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Peripheral neuropathy is a condition that affects the nerves outside the brain and spinal cord. As is evident from the name, peripheral relates to anything outside u2013 the brain and the spinal cord (the central nervous system), while neuropathy is a disease affecting the nerves. As a result, the nerves that act as messengers carrying messages to and from the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body are damaged. Read more: https://austinpaindoctor.com/peripheral-neuropathy-impact-on-quality-of-life
April 7, 2022 / Pain Management / Neuropathy, Pain Management, Paincare PRIPHRAL NUROPATHY: HOW IT IMPACT TH QUALITY OF LIF Peripheral neuropath i a condition that affect the nerve outide the rain and pinal cord. A i evident from the name, peripheral relate to anthing outide – the rain and the pinal cord (the central nervou tem), while neuropath i a dieae affecting the nerve. A a reult, the nerve that act a meenger carring meage to and from the rain and pinal cord to the ret of the od are damaged. Due to thi interruption in the communication that i critical for od moilit, mucle movement can ecome impaired, affecting movement in the lim and alo cauing pain. Conidering the lo of movement and pain that an individual with thi condition experience, everal iue can arie that draticall impact the individual’ qualit of life. Thi could include lo of alance, change and imalance in gait, taing or urning pain in the lim, a higher rik of fall, etc., due to the nerve damage affecting the motor and enor nerve. Peripheral neuropath can manifet a mononeuropath where onl one nerve i affected or a polneuropath where multiple nerve are affected. While the
former i uncommon, the latter i more common with carpal tunnel ndromeformer i uncommon, the latter i more common with carpal tunnel ndrome eing one example. COMMON CAU OF PRIPHRAL NUROPATHY Diaete i among the mot common caue of peripheral neuropath reulting in extenive nerve damage. eond thi however, there can e everal other caue. Thee could include injurie, predipoition, hereditar caue, etc. Common caue of peripheral neuropath include: Diaete – Approximatel 50% of people with diaete are vulnerale to developing ome form of neuropath[1]. Autoimmune dieae – Dieae uch a Guillainarre ndrome, vaculiti, lupu, rheumatoid arthriti, jogren’ ndrome, and chronic in몭ammator demelinating polneuropath can reult in peripheral neuropath. Inherited condition – Condition uch a CharcotMarieTooth dieae are hereditar and known to reult in peci몭c tpe of neuropathie. Viral/acterial infection – Infection uch a lepro, HIV, hingle, pteinarr viru, and more alo increae the individual’ uceptiilit to neuropathie. enign and malignant growth – An growth or tumor that pre againt the nerve or reduce the od’ immune repone can alo e a caue of peripheral neuropath. Other dieae and diorder that can caue peripheral neuropath include hpothroidim, liver dieae, kidne dieae, lmphoma, etc. eond dieae and diorder, there are other caue of the condition a well. Thee include the following: peci몭c medication uch a thoe ued to treat cancer Vitamin de몭ciencie xceive conumption of alcohol xpoure to toxic utance Injurie cauing preure on the nerve In rare cae, depite extenive evaluation and examination, the caue ma not e evident. uch neuropathie are clai몭ed a idiopathic neuropath. COMMON YMPTOM OF PRIPHRAL NUROPATHY
The nerve in the human od are clai몭ed into three different uheadThe nerve in the human od are clai몭ed into three different uhead depending on their peci몭c et of function. The are a follow: Autonomic nerve – Function uch a ladder movement and control, heart rate, digetive ailitie, and lood preure are under the control of the autonomic nerve enor nerve – The od’ ailit to ene or feel, pain, touch, heat or cold, etc., are controlled through the enor nerve Motor nerve – Thee nerve control the movement of mucle The manifetation of the mptom of peripheral neuropath i dependent on which of the nerve have een affected. If the motor nerve are affected, the following are ome of the mptom that ou are likel to experience: Mucle weakne Lack of alance harp, jaing, throing or urning pain Mucle cramp Lack of coordination Pain during normal da to da activitie Twitching enation udden fall Parali in extreme cae When enor nerve are affected, ou ma experience the following: udden or gradual onet of enation of tingling and numne that ma travel along the lim Reduced enation enation or feeling of wearing clothe uch a ock or glove, even when ou are not xtreme enitivit to touch When autonomic nerve are affected, ou ma experience mptom uch a: Low lood preure Prolem and control of ladder and/or owel movement xceive perpiration Digetive iue Intolerance to heat
Contipation COMPLICATION AOCIATD WITH PRIPHRAL NUROPATHY Peripheral neuropath, when left untreated, can caue eriou complication. ome mot commonl occurring include: Diaetic foot ulcer Gangrene lood circulation iue Increaed incidence of fall Increaed chance of urn and kin injurie due to reduced enation in the kin Increaed infection a a reult of low kin enitivit evere digetive diorder Complete lo of owel/ladder control Heart condition arl diagnoi and treatment can not onl help prevent mot of thee complication, it can alo top the progreion of the peripheral nerve damage. TRATMNT OPTION FOR PRIPHRAL NUROPATHY AT ADVANCD PAIN CAR To identif the potential caue of peripheral neuropath, the pecialit at Advanced Pain Care will complete a comprehenive examination that will include the following: 1. Phical examination 2. Review of famil and previou health hitor 3. Review of current lifetle 4. Neurological examination Tet are alo likel to e ordered uch a: lood tet to detect diaete, vitamin de몭ciencie, immune tem function, etc. Imaging tet to detect tumor, nerve compreion, herniated dic, etc. Nerve function tet to detect the extent of the nerve damage iopie of the kin and/or nerve Other tet uch a weat tet, enor tet, and more The treatment option at Advanced Pain Care include the following: 1. Medication – The pecialit at Advanced Pain Care ma egin treatment
with medication. Thee can include painrelieving drug uch a nonwith medication. Thee can include painrelieving drug uch a non teroidal antiin몭ammator drug or opioid depending on the intenit of the pain. It can alo include antieizure and antidepreant medicine, a well a topical application in cae of kin enitivit iue. 2. Phical therap – Thi i helpful in the cae of motor nerverelated iue that affect poture, alance, and gait. 3. Therapie – The pecialit at Advanced Pain Care facilitate different treatment therapie that include pinal cord timulation, Trancutaneou lectrical Nerve timulation (TN), plama exchange, nerve lock, and more. In rare cae, and where required, the pecialit ma conider urger a an option. Nerve decompreion urger i mot commonl performed, primaril to relieve preure on the nerve. Other urgical intervention include the following: Thermocoagulation Microvacular decompreion tereotactic urger Peripheral neuroli Neural augmentative urgerie to timulate the affected nerve alloon decompreion Gammaknife radiourger Nerve alation Intrathecal pump for drug deliver Plamapherei Neuromodulator Deep rain timulation Motor cortex timulation If ou have een experiencing nerve pain, or are experiencing an of the ign and mptom lited aove, relief i availale at Advanced Pain Care. Viit u online or call 5122444272 to chedule a ame or nextda appointment with a neurourgeon or pain management doctor. At Advanced Pain Care, we accept inurance coverage from different network carrier. Click here to check if our inurance provider i lited. We alo have a patient portal to facilitate ea acce to all our facilitie including precription and ill pa. Additionall, ou can re몭ll a precription or requet record online hould ou need them. We have everal center erving Autin, Amarillo, and Waco/Killeen a well a advanced urger center in Round Rock, Autin, and Amarillo. You can contact
u on our mainline or check our weite for centerpeci몭c contact detail.u on our mainline or check our weite for centerpeci몭c contact detail. Reference [1] http://www.uptodate.com/content/epidemiologandclai몭cationofdiaeticneuropath Dr. Mark T. Malone Mark T. Malone, M.D., i a oard Certi몭ed pain pecialit and a native Texan. He received hi undergraduate degree from the Univerit of Texa at Autin, and went on to attend the Univerit of Texa outhwetern Medical chool. Dr. Malone attended alor College of Medicine… View Pro몭le