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GENERAL USE OF GERUNDS and INFINITIVES ( grammar book unit 12)

GENERAL USE OF GERUNDS and INFINITIVES ( grammar book unit 12).

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GENERAL USE OF GERUNDS and INFINITIVES ( grammar book unit 12)

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  1. GENERAL USE OF GERUNDS and INFINITIVES (grammar book unit 12) • Aftercertainverbs and expressions: admit, avoid, can’t help, can’t stand, carry on, deny, enjoy, fancy, finish, give up, keep on, imagine, involve, mind, miss, postpone, practise, risk, stop, suggest. • Use the infinitive (withto) aftercertainverbs and expressions: agree, appear, beableto, can’t afford, can’t wait, decide, expect, happen, have (got), help, learn, manage, offer, plan, pretend, promise, refuse, seem, teach, tend, threaten, want, wouldlike. • Use the infinitive (withoutto) aftermodalverbs: can, may, might, must, should, hadbetter, wouldrather, and after the verbsmakeandlet.

  2. Bothgerund and infinitive with no/littlechangeofmeaning • Some verbs can befollowedby the gerund or infinitive (withto) with no changeofmeaning: begin, start, continue. • Love, like, hate and prefer can alsobeusedwitheither, but the gerundis more common whenyou are talkinggenerally, and the infinitive whenyou talk about a specificoccasion. Compare: I likeskiing. (in general). I liketo ski in February or March (specific).

  3. Bothgerund and infinitive with a changeofmeaning • Remember + infinitive = youremember first, thenyou do something: Remembertolock the door. • Remember + gerund= you do somethingthenyourememberit: I remembergoingtoVeniceas a child. • Forget + infinitive = youdidn’t rememberto do something: Sorry, I forgotto do it. • Forget + gerund= youdidsomething and youwon’t forgetit. Itis more common in the negative: I’llneverforgetseeing the TajMahal. • Try + infinitive = makeaneffortto do something: I triedto open the window. • Try + gerund= experimenttoseeifsomethingworks: Trycalling Miriam on her mobile. • Need + gerundis a passive construction: Compare: Youneedtoclean the car, but the carneedscleaning.

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