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Oil Refinery. . . Crude Oil. . . . Fuels. Chemicals. Polymers. Oil Refinery. $431/ton$66/bbl$1.57/gal. $566/ton$73/bbl$1.73/gal. Biomass Refinery. . . Biomass. . . . Fuels. Chemicals. Polymers. Biomass Refinery. $40/ton$15/bbl*$0.36/gal*. $362 543/ton$50 75/bbl$1.20 1.80/gal. * Equiv
1. Mark Holtzapple Department of Chemical Engineering Texas A&M University This testimony will describe both biofuels and the StarRotor engine. Mark Holtzapple, the speaker, is a professor of chemical engineering at Texas A&M University. He may be contacted in the following ways:
Mark Holtzapple
Department of Chemical Engineering
3122 TAMU
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-3122
979-845-9708 (phone)
979-845-6446 (fax)
979-219-2599 (cell phone)
m-holtzapple@tamu.eduThis testimony will describe both biofuels and the StarRotor engine. Mark Holtzapple, the speaker, is a professor of chemical engineering at Texas A&M University. He may be contacted in the following ways:
Mark Holtzapple
Department of Chemical Engineering
3122 TAMU
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-3122
979-845-9708 (phone)
979-845-6446 (fax)
979-219-2599 (cell phone)
2. Oil Refinery
3. Biomass Refinery
4. Chemicals: 1st Generation
5. Chemicals: 1st Generation
6. Chemicals: 1st Generation
7. Chemicals: 1st Generation
8. Chemicals: 2nd Generation
9. Chemicals: 2nd Generation
10. Chemicals: 3rd Generation
11. Chemical Flowchart
12. Carboxylic Acids
13. Ketones
14. Aldehydes
15. Secondary Alcohols
16. Primary Alcohols
17. Esters
18. Ethers
19. Chemicals: 3rd Generation
20. Chemicals: 3rd Generation
21. 1. Uses Multiple Feedstocks trees
agricultural residues
energy crops An ideal process should accept a wide variety of feedstocks, such as trees, grass, agricultural residues, energy crops, municipal solid waste, sewage sludge, and animal manure.An ideal process should accept a wide variety of feedstocks, such as trees, grass, agricultural residues, energy crops, municipal solid waste, sewage sludge, and animal manure.
22. Biomass wastes can produce up to 135 billion gallons of alcohol per year, which is a significant portion of our annual gasoline and diesel consumption.Biomass wastes can produce up to 135 billion gallons of alcohol per year, which is a significant portion of our annual gasoline and diesel consumption.
23. 2. Uses High-Productivity Feedstocks To minimize land area, high-productivity crops must be used. The corn yield assumes the US average [143 bushels/(acre·yr)] with 15% moisture. Sweet sorghum yields of 20 dry tons/(acre·yr) have been demonstrated in Texas test plots and energy cane yields of 30 dry tons/(acre·yr) have been demonstrated in Puerto Rico test plots.To minimize land area, high-productivity crops must be used. The corn yield assumes the US average [143 bushels/(acre·yr)] with 15% moisture. Sweet sorghum yields of 20 dry tons/(acre·yr) have been demonstrated in Texas test plots and energy cane yields of 30 dry tons/(acre·yr) have been demonstrated in Puerto Rico test plots.
24. Sweet Sorghum
25. Energy cane is a high-productivity variety of sugarcane that grows in the tropics and semi-tropics. These two full-grown men are standing next to one year’s growth of energy cane, which stands about 15 feet in height. This photograph was taken in Puerto Rico.Energy cane is a high-productivity variety of sugarcane that grows in the tropics and semi-tropics. These two full-grown men are standing next to one year’s growth of energy cane, which stands about 15 feet in height. This photograph was taken in Puerto Rico.
26. This photograph shows the length of the energy cane when cut.This photograph shows the length of the energy cane when cut.
27. Productivity in Puerto Rico(dry ton/(acre·yr))
28. Energy Cane Processing
29. Some Potential Commodity Products from Sugar Food acidulants
Citric, gluconic, succinic acids
Biodegradable polymers
Polylactic acid
Synthetic rubber precursors
2,3-butanediol, a precursor to butadiene
Fiber precursors
1,3-propanediol, a component of DuPont's Sorona
30. Aquatic Biomass – Water Hyacinth
31. Aquatic Biomass – Water Hyacinth
32. Aquatic vs Terrestrial Feedstocks To minimize land area, high-productivity crops must be used. The corn yield assumes the US average [143 bushels/(acre·yr)] with 15% moisture. Sweet sorghum yields of 20 dry tons/(acre·yr) have been demonstrated in Texas test plots and energy cane yields of 30 dry tons/(acre·yr) have been demonstrated in Puerto Rico test plots.To minimize land area, high-productivity crops must be used. The corn yield assumes the US average [143 bushels/(acre·yr)] with 15% moisture. Sweet sorghum yields of 20 dry tons/(acre·yr) have been demonstrated in Texas test plots and energy cane yields of 30 dry tons/(acre·yr) have been demonstrated in Puerto Rico test plots.
33. 3. Increases Agricultural Income Farmers can gross much more per acre by growing energy crops (e.g., sweet sorghum or energy cane) than by growing corn.Farmers can gross much more per acre by growing energy crops (e.g., sweet sorghum or energy cane) than by growing corn.
34. 4. Reduces Environmental Impact To grow biomass, there is an environmental cost (water, fertilizer, pesticides, herbicides, and eroded soil). Compared to corn, sweet sorghum and energy cane require less inputs per unit of biomass produced. To grow biomass, there is an environmental cost (water, fertilizer, pesticides, herbicides, and eroded soil). Compared to corn, sweet sorghum and energy cane require less inputs per unit of biomass produced.
35. 5. Desirable Process Properties The ideal properties of a process that converts biomass to fuels may be described as follows:
Sterility – A process that requires sterility requires extra energy and capital inputs. Also, the plant operators must be sophisticated to maintain sterility. If sterility is violated, the product can spoil and become a disposal problem. Ideally, a process should not require sterility.
Genetically modified organisms (GMO) – Genetically modified organisms are often unstable. Also, their disposal creates environmental challenges. Ideally, a process should not use genetically modified organisms.
Adaptable –Preferred feedstocks may become scarce due to drought, insects, or other environmental problems. Ideally, the process should adapt to a variety of feedstocks so that replacements can be found during difficult times.
Pure cultures – Pure cultures of organisms require sophisticated persons, such a microbiologists, to monitor the cultures and grow them from stock cultures. Ideally, the process should not require pure cultures.
Capital – It will be expensive to install the infrastructure to use biomass feedstocks. Ideally, the process should be inexpensive so that capital is easy to raise and plants can be built quickly.
Enzymes – Enzymes are expensive to manufacture. Ideally, the process should not require enzymes.
Product yields – Biomass has many components (cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, starch, pectin, lipids, proteins, etc.). Ideally, all of these components should be converted to product.
Vitamins – Microorganisms require vitamins to grow. Typically, these can be supplied from corn steep liquor, but there is not enough available to service a large biofuel industry. Ideally, the process should not require vitamins.
Co-Products – A process that requires valuable co-products (e.g., protein) to be economical will have limited applications. Once the co-product market is saturated, additional plants cannot be built. Ideally, the process should not require valuable co-products to make the economics work.The ideal properties of a process that converts biomass to fuels may be described as follows:
Sterility – A process that requires sterility requires extra energy and capital inputs. Also, the plant operators must be sophisticated to maintain sterility. If sterility is violated, the product can spoil and become a disposal problem. Ideally, a process should not require sterility.
Genetically modified organisms (GMO) – Genetically modified organisms are often unstable. Also, their disposal creates environmental challenges. Ideally, a process should not use genetically modified organisms.
Adaptable –Preferred feedstocks may become scarce due to drought, insects, or other environmental problems. Ideally, the process should adapt to a variety of feedstocks so that replacements can be found during difficult times.
Pure cultures – Pure cultures of organisms require sophisticated persons, such a microbiologists, to monitor the cultures and grow them from stock cultures. Ideally, the process should not require pure cultures.
Capital – It will be expensive to install the infrastructure to use biomass feedstocks. Ideally, the process should be inexpensive so that capital is easy to raise and plants can be built quickly.
Enzymes – Enzymes are expensive to manufacture. Ideally, the process should not require enzymes.
Product yields – Biomass has many components (cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, starch, pectin, lipids, proteins, etc.). Ideally, all of these components should be converted to product.
Vitamins – Microorganisms require vitamins to grow. Typically, these can be supplied from corn steep liquor, but there is not enough available to service a large biofuel industry. Ideally, the process should not require vitamins.
Co-Products – A process that requires valuable co-products (e.g., protein) to be economical will have limited applications. Once the co-product market is saturated, additional plants cannot be built. Ideally, the process should not require valuable co-products to make the economics work.
36. 6. Desirable Fuel Properties Lastly, let’s identify the ideal properties of the fuel.Lastly, let’s identify the ideal properties of the fuel.
37. Fuel Properties Key properties of fuel components are described below:
Octane – A high octane rating is required to prevent internal combustion gasoline engines from knocking, which can cause damage. All the fuel components (ethanol, MTBE, and mixed alcohols) have a high octane rating.
Volatility – Volatile emissions from the fuel tank cause air pollution. Ethanol is very polar, which raises the fuel volatility. In contrast, MTBE and mixed alcohols have a low volatility.
Pipeline shipping – To lower costs, fuel components should be shipped through the pipelines. Ethanol is so polar, it absorbs water in the pipelines causing fuel problems. To prevent this problem, it is shipped by train or truck to the terminal where it is “splash blended,” an expensive proposition. In contrast, MTBE and mixed alcohols can be shipped through the pipelines.
Energy content – The purpose of fuel is to store energy. Fuels with a high oxygen content, such as ethanol, have a low energy content whereas fuels with a lower oxygen content, such as MTBE and mixed alcohols, have a high energy content.
Heat of vaporization – Ethanol requires a lot of energy to vaporize, which can cause engine starting problems. In contrast, MTBE and mixed alcohols have a lower heat of vaporization.
Ground water damage – Fuel is stored in underground tanks, which tend to leak. MTBE contaminates ground water and is being banned. In contrast, the alcohols do not damage ground water.Key properties of fuel components are described below:
Octane – A high octane rating is required to prevent internal combustion gasoline engines from knocking, which can cause damage. All the fuel components (ethanol, MTBE, and mixed alcohols) have a high octane rating.
Volatility – Volatile emissions from the fuel tank cause air pollution. Ethanol is very polar, which raises the fuel volatility. In contrast, MTBE and mixed alcohols have a low volatility.
Pipeline shipping – To lower costs, fuel components should be shipped through the pipelines. Ethanol is so polar, it absorbs water in the pipelines causing fuel problems. To prevent this problem, it is shipped by train or truck to the terminal where it is “splash blended,” an expensive proposition. In contrast, MTBE and mixed alcohols can be shipped through the pipelines.
Energy content – The purpose of fuel is to store energy. Fuels with a high oxygen content, such as ethanol, have a low energy content whereas fuels with a lower oxygen content, such as MTBE and mixed alcohols, have a high energy content.
Heat of vaporization – Ethanol requires a lot of energy to vaporize, which can cause engine starting problems. In contrast, MTBE and mixed alcohols have a lower heat of vaporization.
Ground water damage – Fuel is stored in underground tanks, which tend to leak. MTBE contaminates ground water and is being banned. In contrast, the alcohols do not damage ground water.
38. Properties of Fuel Oxygenates
39. Energy Content
40. MixAlco Process The process economics are shown in the next few pages.The process economics are shown in the next few pages.
42. MixAlco Process – Version 1
44. Advanced Lime Treatment
45. Building the Pile
46. Building the Pile
47. Building the Pile
48. Lignin Removal
51. Environments where organic acids naturally form animal rumen
- cattle
- sheep
- deer
- elephants
anaerobic sewage digestors
termite guts
52. Why are organic acids favored?
53. Typical Product Spectrumat Different Culture Temperatures
57. Marine Inoculum
58. Storage + Pretreatment + Fermentation
60. A compressor pulls a slight vacuum on the salt solution, causing water to boil. The compressor pressurizes the water allowing it to condense in a heat exchanger. The heat of condensation from the condensing steam provides the heat of evaporation needed by the boiling salt solution; thus, the heat is cycled. The small amount of work input to the compressor drives the cycle. The salt crystals are removed by filtration and sent for further processing.
This process can also be used to desalinate seawater to make drinking water.A compressor pulls a slight vacuum on the salt solution, causing water to boil. The compressor pressurizes the water allowing it to condense in a heat exchanger. The heat of condensation from the condensing steam provides the heat of evaporation needed by the boiling salt solution; thus, the heat is cycled. The small amount of work input to the compressor drives the cycle. The salt crystals are removed by filtration and sent for further processing.
This process can also be used to desalinate seawater to make drinking water.
62. Thermal Conversion Stoichiometry
63. Thermal Conversion Kinetics
66. Ketone Hydrogenation Stoichiometry
67. Ketone Hydrogenation
69. MixAlco Process – Version 2
70. Acid “Springing”
71. MixAlco Process – Version 2
72. Hydrogenation Stoichiometry
73. Hydrogenation
74. Economics
75. Capital and Feedstock Cost
76. Costs – Basic Assumptions
77. Costs – Basic Assumptions
78. Costs – Feedstock $/tonne $/gal $/yr
Biomass ($60/tonne) 60.00 0.352 19,220,312
Lime, CaO ($100/tonne) 7.60 0.045 2,432,413
Inhibitor ($6/kg) 1.00 0.006 322,909
Hydrogen ($990/tonne) 40.89 0.239 13,203,753
109.49 0.642 35,179,387
79. Costs – Utilities $/tonne $/gal $/yr
Electricity ($0.08/kWh) 2.96 0.017 955,810
Steam ($10/GJ) 14.18 0.083 4,578,851
Natural gas ($8/GJ) 7.20 0.042 2,324,945
Cooling water ($0.06/m3) 3.17 0.019 1,023,622
Solid fuel sales ($2.50/GJ) -9.25 -0.054 -2,986,909
18.26 0.107 5,896,319
80. Costs – Labor $/tonne $/gal $/yr
Plant manager (1 @ $150,000/yr) 0.475 0.003 150,000
Supervisors (4 @ $80,000/yr) 1.003 0.006 320,000
Sales (1 @ $80,000/yr) 0.246 0.002 80,000
Clerical (3 @ $40,000) 0.377 0.002 120,000
Workers (20 @ $45,000/yr) 2.813 0.016 900,000
4.914 0.029 1,570,000
81. Costs – Fixed Charges $/tonne $/gal $/yr
Depreciation (0.1 X FCI) 17.18 0.101 5,500,000
Local tax (0.03 X FCI ) 5.16 0.030 1,650,000
Insurance (0.007 X FCI ) 1.20 0.007 385,000
Maintenance (0.04 X FCI ) 6.94 0.041 2,220,000
30.48 0.179 9,755,000
82. Costs – Fixed Charges $/tonne $/gal $/yr
Depreciation (0.1 X FCI) 34.36 0.202 11,000,000
Local tax (0.03 X FCI ) 10.32 0.060 3,300,000
Insurance (0.007 X FCI ) 2.40 0.014 770,000
Maintenance (0.04 X FCI ) 13.88 0.082 4,440,000
60.96 0.358 19,510,000
83. Costs – Summary $/tonne $/gal $/yr
Feedstock 109.49 0.642 35,179,387
Utilities 18.26 0.107 5,896,319
Labor 4.91 0.029 1,570,000
Fixed Charges 30.48 0.179 9,755,000
162.42 0.957 52,400,706
84. Costs – Summary $/tonne $/gal $/yr
Feedstock 109.49 0.642 35,179,387
Utilities 18.26 0.107 5,896,319
Labor 4.91 0.029 1,570,000
Fixed Charges 60.96 0.358 19,510,000
192.90 1.136 62,155,706
85. Ethanol Price History – 10 years
86. Ethanol Price History – 18 months
87. Profitability
88. Return on Investment ($1/annual gallon)
89. Profitability
90. Return on Investment ($2/annual gallon)
91. Issues
92. 1. Biomass Harvesting and Transport
98. Transportation Costs ($/(m3·1000 km))
99. Cost of Transporting Energy ($/(GJ·1000 km)
102. 2. Land Availability
103. Centralized Processing of Energy Cane
104. Centralized Processing of Energy Cane
105. Centralized Processing of Energy Cane
106. Supply US Gasoline Consumption
107. Effect of Automotive Efficiency
108. Energy Cane Land Required in Brazil
109. Sweet Sorghum Land Area in United States
110. 3. Energetics
111. MixAlco Fermentation
112. MixAlco Fermentation
115. Dewatering Energetics
116. 4. Environmentally Acceptable Hydrogen Sources
117. 4. Environmentally Acceptable Hydrogen Sources
118. 4. Environmentally Acceptable Hydrogen Sources
119. 4. Environmentally Acceptable Hydrogen Sources
120. 4. Environmentally Acceptable Hydrogen Sources
121. 4. Environmentally Acceptable Hydrogen Sources
122. 4. Environmentally Acceptable Hydrogen Sources
123. 5. Purification
124. Crystallization
125. Acid “Springing”
126. Distillation
127. RecentImprovements
128. Ammonium Bicarbonate Buffer
129. Ammonium Bicarbonate Buffer
130. Acid Production
131. Alcohol Production
132. Conclusions The technology is
- “green”
- profitable
- world-wide
- simple
Many potential products
- ketones
- alcohols
- organic acids
133. Conclusions Near-term applications
- waste ® chemicals
Mid-term applications
- waste ® fuels
Far-term applications
- crops ® fuels