (IHLS).
Process of Change 2010 Future of Illinois Library Cooperation (FILC) Plan: • Prepared by the Illinois library community under the leadership of the Illinois Library Association with cooperation from the Illinois State Library and the Chicago Public Library • 70 library representatives attend Fall 2009 summit meeting providing input • Designated task force assesses input and researches other state models and economic variables
Intent of Future of Illinois Library Cooperation Action Plan: Focus on the impact of services to end-users Recognize current political, economic, and organizational capacity Fund necessary research to adopt the best possible models for critical cooperative services Take into account varying needs of different types of libraries and different geographic concerns and the need for equitable sharing of resources Provide an actionable blueprint for discussions with policymakers
Priorities Identified in FILC Action Plan PRIORITY 1: Delivery (needs further study to maximize service) PRIORITY 2: Shared Catalogs (maintain current, explore future collaboration) PRIORITY 3: Group Purchasing PRIORITY 4: Library & Professional Development PRIORITY 5: Advocacy & Marketing “We are creating a balance between standardizing common elements in order to be able to customize the rest…”
Illinois Regional Library Systems RAILS: 1,576 Member Libraries Chicago Public Library System (CPL) 79 Locations Support & Priority Setting: Illinois State Library Department of Secretary of State IHLS: 585 Member Libraries
RAILS/IHLS Governance Structure •Executive board for each has 15 members elected at-large from themember libraries with provision for representation by type of library. •Executive Director forms Advisory Councils to serve as an effective liaison between the librarians of system and the Executive Director.The purpose of the Advisory Council is to:–Promote System development–Provide input and review of changes to system policy and membership criteria–Initiate suggestions to the Executive Director
RAILS/IHLS Governance Structure • Membership: The statutes and administrative rules of the State of Illinois and the Membership Criteria of the System govern Membership in the System. Any Public, School, Academic or Special library, within the service area, is eligible to apply for Membership. • Website: http://www.railslibraries.info/ • Website: http://www.illinoisheartland.org
Core Services of the Regional Systems • Initial Priorities based on service to the patron: • Delivery service • RAILS: Technology support for four Local Library System Automation Programs (patron access to shared catalogs) • IHLS : Technology support for SHARE Migration Project (region-wide combined library automation system) • Talking Book Services • Continuing Education via Webjunction
Key Components IHLS: Effective communication is key to success • External Communication: • Dynamic web site and newsletter, Listservs allow staff to target messages to specific groups of members, and facilitate member to member communication. • Board meetings are held at several facilities via video conferencing to involve as many members as possible. • Internal Communication: • Networking via staff teams organized by service area, frequent project meetings utilizing AdobeConnectfor audiovisual connectivity, a staff-only newsletter, and a cloud-based intranet.
Key Components • RAILS’ FY2012 Plan of Service - the first year of RAILS’ operation was designated as a planning year. • Overarching goals: • Create sustainable system services and operations through continuous efforts to reduce costs and to build a healthy financial reserve • Establish a strong infrastructure while maintaining only those services designated as priorities by the Illinois State Library • Ensure that the priority services were provided with as little disruption to members as possible
Next Steps2012 FILC Study: Delivery Purpose: provides information and analysis to be used in developing delivery implementation plans.
Structure of Library DevelopmentTennessee State Library and Archives Tennessee State Library and Archives (TSLA) Through its Planning and Development Section, TSLA provides assistance to local public libraries throughout the state. Regional Library System Since 1999, the Division has included the Tennessee Regional Library System which has twelve multi-county regional libraries with approximately 95 regional employees. Services to Public Libraries Seven Planning and Development staff members based in Nashville provide statewide consultation and leadership in the areas of (High Touch Down) • library construction • statistics • cataloging and interlibrary loan • grant management • legal issues • technology • continuing education Network Services Consultants from the Department of State’s Information Systems division are assigned to work with regional and local libraries in providing hands-on assistance with computer hardware and software and training. (High Tech Up)
Regional Library System • The Regional Library System is composed of multi-county regions serving 211 small and medium-sized public libraries throughout the state of Tennessee. • Membership in the Regional Library System is voluntary. • In return for state assistance, each public library desiring to belong to the Multi-County Regional System must maintain the allocation of local effort no less than the last fiscal year. • Annual Maintenance of Effort agreements are made between the State Library and local cities and counties to make sure State funds do not supplant fiscal responsibilities of local governments
Rationale for Change • Emergence of new technologies • Growing financial constraints $1.4 million cuts in State support for regional libraries • Tennessee's current system of regional library centers was not sustainable in its existing form. Earlier budget cuts have already eroded the range of services the regional centers were able to offer. • Economies achieved by nibbling around the edges of a dated service model will accomplish little more than lengthening a period of gradual decline into irrelevance.
Original Structure • 12 Regional Offices offered services: • Provide supplementary library materials to member public libraries • Assist local governments in public library development and expansion • Provide continuing education to local library staff and trustees • Assist in the selection and maintenance of library technology • Provide direct outreach library services to the disadvantages who have difficulty using local public libraries
Identifying Needs • In 2010 TSLA hired Himmel and Wilson to conduct a study and develop recommendations for a new organizational structure and plan of service for the Regional Libraries • Consultants contacted 900 residents, held personal interviews, focus groups and web-based surveys in member and regional libraries to identify priorities and needs
Identified Core Values • The mission of the regional service centers is to support and improve local libraries rather than being a direct provider of services to end-users. • Service priorities should be driven by the future needs of libraries rather than by what already exists or by what has existed in the past. • The number and size of service centers under the new model should be determined primarily by the number and size needed to effectively deliver the core services to be offered. • The new model should encourage and enable libraries to share their scarce resources more efficiently. • End results is more important than how the results are achieved.
Key Findings • Libraries need and want assistance with technology • Libraries agree that the consulting/professional assistance offered by regional center directors was essential to the improvement of libraries • Small and Medium libraries especially wanted cataloging and physical processing of materials purchased by the state • Medium and Large libraries wanted Continuing Education for Library Staff and Trustees
New Structure 9 Regional Centers • Assist local governments and public libraries in the development and improvement of public library services • Assist libraries in the selection, maintenance and use of library technologies • Provide supplementary library materials for public use (cataloging and processing) • Facilitate the sharing of resources between and among libraries through a delivery system and opportunities to participate in shared automation systems • Provide continuing education to local library staff and trustees • Encourage and enable public libraries to provide outreach services to the disadvantaged
Results New mission: “We make libraries better!” • More money for purchase of library materials • Establishes a delivery system • Expands technology support • Creates framework for shared automation system • Strengthened consulting assistance and capacity for continuing education • Reduced number of regional centers from 12 to 9 units • Outsourced cataloging with centralized contract • New regions should be no more than 90 minutes from regional office
Staff Plan for New Regions • Regional Director: provide direct consultant services to member libraries, including attendance at every local board meeting in the state. (Full Time) • Associate Director: provide assistance in direct consultation and continuing education for library staff and trustees (Full time in large regions) (Part time in small regions) • Technology support assistant: troubleshooting and one on one training, e-rate assistance, and serve as liaison to State Network Consultants (Full time) • Technical services assistant: assist local libraries with state funded collections and serve as liaison to State Acquisitions coordinator (Full time) • Administrative support: act as office manager, receptionist, fiscal agents and bookkeepers (Full time) • Move from 95 regional staff to 45
For more information Library Journal Article • http://www.libraryjournal.com/lj/newslettersnewsletterbucketljxpress/891261-441/tennessee_to_reorganize_regional_library.html.csp Tennessee State Library and Archive • http://www.tennessee.gov/tsla/lps/index.htm
Massachusetts • In 1998 Massachusetts had six regional systems, each its own 501c(3), serving its libraries. • In 2009, the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners received a mandate to reduce projected FY2011 funding to mid 1990s levels. • Massachusetts now has one system with two office locations in the state. Of six regions, one closed, one dormant, remaining merged.
Massachusetts Structure above local level Mass Library Board of Commissioners -- State Agency Massachusetts Library System • Separate 501c(3) • 100% state funded • $7 million budget • All public libraries are members automatically • Academic libraries are members automatically if they apply • School libraries have a staffing standard to be members • Massachusetts Library Networks • 9 across state, each with its own board • not every library belongs to a network (membership-based, fee charged) • ILS (3 are now jointly implementing Evergreen) • Some databases Library of Last Recourse (Boston) role to provide reference services has evolved to include statewide digital library, access to online media, research materials, multimodal reference services and information delivery, access to historical records and collections
MLS Governance Structure • 501c(3) • Executive board has 15 members elected at-large from the member libraries with provision for representation by type of library, geography of the state, and size of library. • Board members serve three year terms with a two consecutive term limit. • A representative of the MBLC and LLR serves as ex officio non-voting members. • Council of members vote at annual meeting on budget/plan of service and on slate of directors and officers. • Website: www.masslibsystem.org
Core services of a consolidated region • delivery • continuing education • advisory and consulting • online content/databases • mediated interlibrary loan
Second tier services • cooperative purchasing • MassCat core services • research and development • advocacy -- viewed as the work of the new System, not a separate service • youth services – focus of CE and consulting, not a separate service • Home on the Web -- received 6 months of support to permit libraries to make other plans (LSTA-funded project that provided websites for 15 member libraries) • Bibliotemps • digitization
Services no longer state-funded: • Bibliotemps (temporary staffing agency) • Digital library support • Fiscal Agent Work • Home on the Web (not supported after December 2010) • Interlibrary Loan Net Lender Offset • Interlibrary Loan Return Shipping • Performer Directory • Physical Presence in Each Region • Regional Reference Centers • Supplemental Deposit Collections
MLS Operational Structure • CEO is professional librarian but not associated with any particular library • Business manager has an MBA, happened to bring transportation experience • 13 consultants (down from 45) • Mix of library and technology expertise • Each has an officein one of the two locations • Telecommute policy, most spend 1 day a week in office, otherwise at home or on the road
Transition steps • First yearimplemented transition plan, second year now working on a strategic plan • Delivery • first year maintained, level funded • RFP for new delivery plan • Electronic resources • legacy regional contracts made statewide • Work with MBLC, more cost effective, added some resources, eliminated some, refer to Boston Public for at least one db
Transition steps • Consultants • A Job Transition Skills consultant was provided to everyone, whether to re-apply to new entity or to find alternative employment • First priority , each consultant provided 2 training sessions, coordinated throughout the state • CEO went to 88 meetings in first year, continues to hold director roundtables throughout the state to hear issues
Evaluation and next steps • Value of services statistical report • $8 per $1 ROI before • $14 per $1 ROI now • Less training provided, working on virtual training to offset loss of consultants training • Working on Douglas County CO eBook model • Future ILL study, more self-service
Next Steps in PA? 11/15/ 12: Meeting with Stacey Aldrich. Possible creation and release of RFP for a business process consultant to put numbers, process, and accountability to ideas. 06/30/13: Presentation of a business case and financial impact for change recommendations to Task Force. 2013-14: Communication, input, and refinement of recommendations. 2014-15: Preliminary implementation target.
Desired Result and Goals To optimize the infrastructure that supports libraries to improve service to all Pennsylvania residents. • Governance / Structure • Resource Sharing: Physical Delivery / ILL • Centralized Digital Services • Consulting (Generalists & Specialists) • Professional Development SEE GOAL HANDOUT
Optimization is Future-ThinkingBusiness Case for Change • The new model will allocate state dollars more effectively by centralizing statewide resource sharing and technology. • Changes in funding distribution or PA support and development structure will be predicated on changes in responsibilitiesand requirements. • A solid business case will outline rationale to produce buy-in from the PA Library Community and PA residents as a whole.