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House Of Prayers. Which House has the perfect shape?. 1. Christ. Wife. Husband. Children. 2. Christ. Husband. Wife. Children. 3. Christ. Wife. Husband. Children. 4. Christ. Children. Wife. Husband. 5. Wife. Husband. Christ. Children. 6. Christ. Husband. Wife.
1 Christ Wife Husband Children
2 Christ Husband Wife Children
3 Christ Wife Husband Children
4 Christ Children Wife Husband
5 Wife Husband Christ Children
6 Christ Husband Wife Children
Wife Husband Christ Children
How can we reach such perfect image in our house? • John15:5-7 • 5 انا الكرمة وانتم الاغصان.الذي يثبت فيّ وانا فيه هذا يأتي بثمر كثير.لانكم بدوني لا تقدرون ان تفعلوا شيئا. 6 ان كان احد لا يثبت فيّ يطرح خارجا كالغصن فيجف ويجمعونه ويطرحونه في النار فيحترق. 7 ان ثبتم فيّ وثبت كلامي فيكم تطلبون ما تريدون فيكون لكم • By abiding in Christ
How can we abide in Christ? • By talking to him (Prayers). • By listening to him (Bible). • By taking him inside us (Communion). • Fasting. • Love.
Practical steps to house of prayers • Rearrange your priority list. • Set a regular time everyday. • Set an appropriate place. • Seek F of C guidance in regards to content and frequency.
How do I teach my children to pray? • Joshua 24:15 • .واما انا وبيتي فنعبد الرب…… • Pray with them.
How do I teach my children to pray? • 1 Samuel 12:23 • 23 واما انا فحاشا لي ان اخطئ الى الرب فاكف عن الصلاة من اجلكم بل اعلمكم الطريق الصالح المستقيم. • Pray for them.
How do I teach my children to pray? • Genesis 25:21 • وصلّى اسحق الى الرب لاجل امرأته لانها كانت عاقرا.فاستجاب له الرب • By watching his father Abraham, Isaac knew what to do when he faced a problem. • Pray in front of them.
Your child asks you:I get no answer for my prayers, how would you respond? • The simplest explanation we can think of is that God's responses to our prayers are like the colors of a stoplight: Sometimes God replies with green for "Yes," sometimes with red for "No," and often with yellow, which means that we have to slow down and wait for the answer.
Your child asks you:I get no answer for my prayers, how would you respond? • God is a parent, someone who loves us unconditionally and wants us to grow and flourish. A child can comprehend that God, like any parent, will sometimes refuse to give us what we ask for if it isn't what's best for us. On the other hand, God can also surprise us with presents we never expected to receive.
Practical steps to house of prayers • Rearrange your priority list. • Set a regular time everyday. • Set an appropriate place. • Seek F of C guidance in regards to content and frequency.
Obstacles to prayer • Ps.66:18; • 18 ان راعيت اثما في قلبي لا يستمع لي الرب. • Isa.59:1-2 • ها ان يد الرب لم تقصر عن ان تخلّص ولم تثقل اذنه عن ان تسمع. 2 بل آثامكم صارت فاصلة بينكم وبين الهكم وخطاياكم سترت وجهه عنكم حتى لا يسمع. • Conscious unconfessed sins.
Obstacles to prayer • 1 Pet.3:7 • 7 كذلكم ايها الرجال كونوا ساكنين بحسب الفطنة مع الاناء النسائي كالاضعف معطين اياهنّ كرامة كالوارثات ايضا معكم نعمة الحياة لكي لا تعاق صلواتكم. • A wrong attitude towards your spouse.
Obstacles to prayer • James 4:3 • 3 تطلبون ولستم تأخذون لانكم تطلبون رديّا لكي تنفقوا في لذّاتكم • Wrong requests.
Obstacles to prayer • Ps 63:1 • .يا الله الهي انت.اليك ابكّر.عطشت اليك نفسي يشتاق اليك جسدي في ارض ناشفة ويابسة بلا ماء • Late position in my to do list.
Obstacles to prayer • Conscious unconfessed sins. • A wrong attitude towards your spouse. • Wrong requests. • Late position in my to do list.