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YDC School-Company Partnership 2006-07 青年企業家發展局 商校 伙 伴計劃

YDC School-Company Partnership 2006-07 青年企業家發展局 商校 伙 伴計劃. Train-the-Trainer Workshop 3 March , 200 7. Guidelines of Engagement with Students. Do not stereotype Build trust with commitment to confidentiality Listen to their concerns and address them Listen and try to understand their issues

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YDC School-Company Partnership 2006-07 青年企業家發展局 商校 伙 伴計劃

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  1. YDC School-Company Partnership2006-07青年企業家發展局商校伙伴計劃 Train-the-Trainer Workshop 3 March, 2007

  2. Guidelines of Engagement with Students Do not stereotype Build trust with commitment to confidentiality Listen to their concerns and address them Listen and try to understand their issues Speak from experience

  3. 6. Offer more interactivity 7. Start all meetings by explaining the purpose and the benefits 8. Seek help from Teacher 9. End all meetings with a positive note 10. Make yourself accessible Guidelines of Engagement with Students

  4. General Guidelines for Mandatory Workshops • Venue • Scheduling • Saturday Morning Preferred • between late October and December • Conducting the workshop as a team • Moderator • Presenter • Scribe • Guest Speaker • Preparation - Work with the Teacher and Student Buddy

  5. Orientation Company Visit Career Search Qualities of Entrepreneurship Mindset Presentation “My Career Plan” Mandatory Workshops

  6. Orientation – Learning Objectives Knowledge • Have a better understanding of the program • Get to know the Company Ambassadors • Know the responsibility and commitment of the program Skills • Communication • Expression • Sense of purpose and organization Values/Attitudes (PV) • Sense of Commitment • Openness to learning new knowledge • The advantages and importance of teamwork

  7. Briefing on the Program Introduction of Company Ambassador a. Warm-up Exercise (The Lifeline) b. Student introductions 3. Learning Contract 4. Three games (choose one or two depending on time allowance) Game 1: “The animal you are most like” Game 2: “Building a tower” Game 3: “What will you do if your team has to organize an activity?” 5. Discussion a.Briefing on “Company Visit” b. Assignment for “Company Visit” c. Q&A session Orientation - Rundown

  8. Lifeline Exercise

  9. Company Visit – Learning Objectives Knowledge • Learn about the industry • What goods or services the company provides • The work environment • Manpower and co-operative efforts • Different roles and responsibilities • Performance monitoring • Advancement Skills • Communications • Courtesy • Preparation and Self-reflection

  10. Company Visit – Learning Objectives Values/Attitudes (PV) • Importance of teamwork • Role and Responsibilities • Work Ethics

  11. Company Visit – Run Down • Overview by the host • Tour facility • Sharing • Show of appreciation to host • Assignment for next workshop – “Career Search”

  12. Knowledge 1. Distinguish between job and career 2. Understand that career planning is part of their life planning 3. Be aware of the role each person plays within an organization 4. Reflect on one’s career path through self understanding Skills Goal Setting Research and Analytical Skills Self Reflection Values / Attitudes (PV) Vision Being proactive Self-understanding through reflection Career Search– Learning Objectives

  13. Introduction and Expectation Sharing Inspiring Presentation Real life story sharing and distinguish between job and career Student Team Presentation Working in a department “My Career Plan” Preparation Concept Map Guide – “My Career Plan” Closing Reflections and Assignment Reading on a Bio of Guest Speaker (preparation for Qualities of Entrepreneurship) Career Search – Rundown

  14. Knowledge (K) Set their career goals and plans and devise practical ways to achieve them Skills (S) Goal Setting Self-reflection Values/Attitudes (PV) Be visionary Be proactive Self-understanding through reflection My Career Plan - Learning Objectives

  15. 1. Presentation -Team Presentation on “My Career Plan” - Moderate the Q&A - Comment on the presentation and givesuggestions 2. Discussions and Conclusions - Open discussion on “My Career Plan” My Career Plan - Rundown

  16. Knowledge Define entrepreneurship Describe the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur Understand how entrepreneurship can apply to and benefit our daily lives, both in study and in work Describe the steps to acquire the skill sets to practice entrepreneurship Skills Character Building (建立品格) Idea Generation (創新思維) Review and Prepare (反省和預備) Practicing Entrepreneurship (企業精神) Qualities of Entrepreneurship – Learning Objective

  17. Values/Attitudes Importance of character building Never Stop to learn Self-reflection and planning ahead Entrepreneurship at work and at study Qualities of Entrepreneurship – Learning Objective

  18. Introduction of Guest Speaker Interview with Guest Speakers to cover the following concepts: Character Building Idea Generation Review and Prepare Know your character Practicing Entrepreneurship Assignment for next workshop Qualities of Entrepreneurship - Rundown

  19. What were you like as a teenager? Who was your idol? What made him/her so great? How did your idol influence you? Did you try to become more like him/her? How would you characterize yourself now as a person? What are your strengths and weaknesses? How did you develop these personal traits? Were you born with them or they were formed as you grew older? Besides being successful in your line of work, how else do you win respect from others? Qualities of Entrepreneurship - Leading Questions for Guest Speaker

  20. Character Building How one’s character is worn on one’s face A successful person has happiness, confidence, integrity and all the other personal traits Character of goodness and honor path a way to success. Developing your self-awareness – knowing who you are. Qualities of Entrepreneurship - Key Concept

  21. What gave you or the founder your company the idea to start this business? How do you know what you’re selling to the customers are really what they want? How do you differentiate yourself from your competitors? How do you come up with new products and services? What kinds of books and magazines do you read? What are your hobbies after work? Qualities of Entrepreneurship - Leading Questions for Guest Speaker

  22. Idea Generation a sense of curiosity Knowledge is everywhere surrounding The human mind is a powerful antenna--the more you use, the more powerful it becomes. analyze information, understand how it relates to you and exploring its various implications. Qualities of Entrepreneurship - Key Concept

  23. Describe times when you have made bad decisions or have failed. What have you have learnt from the failure to achieve future success? As a business person, you must be very busy. How do you manage your time? How do you prepare yourself before going into a business meeting, let’s say when you are about to negotiate a big contract? Qualities of Entrepreneurship - Leading Questions for Guest Speaker

  24. Review and Prepare Review one’s success or failure and learn from that past experience a sense of curiosity Always prepared ahead of time before you take part in any activity Qualities of Entrepreneurship - Key Concept

  25. Know your character

  26. Entrepreneurship Enterprising Creative Driven Driven Industrious Visionary Energetic Resourceful Innovative Practicing Entrepreneurship

  27. Entrepreneurship What is Entrepreneurship? How to do it? When to do it? Enterprising Creative Committed Character Building Impassioned Driven Ideas Generation Industrious Now Energetic Visionary Review and Prepare Innovative Practicing Entrepreneurship

  28. Mindset Presentation – Learning Objective Knowledge (K) • Learn how to develop and challenge ideas • Learn what a Corporate Mindset is Skills (S) 1.   Facing challenges and overcoming difficulties • Making informed, responsible decisions • Teamwork and sharing responsibilities

  29. Values/Attitudes (PV) 1.The importance and reward of having an entrepreneurial mindset whether as a business owner or as a worker 2.Businesses are not only about making money, but serve many purposes as defined by its Company Mindset 3.  Problems are always solved one at a time – have patience, stay positive when faced with challenges. 4. The importance of the individual in supporting and carrying out the Corporate Mindset Mindset Presentation – Learning Objective

  30. Introduction Idea Lab The Corporate Mindset Business Story Discussions Business Role Play Conclusions Assignment Mindset Presentation - Rundown

  31. The Idea Lab

  32. How did the business get started? Did the founder knew that he/she was going to “hit the jackpot” in that business when he/she ventured into it? What difficulties did the entrepreneur face in developing the business and how did he/she overcome those difficulties? What was the mindset of the entrepreneur when he/she was developing the business? What was the mindset of the company as a whole? Do you think they share the same mindset? The Corporate Mindset- Business Story Discussions

  33. Company’s mission statement Corporate objectives and goals Corporate vision and philosophy Corporate governance Social responsibilities The Corporate Mindset

  34. Scenario Card 1: You are given an opportunity to prepare a presentation for your boss and the presentation was well received by the board of directors. Unfortunately, they believed the report was solely written by your boss, and he has purposely taken all the credit with no recognition given to you. Scenario Card 2: You saw your colleague using company materials to prepare for his personal interest. In fact, it is for his own personal business. Scenario Card 3: You have been yelled at by your boss and as a result you have very low esteem and you are thinking of quitting. Scenario Card 4: You are faced with an impromptu situation at a company event and it requires you to immediately take up the role as the MC (master of ceremonies). However, you dislike public speaking and you are afraid to be laughed at. Scenario Card 5: The Christmas holidays is coming and your boss is on vacation. Should you be thinking of taking advantage of the situation and do your own things during this period? Scenario Card 6: You have quarreled with your spouse because your salary income is not as good as expected and you now feel upset by this extra financial burden. Business Role Plays

  35. General Guidelines for Elective Activity • Safety • Explore options and have a backup plan • Let students do the planning and review with their Teachers • Teachers must accompany students • Schools should provide insurance coverage

  36. Sample Milestones Decide topic Lesson on starting a research Interim review meeting with ongoing support Research Evaluation Elective Activity– Business Case Research

  37. Sample Key Tasks Planning & Organizing Form teams and assign responsibility Activities within event (e.g. Team Competitions) Sharing & discussion Elective Activity – Retreat/Social Experience

  38. All materials and additional business case stories available at the SCP Intranet Website: www.ydc.org.hk/scp

  39. The EndTHANK YOU!

  40. YDC School-Company Partnership2006-07青年企業家發展局商校伙伴計劃 Train-the-Trainer Workshop 3 March, 2007

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